Page 14 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 14


                    f:NUMÉRATION               1901   1011    1021   1931

        PopulAtion l    POPU'" Lion 1
      .,  Tot...le................  TOlnl. .... , ............. Nn.  1.648,808  2.00r•.776  2.360,610  2. 74.662  3,.131,882
         JlufJlmf"_'C.•.•••.•.••. ,_  1\181e.................... No.  824,461  1,012,816  1,179,MI  1.447.333  ),(172,982
      3  l"c.nnnr., .......•.......  Fe",~le... , .............. No.  ~2oJ..H4  002,1161  1,180,SltI'  1,427,32fJ  1,0Ml,1I00
      4  l rh; ...............  )'rblln.  . ........ ,_, .No.  (j54.0li.t;  Ol}6,S42  1,:122.5GO  1,813,OOll  2.109,684
      5  Ruml...........  Rum!. ..... : ......... , . , . No.  91H.S.1.1  1,03!1.0~4  1,037,041  1,0lll ,0611  1.222,IIlS
      6  Catholique, ...........  Cnl!lolir, ................ No.  1.120,2r~)  1.721,1lf).1  2,023.983  2,4IJ3,lliO  2, 04.021
      7  Do mds 61100 l"'l\nndienne  Cu.nttdiarl born ....•...... No.  1,5GlI.loo  1,85~.70tl  2.172,100  2,1122,612  3,107,039
      8  M'LTi"llell ..............  1\[ùrriugen .......... , .... No.  10,075  15,2!i4  18,Il6fJ  1H.783  2,782
      0  NniNlUlCCI vivflnLH ....  Li,'., Hirthn .............. No.  65,308  74,476  ,740  !l.'3,f,O()  ~,20g
      10  D~rl\tl.............. , ..  De3Lhe .......... , ....... No.  32,21!J  tlf.,904  33,433  34,487  34,338
        1nltruction c   EdUCAtion.
      Il  Ecol~-"................  ~('hools....... ... . ...... No.  6,023  0,801  7,733  ~,44B  9.855
      12  tt.I....1I111.1 1, 11.I.lNci!otl:mnt ..  'l'c·ll.t'hin  'nH.  ,Nu.  10,321  12,890  lP,704  26,793  30.971
      la  . lève. 11l8en~II••..• "  ••  Pupil. onrolletl .  .No.  314.S81  410.422  5'18,251  063,351  720.860
        FinftnCfUI. (10 hl Provlnct'!: Fir:ulnce. of the Province.
      14  R VCnll, (1)  ..  Revenue (I) ........•....... S  4,:;G:;.13~  7,0:1~,74!i  14,014,021 4J,ll30,tl20 65,96 .765
      lfi  RéIX'TlBeB (2)  .  Exp.Tlclituro (2)  8  4.,~IG,2r.~  R,424,\HUl 14,OK4,088 '10,8['3,846 52,45:.>,679
      111  1 !Irp]lI" .......•......  Surpille. ..... . . .. . . . .. . . .. .•  17 ,171  007 ,~";,,  1,2:W,4:J3  776,776  3.512,886
      17  1. ctto consolidé" IICt~•.  NOLCOnl!OlidIlLoddcbt .......• 24,!J:la,444 24,409,355 .IO,:l77,095 6O.41S.260 340,304.301
        V..Jeur <I.e. fermf'R l  FE\rm
      18  'l'erre eL bati,"el\~'  ' ..  J.RTI'] bllil,liTlfll! .............• 3fJ0.560,2M U38,200,689 850,021,617 08·1.130,8UO li43,361 ,5()(\
      111  Olllillnllc  .  Implementa 81\d lIIochinery .. f  27,038.205 6l,llM,li20 111,94 ,036 97,21;O,WO M,203,400
      2Q  Bétall.     .   Uvo ,Look. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .• 68,488,657 97,500,280 123,203,08(1 05,873.210 Il t. '5.062
        C ..nnde. culture., (:])  Field Crop.. (3)
      21  Jîl)iu CIIIIÎ é ..........  Hn~ <:1I1tivntcd .......... nerCl!  2,[,.18,460  3,231,'184  3IH67,75.~  3.806,351  3,7M.164
           (inclu~nt. IUy....nll')  (lOcllldinl> ,,11,,11,,)  t.6n.  2,MlI,823  3,830,028  3.:?50 Q ,(H!,  3,8'13,777  3.1170,129
                                            $ .......... 31,5311,164 67,359,652 40,265,663 30.946,230
      22  J\voilte...•..  Onl•................... M .....  1,350,031  1,392,139  I,M~,OO6  1,~·9,571  1,512,160
                                         boiM. 33,530,tl77  3~,llOoI.291 3tl,8:I0,75(1 32,8W,820 35,100.252
                                            S ..........  \5,l!')l,06!) 3I,6tr.,58'l 16,736.246 17.706,0
      23  1'1)"l1n("..8 de wrre.......  Pointues.........•...... Ilrrc~  127,205  123.0601  146,821  132,1161  14 730
                                             17,135,730 15,461,539 17,746.057 15.200,000 12,417.923
                           .  '.         bOÏ8B
                                           S         7.G71,015 12,S90,040  8,736,91Z  9.000,G02
      2,1  Grnin  11l1',lltngé ..  l\hxcd gr. IIllL ••.•••.•.•• Aeres  .. 'Ù'a';i29  00,404  87,1 G  07,261  150,440
                                         boise.  3,523,007  2.000.744  1,941,102  1,048,403  3.843.761
                                                     1,216,  0  2,231,547  1,283,710  ,091,26\1
      26  l\'fa.i~ rtll1rragcr ..  Foddcr curll ............ acrr" • .  41.2QI  47.275  44.Q22  00.568
                                          t.on. ..........  378,72G  300.717  361,I3G  b22,b18
      26  ~t:'~\~~~·~~ljc t~(;.~~llt~$:........  A;re"ge 01 fi.ld orop" .. , ."erc~  4,7IH,396  . ·5.2·6·.s'.7~~ ..6,Üi:i,l.7S4 ...,lio' ',939 .; "'Oz :.:i04
      27                  \. 81ue 01 crop•..............• .......... 65,353.52  132,(1011,000 78,037,838 77,866,938
        BétllilJ        Llye Slod"
     28  Chevaux ..       I-for••ee........ , .•.... ... No. •  24, IIH, 1411 '18,713,536 ;)7,001.000 31,3117.000 37,140,000
     20  \'ILChcA Init..ièru ........  ~Iilrl, cow•....... " ...... No.  767,826  764,ZZO  '27,175  86G,(i90  1.018,628
                                            S 20.767,611 29,377 ,BIO 411,030,000 39,864,000 46,7,1(\.0\){)
                                                                     86 ..136
                                               50 .044
     30  Alitre. bl't·. 11 corncs ...  Other elllt·'e .......•...... No. •  0,629.781  8,725,031  13,338,000 10,723,000 11,877,000
     31  ))orr.& .•..•....•••....•  8willC:......• , ........ ... No.  404, Hl3  704,351  716,870  751,697  B~l;,240
                                            $  3,112,026  -5,:lOO,.u3:i  6,1190,UnU  5,360,000  7.00:1,000
     ~2  l\routou8ot ngnemlJo: ....  8hcep and bmb•....... . .. No.  054,503  637,U88  R(;li,5lJl>  733,084  526.087
                                            S  2,a76,471  2.710,286  1i,1aO.OOI)  ~.flfj",OO(l  2.ï 8.000
     33  \luleu" ~otulo du bH"il ..  Tot.! v"lllo of li". oW.,!, ..... S &7.070,940 94,926,194 IIB,001,OOO 00,UI7,000 IUtl.1 Ga,OUO
        Indu.trle Illltlèlra:  D~iry lodùiolrY'~
     34  Bcurr ries el (rornngcriefJ  Dutter al1cl l'lU;CêC. fllctorio! No.  l,n!12  2,142  l,70S  LaIS  I,OlJ()
     36  lJelllTe r"bri1lu6 ........  Crnulllory buller .......... ,1b  24,6Z[>,OlI0 11,782.07S 4l;,63(J,4U3 liU,Uli3,t) lU 7!\,2UO.llJ7
                                            6  4,916,156  9,91\1.7:12  17,UlI:l,{81  JoI,9SO,fiOll 2b.620,2 '0
     30  Fro",olle f"briQ\l6 ......•  Fndory d,eOll" .......•..... Ib. 8(1,(;ao,100 bll.171,01l1 64,2'12,735 26,1l07.1181  39,Q2 l,iH Il
                                            8  7.iJ~7.ti21  5,(i05,25<'  0,107,911  2,OU;),~tI(j  U.16 .7'2'1.
      (1) t\\oanL 1034, reCOLle, ordinwres. -  l'rior t.6 1934, ordioary rceoil'ta.
      (2) Avant 1034. p; icmcn  ordinaires. -  Prior la 10:'14, ordinu,ry po.ymcnts.
      ~:~) L  c-hifTrCAcl  rif"L'tmee-menh H'OI-lÇl·\} ~ rnpporlent 1\ l''-'Ilnéo préc6-lcnte.-F!gun·, of ll11: 19(.I1~ltHl  l'I'n~ll~!'l arc fur
     tht' prt"\f·l'dinJ.(  'l':lf.
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19