Page 72 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1956-57
P. 72
14--Population totale, rurale agricole, rurale non agricole et urbaine, province de
Québec, par régions économiques et divisionil 8tati8tique8, 1961-(Fin)
14--Total Population, Rural Farm, Rural Non-farm and Urban, Province of
Quebec, by Economie Region8 and Statilltical Divi8ion8, 1951-(Concluded
Agrioolo Non·..gricolo Urban
Fu.rm Non-fa'm
6--MoN1·n)jA L .••. .................. 552,315 302,339 158,514 143,826 520,D36
ArllolloolliJ...... , ... , .......... 2&.872 16,386 5,053 10,333 10,18G
nagat................. lU.221 13,037 9.9!l6 3,Ml 5.587
6cllulmrnal•......... ............... ~8,748 8.3il 3.830 4,475 30.437
ChMeaugul\Y·· ... '" ............. 17,857 12.07!i 6,S2!l 5,2'16 5.782
Ooux.Montagne•. 21.0,18 14.112 8,3'12 5,770 6,936
Huntingdon.: ............•......... 13,457 10.601 6,902 3,719 2,806
Ibervillo ............ ............... 13,507 8.322 6,129 .1,103 &,185
J(,li co lte......... ....... , ...... 37.251 1!l.!l80 10,870 9,116 17,26.1
Laboll!'; ........ ........... ,. 27,197 10,1>33 11,923 7,910 7,36-1
Lo.e ro.1r'O.•...•.. ................... 18.G36 13,228 4,922 8,300 5,411
L'. ~omptj()D...... _•..•...•••. 23,205 1·1,7M 7,011 7,723 8,471
Mis."i,sqUOl...................•....•. 2~, aS9 I;J,259 7,457 5,802 11, 430
MontclLlm........................ ,. 17.520 13.879 7,2041 6.573 3.MI
9,203 5.002 ~, 118 88-1 3,201
~~tiâ~:~~~~ '. :~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30,801 10,408 4,955 5,403 20,3!l3
llouville ......... 19.506 11,081 7.098 3.383 8,426
S'>int·Hyncill tho ... : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . 38, lOI 13.050 7,483 5,507 25,0.51
Su.inWel1.u.. , .................. 28.702 8,342 4.601 3,061 20,360
Soul(\n~c•...........•........... 0,23.1 g, ~:j3 3,575 [, .658
Terrobocne... , ........•....•...... 67, 4~l7 .10, ;;\,10 9,708 20,888 :iti:iI-ij'
Vnudrouil. .....•................... 17, :l78 12,1(13 '1,460 7,053 .5,27fj
Verchllros........ 17,729 0,488 6.170 3,318 8,241
Yanm!tku.... ....... , ... 16,071 14. 62:J 9.190 5,433 1.448
7-MoN1·1L.,j~L t\'(~J'l'nQpOLfTA'N
MUNTU€oAL MI1::'l·HOJ·QLl'r,\N ..• .......... 1,436,006 24,699 7,446 17,253 1,411,301
Ch:Lllll~......... ...... ,.......... 71.931 10,540 2,129 7,820 G7,382
Ile·de· Qn~,éal.... ................. 1,358,070 11,150 '1,717 0.·133 1,343,026
................ 142,659 61,OU 31,114 29,8&8 81,&47
8--0 UT AO '0 ,\lll.
HulL .......... ,. ................ 92,iiH2 25,523 Il ,822 13.701 07.060
Papincu,u ......••. .......... 2fl,:lHI 17,383 10,387 6.900 Il.UU8
PonLino.. .......... 20,W6 18,106 8.005 9,201 2,590
g-Aal1'J01-T~"".CAM'NllU~............... 141,458 79,14D 54,048 25,092 62,318
Abit.ibi........... ................. 86,355 5.1,457 38,621 14,030 32.8n9
'l"éro~oo.micQ:ue... ................. 65.102 26,083 15,527 10,155 29,H9
Non'rll SIlnllK-NEw I~U"""O.....•...••• 42,664 34,483 3,9&3 30,490 8,181
Snguen..y ........ ............ 42,6&4 34,483 3,903 30,490 8,181