Page 83 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 83

AGEë                                65

     22-Population ur:baine et rurale de \a province de Québec, par: groupes d'âge, en 1951
     22-R ural and Urban Popula tion of the Pr:ovince of Quebec, by Age Grou ps, in 1951
                           Populstion mrAJa - Rural Population  Popul~l.jon uTbl\ine - UTban Popul,,'.ion
         GROUPES D'ÂGE
                                   Bo~m...  1  FemmeJI       Hom_moo  Femmes
          ACI'; GROUPS     Totnl                      Toi al
                                 1  Male    Femllio         1  Ml\le   FaTnnle

      0- 4 llns-yoors............  212.628  108.307  104.2fil  328.8\)6  107 ,5~8  161.298
      5- ~..... ..................  189.901  07.173  92.728  273.54.1  130.114  134,429
     10-14 ..... ..... .. . ...... ....  l1i3,750  78.941  74.~1l0  207.300  10'1.071  102.719
     15-10.,., ...................  128,982  07.041  61.:Hl  208.619  100.12·1  108.3~5
     20-24 .•.....................  102.760  64 .466  48,~m:)  238.1'12  110.0:101  128. lOti
     26-20.........•....•.... ....  91.337  47,413  43.924  241.518  1l3,7tit  t27 . 730
     30-34., .... , . , ........... , ..  81.800  42.291  30.518  214.0·16  10\, 321  \13.322
     36-30 ....................•..  76,222  40.568  :15.0:3,1  200 .154  96.64"  103.500
     40-H .............. , ........  GO,343  35,377  30.00G  175.571  85.2:111  00.3305
     45-19 ......•................  50.492  30.167  20.325  140.636  n.3,H}  74.200
     50-.~·1... ........  . ......  47.806  25.458  22.318  124.723  60,OSI  03,7'12
     r..;-r,9 .............. ,., , ..•..  39.84.7  21,574  18,273  00.771  48.919  50.8'<12
     60-61 .... ...................  33.808  18.432  15,376  82.390  39.989  42.401
     65-(\<1 .... .... . ........ ... . ..  29.300  16.1&1  ]3,116  63,661  30.590  33.271
     70-74... .............. ......  21.730  12.058  n.078  4'I,l)97  20.730  21. ~{i7
     75-70.... ............. ......  L4.234  7.818  0.116  26.638  11,935  11,ou3
     80-8-1.... .............. .....  7.-%7  3,680  3.487  13.I·Jl  5,û2Y  7.~12
     85-80.... ...................  2,002  1,528  1,404  1),276  2.074  3.220
     00-01.............. . . . . .....  851  404  4GO  1.3113    472      691
     95 & +...... .. .............  195  83     112     243       S2      LOI
         To'!''''' ............ ....  1,358,363  709,822  648,541  2,697,318  1,312,305  l,S85,OtS
                        PROPORTION PAR 100 - PROPORTION PER 100
      0- 4 nn&-yean.........•...  16.65  15.27  10.OB  12.10    12.77   11.65
      6- O..... , ...        13.08   13.69    14.30    10.14    10.60    ~.71
      10-14 ....             Il.32   11.12    11.53    7.69     7.98     7.42
     llH9.......................  9.50  0.63   0.,16    7.73    7.03     7.83
     20-24 ...... .... .............  7.57  7.67  7.15  6.83    8.38     9.25
     2[,-29...... .... .........  6.73  6.68   6.77     8.05    6.07     !) .22
     30-34...  ...............  6.02  0 06     0.00     7.06    7.72     8.1l!
     36-39.... ...................  5.61  5.70  5.50    7.42    7.36     7.47
     40-14 ... ......... ... . .. . . . .  4.88  4.08  4.77  6.51  6.40  0.62
     4549 ......................  -1. l6  4.26  4.06    5.44    5.51     ô.36
     50-M.......... _, ...........  3.52  3.50  3.41    4.62    '1.ô5    4.00
     65--69...... " ., ..........  2.03  3.0·.  2.82    3.70    3.73     3.07
     60-64 .......................  2.49  2.00  2.37    3.05    3.05     3.06
     65-60 ... ..............  2.16   2.28     2.02     2.37    2.33     2. ~O
     70-74 ... ...................  l.60  1. 70  1.40   1.67    1 J>a    1. 75
     70-79.. , ....................  1.05  1. 10  0.90  0.98    o.Ill    LOO
     80-84.......................  0.51  0.65  0.54     0.49    0.43     O.M
     &;-69............ , ..........  0.22  0.22  0.23   0.20    0.10     0.23
     00-04........................  0.06  0.00  0.07    0.01;   O.O~     0.07
     06 & + .....................  0.01  0.01  0.02     0.01    0.01     0.01
          TO·..l- .• "  •...•.....•.  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00
       Do,ns le tableau ci-dessus, 10, populll.Lion  Jn the table given above, the pnpLlla[,inn
     rurale et urba.ine de la province de Québec  of the Province of Quebeo is classil-ied as
     esL chtssiflée d·o.près 10, définition de 1951,  rural and urban in accordance with the 19[>1
      telle qu'expliqu,;(' 1L Ill. page 47 du présent  defmitiOll wbich ie explained on page 47 nf
      Annuaire.  Selon 111 nouvelle définition, ('ex-  the present Year Book.  Accordjng (,0 Lhe
      cédent cie la popu lu,tion urbaine sur Ill. popu-  new definition, the urban population Ollt-
      lation rurall' S(. ('!Iiffre, en 195.f., Ù. 1,338,955.  numbered l,he rural by 1.338,\1.55 in 1%1.
       Les personnes de moins de 20 ans consti-  l'cr60ns of Jess than 20 years of age com-
      tuent 50.45 % do ]0. populatioll des centres  prised 50.45% of the population in l'lirai
      ruraux et 37.75% seulement de celle cie  o,roas and only 37.750/;> of tha.t in urban
      centres urbains. comparativement Il. 49.73 ':;:  centres, eompared to 49.73% and 38.72%
      f!t 38.72% en 1941.  Par contre, les person-  in 1941.  On the other hand, persons of 20
      nes fIgées de 20 li. 50 ans représentl'llt 34.97 %  1.0 50 years of age rcpresented 3-1.97% of
      do la population ruru,le et 45.11 '/0 de celle  tbe rural populMion a,nd 45.11 % of thM of
      des ·v;\les.  Dans les campagnes, les groupes  [.own5.  In the rural arell.S, the lll.rgl'~1 Ove-
      quinquennaux les plus nombreux sont ceux de  :vear age groups are those of 0-15 J'eMs [l,nd
      0-15 ans, et dllJ18 les villes, ceux de 0-10 an8.  in the urba..o. centres, 0-10 years.
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88