Page 84 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 84
66 POI"U LA 'l'ION
23-Population rurale agricole et rurale non-agricole de la province de Quêbec,
par groupes d'âge. 1951
23-Rural Farrn and Rural Non-farrn Population of the Province of Quebec, by
Age Groupa. 1951
Population agrlcolo Popu!ntioD non-agrioole
GROUPES D'ÂClE Fann Population Non-farm Population
AOE OROUPS Elo~m Femmes .Ho~ne"
Total 1 Totnl
Mnlo Fomnle Male Female
1 1
117.M8 60,801 57.057 06.080 48,476 46.004
If3.1M 58,0~3 55,111 76,747 39,130 37,017
98,~78 51,162 47.316 50,272 27,779 27,493
82,076 44,3-18 37.728 4U,906 23.293 23,613
66.546 31,460 25.08,1 <1(i,21il 23,000 23,210
44,836 23,9(}3 20.873 46,;;01 2.3,400 23,051
40,472 21,316 19,167 41,337 20,976 20,361
30.3&6 21,070 18,2B6 36,886 19,498 17,308
36,032 19,294 16.738 30.311 16,083 14.228
32,208 17,238 14.070 24,284 12,929 11.366
27,864 15,106 12,75B 10,942 10,3&2 0,600
22,046 12,738 10,208 1f\,~01 8,830 8,066
18.297 10.506 7,791 l!j,;,k\ 7,926 7,685
14,600 8,M2 6,068 14,700 7,642 7,058
10,079 &,B90 4,189 11 ,am 6,168 &,489
6,707 3,822 2.886 7,.'527 3,906 3,531
3,649 1,929 1,620 3,818 1,951 1.867
I,GLO B57 762 1,313 671 702
441 214 227 413 190 22.3
103 42 61 92 41 51
TO'I'u .....•.......... 7641,810 407,430 1 "9,480 591,4~ 302,392 288,061
0- 4 nne-yoan.......•..... 15,33 14.70 16.01 16.08 16.03 16.12
6- 9........... , ........... 14.76 11.25 15.33 12.08 12.94 13.01
10-14....................... 12.84 12.00 13.10 0.3& 9.19 9.61
16-19 ....•..•....•.....•. , .. 10.70 10.88 10.50 7.93 7.70 8.17
20-24 .. , ., ..•............... 7.37 7.72 6.98 7.81 7.61 8.03
25-2\) ....................... 6.85 5.88 5.81 7.86 7.76 7.97
30-34 .......•........•...... &.28 5.23 5.33 6.09 6.94 7.04
36-39 ....................... 6.13 &.17 5.00 6.24 0.45 6.01
40-4-4....................... 4.70 4.74 4.66 5.1l 5.32 4.02
45-4\)....................... 4.20 4.23 1.16 4.10 4.27 8.03
60-54...... , . .......... ..... 3.03 a.71 3.5& 3.37 3.42 3.32
55-59 ................. ..... 2.99 3.13 2.84 2.80 2.02 2.70
60-64 ................. ..... 2.39 2.68 2.17 2.62 2.02 2.G3
M-60 ................. ..... 1.00 2.00 1.68 2.40 2.&3 2.44
70-74 ................. ..... l.:l~ 1.4& 1.16 1.97 2.04 1.00
75-7D ....•..•..•....•. ..... O.HII O.g,\ 0.80 1.27 1.32 1.22
80-8~...............•. ..... O.o1U 0.47 0.45 0.6& 0.05 0.0&
8&-89 ..........•....•. ... 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.22 0.24
90-94 ..........•....•.. ..... 0.06 0.05 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.08
05 & +...... ...... ......... 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 • 0.02
TOTAL .•. ............. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100,00 100.00
Le tn.hl0l1U 23 montre que ln. population 'rable 23 sbows that the rlll'al fal'ID popu-
tllral,~ I1g'l'icole de la province dll Q\I~bec, on latiou of t,he Provinc.\ of Quebec, in 1951,
]051. s chi.ffr li 7136,()1O, et la. ]lor>u][t[ion was 706,910, and the l'ura.! non-fuJ'm popu-
rural non-a~~ic()10 ft 001,453. ~uit 18.0 % et lation, 1301,4:>3, that is, l'espechvely 18.9%
14.5 0 "e' pectivcrtlellt de la pùpuln.tiou totale 3JJd 14.5(i~ of the Provincc's totrd popu-
dl' la Pmvi.Hl\e. lation.
LA recensement dMinit comme POpulMioll 'l'he census defines the rnrl1! fanu popula-
l'urn.le (l,gricole toutes les ]Jersonnes qui, eu tion as comprisiDg aJ! persons who, in 1951,
Hl.')1, demeurai nt dans d s logements situés were living- in a dwelllng situated on l1 fann
dans Ulle ferme ou dans une région l'Ul'l1!0, in l1 mml :Ltea, regMdless or theu' occupation.
inc1épeudamm nt d JeU\'8 flCCUPI1tiol.1S. PM A l'Il.nn ia defined as a holding on whicb ngri-
fermo. on enl;('nd une terre exploitée de trois cultural operations were being canied out and
acr s ou plus, ou de une lL trois acres dont whicb WlJ,S throo or more acres in size, or from
l'exploitation Il 19tiü a dOll1l0 pour pIns de one to three o.cros in Bize wit.b the agricultuml
$250 de produits. production in 1950 flJnounting to $250 or more.