Page 103 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 103

near  Paris  but  it  is  a  name  which  Pairlie, Tierced fn - This expression
                                has  been  given  to  other  flags prob-  describes  a shield  which  is  divided
                                ably of  a  sirnilar  colour  and  form.  in  tbree parts, a line  per  pale from
                                  The  Oriflamme  borne  at  Agin-  the  centre  chiet  to  the  fess  point
                                court is said to have been an oblong  and  thence  per  chevron.
                                red  flag  terminating  in  five  points.
                                Orle - A  small bordure  around  the
                                field  but  instead  of  running  round
                                the  edge  of  the shield  a  srnall strip
                                of  the  field  of  similar  width  is  Ieft
                                outside the orle. The orle may be a
                                continuous  strip  or  it  may  consist
                                of  a  number  of  the  same  charges
                                placed  in  orle.
                                Ostrfch  - The  bird  of  that  name
                                                                          Tierced  in  Pairlie
                                occasionally  used  as  a  charge  and
                                airnost  invariably  carrying  some
                                metal  object in  its mouth.
                                                                 ries  (q.v.).
                                Oshich Feathers - May appear as a
                                charge  or  a  part  of  a  crest.  for  Pale  Wise  - Describes  a  number
                                example  Che  BIack  Prince's  shield  of  charges  which  are placed  vertic-
                                of  peace  was  sable  three  ostrich  ally  one  upon  the  other  or  the
                                                                 position  of  a  single  charge  e.g.  a
                                f cathers  argent.
                                                                 sword,  which  is  to  stand  erect.
                                Otter - The  animal  of  that  name
                                appearing as a charge or as a  crest.  Palisado Crown - Similar in type to
                                Sometimes  blazoned  with  a  fish  in  the  Crown Vallery  (q.v.).
                                ils  mouth.
                                                                 Pd - The  Heraldic  figure  of  this
                                Over AU  - An expression used  with  name may be described as the upper
                                reference  to  a  charge  when  it  is  half  of  a  saltire  conjoined  to  the
                                borne  over  al1 the  others.
                                                                 lower half  of  a pale and it is found
                                                                 frequently  as  an  ecclesiastical
                                Overt  - Open,  particuIarly  applied  charge. It originated  from  the stole
                                to  wings.                       Pale - One of  the  principal  ordina-
                                                                 hanging around a clergyman's  neck.
                                Owl  -  A  bird  which  is  always  Pallet - The diminutive of  the pale.
                                depicted full face either as a charge  It  is never borne siagly.
                                or  in  a,
                                                                  Pallium - Alternative  name for  the
                                                                  Palmer's  SM - A straight tapering
                                                                  staff  with  a  nobbed  top  sometimes
                                Padlock  - Tii  early  Heraldq  the  known  as  Burdon  or  Bourdon.
                                fom of  this  charge  varied  but  at
                                the  present  the the  form  used  is  PaIey  - An  expression  used  when
                                the  fetterlock  (q.~.).          a  shield  is  divided  into  an  qua1
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