Page 108 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 108
the only female privileged to bear Ram - Both the ram and the ram's
ber ams on a shield. She is also head may be seen as charges recog-
entitled to a helmet, mantling, crest nisable by their homs.
and motto and rnay surround her
slueld with the garter and coltars or Rampant - This expression is onIy
applicable to beasts of prey. It im-
ribbons of al1 other orders of
Knighthood of which she is sover- plies rage, when the beast is shown
standing on his sinister hind foot,
his dexter hind foot raised slightly
and the fore paws outstretched with
Queue = The tail of an animat.
the dexter higher than the sinister.
He js facing the dexter with his
Queue fourché - A forked tail.
mouth open and tongue extended,
but there are alternatives to ram-
Qnill, qnWed - Expressions refer-
pant which include gardant, regar-
ring to the feather of a pen.
dant, queue fourché etc.
Quintfoil - The early expression
Raveo - Generally embiazoned in
used occasionally instead of cinque-
the Corb~.
foi1 for the five-~eta]led member a mariner simiiar
of the foi1 family.
Rays - These are always used when
emblazoning the sun or an estoile.
Rebated - Having the points cut
Reeexed - Bent or curved. It especi-
al1y applies to a line or chain
Rabbit - See Coney.
affixed to the collar of a beast and
thrown over his back.
Radiant or Rayonné - One of the
lesser used lines of partition. May
Regardant - Having the head turned
also be applied to an ordiaar~ or
backward to face the sinister.
subordinary encircled
formed of rays.
Regimental insignia - Regimental
badges, formation signs and flashes
Ragged Staff - A ragged staff is are, of course, a form of Heraldry
~0metimCS seen in conjunction with which, in fact, date back to the
a peac It implies that the staff Roman era when such formation
whrch rs cooped ro about the height and unit signs were inscribed upon
of the bear's neck has a number of the shield.
branches which are also cooped.
RegimenM Colours - Control of
Raguly - An expression applied to regimentaI colours is under the
an ordinary having pieces like auspices of Garter, Principal King
cooped branches from it in a slant- of Arms.
ing direction.
Reindeer - Occasionally found in
Railway Locomotive - This has Heraldry and distingutshed from
appeared as a charge in modern the stag by double altires one erect
Heraldry. the other pendent.