Page 46 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 46
Coucbaot - Lying down. Beasts signifying that it is decorated with
thus blazoned should be drawn with fleurs-de-lis on both sides.
their heads upnght to distinguish
their position from donnant. In this Coaatet Passant - Passant to tlie
particular position the tail is nor- sinister.
mally drawn as folded under the
body and appearing between the Counter Potent - A fur (q.v.).
dexter hiad leg and the stomach
and from there elevated over the Counter Vair - A fur (q.v.).
Cooped - Cut off in straigh~ linc as
Coulter - A plough share.
for the head or a limb. Tt is generally
of importance to give details as Io
Connter - This term rnay be em- where the limb has been severed.
ployed with several variations of
meaning. When applied to two Couple close - A diminutive of tlie
animals it signifies that they are chevron of which it is one quarter
turned in a direction opposite to the width. They are always borne in
normal; for example, two foxes pairs, frequently in conjunction wilh
counter salient. If only one animal the chevron which is then said to be
is spoken of it means tbat it faces between couple-closes. Some Her-
10 ihe sinister.
alds use the expression of a chevron
cotised, however.
Connter changed - This expression
appears very frequently in Heraldry Courant - Running at full speed as
and it signifies that a field consists the white horse of Hanover.
ConrtRsy Titles - In many cases
the second title of a peer rnay be
conceded by Royal Grace to be
borne by his eldest son during Iiis
lifetime. Courresy Titles do not
carry any right to use coronet, sup-
porters or peer's helm.
Court of Chivalry - This was
formed during the 13th and 14th
centuries for the purpose of adjudi-
cating in cases arising from deeds of
Per Pale, a Chevroil arms outside the Kingdom and
counter changed
rhose within it that could not be
settled by comrnon law.
of metal and colour separated by The Court of Chivalry is seldoni
one of the Iines of partition named active in modern times and in 1954
from the ordinaries the charges or it sat after an interval of 223 years
parts of charges placed upon the for the purpose of trying a case
metal are of the colour and vice between the Manchester City Cor-
versa. poration and a private Company
operating a fun fair whi& set up the
Counter Bory - Used particularly in Manchester City arms over the
connection witli a double tressure entrance of their establishment.