Page 43 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 43

which  is  the  site  on  which  the  Componé,  compony,  gobony  -
                              present College of  Arms now stands.  Refers  to  a  single  line  of  squares
                                The College of  Arms is a depart-  of  two tinctures which may be found
                              nient  of  the  RoyaI  household  oper-  in  connection  with  an  ordinary  or
                              ating  under  the  Earl  Marshal  who  subordinary.  e.g. The bordure com-
                              has  a  number  of  officers  of  Ams
                              (q.v.1 to  carry  out al1  the  duties  in
                              connection  with  issuing and record-  Componé  counter  componé  - A
                              ing armorial  bearings  in the United  double  line  of  squares  of  two  tinc-
                              Kingdom.  Until  1943  one  of  the  tures  used  in  a  similar  manner  to
                              Kings  of  Arms  also  supervised  the  componé.
                              whole  of  Ireland  but  in  that  year
                              the Irish  government estabIished  its
                              own state HeraId who still works  in
                              close CO-operation with Norroy King
                              of  Arms who now supervises Ulster.
                              Conjoined - Joined  together,
                              Colomb - An  alternative  Heraldic
                              name  for  the  dove.
                              Cobn - The architectural  column
                              appearing occasionaIly  as a  charge
                              and  of  which  the  type  must  be
                                                               Concave - Arched.
                              stated in  blazon.
                                                               Coney - The Heraldic name for the
                              Combatant - Describes two animais
                              rampant  facing  each  other  on  a
                              shield as if  in battle.
                                                               Conûrmation  of  Arms  - A  docu-
                                                               ment  issued by  the College of  Arms
                              Combed  - An  expression  refer~g
                                                               or Lyon  Office confirming  a  man's
                              to  the  crest  of  a  cock.
                                                               right  to  arn-iorial  ' bearings.  Issue
                                                               of  such  confirmation  generally  fol-
                              Cornpartment  - The  space  below  lows  research  into  his  ancestry  and
                              the  shield  on  which  the  supporters  definite proof  of  lineal male descent.
                              stand. Until  the  reign  of  George V
                              the  cornpartment  was  variously  a  Comtellations  -  A  general  term
                              small strip of  ground, pedestals, pel-  applying  to  heavenly  bodies  which
                              mets  and even a decorative form  of   may  be  found  as  charges  used  in
                              motto  scroll.  In  present  day  Her-  Heraldry.  An  example  being  the
                              aldry,  however, it generally  consists  Southern  cross  which  is  frequently
                              of  a  shallow  mound  representing   to  be  found  in  armorial  bearings
                              grass  or  Sand  sornetimes  decorated   applicable to Australia.
                              witli  flowers and  Stones  to  give  the
                              achievement  a  more  solid  appear-  Contoise - A scarf  bouad  round the
                              ance.                            helm.
                              CompIement - Applied  to the moon  Contowd - Turned (contrary to the
                              when fuii.                       normal  rule)  to  face  the  sinister.
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