Page 105 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 105

Ornamental  devices  and  mottoes.
                                                                will  depend  upon  the  number  and
                                                                whether  or not  it is charged.
                               Penned - An expression  used  wben
                               referring  to  the  shaft  or  qua of  a  Pillow - Treated in the same way as
                               Per  - By  means  of.  Used  in  con-  Pily - Ls a division of  the field  into
                               junction  with a dividing Iine e.g. per  an  even  number  of  parts  by  piles
                               fess. per pale. denotes that the shield  placed  perpendicularly  and counter
                               is  divided  into sections as given.
                                                                posed,  the  number must  be  given.
                               Pheon  - The  head  of  a  dart  or
                                                                Piy Bendy - A  field  divided  in10 a
                               arrow which is barbed and engrailed
                                                                number  of  pile  shaped  pieces  bend
                               on  the  inner  sides.  It  is  invariably
                               shown with the point downward un-
                               less  othenvise  blazoned.
                                                                Pincers - Emblazoned  as the ordin-
                                                                ary working  tool.
                                                                Pinioned  - An  expression  rareIy
                                                                found,  which  means  having  whgs.
                                                                Pinson  - Chaffinch.
                                                                Pipe Banoer - A method  of  display-
                                                                ing  arms  used  extensively  in  Scot-
                                                                tish regiments. where each Company
                                                                commander  (who  is  expecred  to
                                                                matriculate  in  Lyon  Register)  dis-
                                                                piays  his  own  anns.  In  some  regi-
                                                                ments  the  whole  achievement  is
                                                                emblazoned  on the banner which  is
                                        -  Reprcsented  as  an  made in the colour of  the regimental
                               eagle  issuing  from  Barnes.
                                                                facings. In others, the shieId  charge
                                                                onJy Ts  emblazoned.
                               Pierced  - Appîied  to  any  bearing
                              which  is  perforated.  The colour  of
                                          charge  on  which  it  is  PIBnta
                                                                                 the  well  knOwn
                                                                which  was  one
                              plad being seen through  the aper-   cushion (q.v.)   - The brOome planc
                               ture.  Alternatively  it  may  be  badges of the House of  Plantagenet.
                              blazoned  as  pierced  of  a  dBerent
                               tincture.                        Plate - A  roundle  argent.
                                The pierce hole should be circular
                               unless  otherwise stated.        Plenitode  - An  alternative  expres-
                                                                sion denoting  fullness  of  the  moon.
                               Pike - The fish.
                                                                Plnme - GeneraIIy refers to a num-
                              Pile - A wedge shaped sub-ordinary  ber  of  feathers  grouped  together
                              generally  pendent  from  the  top  of  in  a  crest.
                               the shield or from the lower line of
                              the chief  but it rnay be  from either  Plnmmet  -  The  leaden  weight,
                               side or even  from  the  base.  Its size  sometimes  found  as  a  cbarge.
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