Page 7 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 7
Tho 195!> eclition of the 1:5tn.tiHtie,d Yeur !.look 15 tbe :39th published by
the QuelJec 13u1'f~u.u ut' Statisti(',;.
A,; cveryune iH awal'c, a H,uyal Cllmmi,;~ion of j[l([uiry \l'as instituted by
th Province of Ql.Icbec governmcnt in 195:3 for the purpose uf examininp; 0011-
stitutiOlml prohlems, Hmong others the divisioll of tnxat.ion rights between the
fodoral authority, the provinees, municipaliticH and sehuol corporations. As
th(~ Department of 'J'rade and CommerCE) and, in IHl.rtieular, the Bureau of
Statistics took an aetivc Hhu.r0 in the work of the Commission, it is only fit.ting
that Rpeeinl attention should have been given to publie finances in the present
edition of the Year Book. Aecol'ding!y, severai unpublished tables have been
added tl) the sect.ions pel'tf.l.inin~ to provincial, municipal ~\nd sehoo) finantes.
Seven p;mphs add in tere:::1. to this form01'Iy dry chapter which has now hM.ome
olle of the most telling in the Yeal" Hook.
The lICW ecoflomie \'(~gillns and st.atisticnl divit;io/ls oRieially adopted in
June, 1.954, nolV provide a uniform framework for the prcscntatio/l of statisties.
Tlw lIection devoted ta 'the census of thc population comprises six new tll.bles,
eont.u-ining data according ta regions and statistieal divisions, compilee! by tbe
Quebep Bureau of Statistics. They relate to the populatioTl for the ccnSlIfl
Y'~:I.rH 1901-1951, the area and densit.y of the population, the rural a.nd urban
popu1u.tion in 1951, the marita.l statu:> uf the population, and the laboll1' forcc
elas,iified; too uccupational !!;roups in 1951. A pl'eviously nnpublished
j·:tblc worth 110tin~ is the one sho\\'ing the labour force a(:cordin~ to British
an<.1 French origin and by certain ,;elected occupations in 1941 and 1951; this will he found in the ::;ect.ioll relating to t.he occupat.ions of t.he popuhüiOlY.
The L955 edition of the Ym\l' Book i~ c:hanwtel'ized by severnl otller im'-
porLant additions. The (:haptel' on T<;cl1wu.tiofl has been extended to include a
Sel:t.ÎoCl on 1ibraries in Quebec j a ta!>l/' illustra ted by a graph shows t.he dcvelop-
ment of education in the Provillce in (~omparison ta the g,r()wt.h of the popula-
tion; wbile in the f'eet.ion on school finances, t.he reHder will tind a Ilel" table on
the cast of education in the Provillrl:. The t~nth unniversary of the founclation
of t.he Bureau of Rlll'ai ]o;leetrific~ation providcd the occasion for inclnding, in
the ehaptür on Agl'icliltul'e, iL rf'viscd text and som0 new table!'> Hhowing tlll~.
progreH::i made in thc eieet.rification of our l'lIn.1 districts. In the ehapter on
MineH, an artiele explains ho\\' minillg l'ights may be obtainec! in tlte Province
of Quebce. Tinee additional ta.blc'i in the chapter on 1Vlanufactures 8upr1y
va!uable information on the malll1farturing industrY'H eonsumptiun or fuel and
cleetr;(;ity. The chu.ptcl' on CnmmllllicaLiol)H includes a new f'cctiol1 which
pl'ovides statisties on the ji:ngli::>1t ~lI\d the Fl'enf:1t lan/!;\.1nge press in t.he variou8
Canadian provinces. LflSt.!y, in n.n Appendix, 1.1 sp('(:ia.1 tHticle treuts of t.he
meth0ds c:mployed in cst.imatin~ t.he I!;ros~ value of agric~lllt\.1l'al production.
The quest.ion W<l" tuken up at Ct rC(:(lllt Foderal-Provincial Conference on agri-