Page 9 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 9
cultUl'a.l staCil>tics ùncJ discussions Me continuing. The Depa1'tmcnt (lf Youth
and SOf'ial \Velfl.l.l'e ha:c; provided an explallatol'Y note on pensions 1,0 invaliclR,
which is also appended, Two ot.h<:'1' feat,ul'es of t,he ]955 Year Book arc a map
of New Qucbee I~nd fi. Rketch mnp of t,hl> geology of t,he Pl'ovin<'c,
The t9,55 editiun of the Yeur Book \l'ILK pl'C'p:tI'cd )),\' {VLr, Lionel LanCl'gt~,
M ,S,R.) with the assist.anc() of Ml'. }l :Llll'iee RlIll~sr~~w. (ïoHe cc)-OperlLt ion \l'as
afforded b,v the v::Ll'iollS di visionK B.nd K(-~d.ioIlS of the nlll'eH Il of St:-l t,isti('s ns
"'ell flS by othel' offt<ws and provilll'ial and fed(~rHI depn.J'tm(mts. TIl(' rcadinp;
matt·er W:W tmnslated intI) En~lish h:v j'vris.'! Al'line Généreux. The f)(·part.mnnt
of TracJc and CnmnWn'(Ùi DivisioJl of (:artngr:Lpl\,v <lre\\ IIp t!J(' ~rapli;.:.
1 (Jrrf~1' Jln- SIlH~(:I'l) t,hanks to ail \l'!Jo, in (Jill; wny 01'. nnu1lH)I', \(,llt. tlieir
aSl;ist,H,II(:e III pl'np:ll'ing the volllml' flll' puhlir:atioJ1 .
.1. C, MeCEE,
Quebe(~) Mardi, 195G.