Page 148 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 148
7l-Mortalité infantile, dons la Province, par cités et villes (1)
71-Infant Mortality, in the Province, by Citiu and TownB (1)
D6eê. de 0-1 ~n-D08Lh. under 1 year Taux-Rate.
CITÉS ItT \' '''LlilS
- Moyenne-Avernp;o 1\'1oy er:me-A\'Cra,:(~
C,Tl&. AND TOWNS 1951 Ig5Z 11151 11l1}2
1926-35 1936-45 1026-35 193(\·45
Cap-cle-la·Mndeleine 50 10 32 lU 1:35.8 61.6 49.4 26.!1
CbieouLimi ......... O·l (\0 '19 71 I~>().O 83.6 51.1 73,0
Drulnmoodvillo..... 41 21 ~17 33 1:32.7 76.3 69.0 On.1I
g~~~â\~ci;~.......:::: 28 20 26 23 88.0 52.6 35.8 26.3
Hull. ............. , 117 87 73 III }~;:§ 89.0 49.0 739
JolieLte............ ·1:1 28 2(1 17 78.5 53.8 :lr..O
Lévi............... 31 23 17 18 107.8 77.7 52.6 53.6
o .2
~lW,,~~lPéAL:::::: 2,298 \, 312 940 1.001 116.5 64.5 40.0 ·10.5
Lad"Jl 39 27 10 I~ ~U [,6.2 27.5 21.8
Outrem~~t::::::: 7 4 8 7 41.8 27.1 25.1
Verdun.......... 70 59 40 41 76.1 56.0 n.l 22.:1
lVœtmount....... 22 21 8 13 91.1 70.0 31.5 40.8
~U~~BEC,.,...... 628 49 288 :148 117.7 113.1l 68.6 81.8
IVlère-du-Loup.... 22 Iii 16 H 88.5 7' 50.2
Baint-}h~einthe,... '18 :1I 21 )(~ l'II. 7 72.5 3C'.B 20.6
Saint.-Jean ......... 23 20 211 ~H 71.0 52,0 53..! 45.2
Saint.-Lambort....... 3 ;! 4 7 <\2.6 36.6 20.5 30.8
S},nwinlp;an l'ail..... 78 ,113 34 ~11 12-1, :.1 6 .1 30.6 :lfi.l
Sh.rbrooke......... flO OB IH 78 80.5 63.7 JH ,7 45.1
Sorel .............. 4U 33 30 2U t.57. ~ 10:1.4 00.8 57.fI
Tholiord Min 8 ..... 42 20 2r. 27 10,1.7 76.9 'IS.I 19.7
TroiB-Ri\"i~l"cs,.... 232 160 94 70 18U.2 128.5 65.1
Vo.lleyliold ....... :36 33 37 33 107.4 60.6 45.6 45.0
CITfs-e'TIES.. 4,081 2,628 1,974 2.084 120.6 76.0 42.2 42.9
Jon~1I1"ro.......... 49 41\ 51 ij4 100.4 71. :1 00.1 57.,1
La' uQuO.......... 31 15 12 6 107.4. 56.7 40.9 lU .2
LaUZ(HI .••..•.• , .•. 19 14- 17 16 \J~.6 74.1 80.2 O:l.O
MUllog........... ,. 24 19 16 111. 6 66.7 IS.I 37.9
MontmaUny ........ 1 12 14 11 08.3 71.7 70.0 47.2
Rimou.lci .......... 2fi 21 30 27 114.4- 81.0 74.3 (\<1. 1
Saint-.Jérôme....... :12 20 30 26 102.0 59.2 50.4 '1;j.0
Vietoriavill,: ........ 10 21 58 32 00.9 86.3 128.0 7J.O
VJLL.P.8-ToWNS 217 1&9 223 187 104.5 70.3 63.8 51.7
RuraJe.-RurnJ. .... '1,839 3,710 3.024 3,478 L07.0 76.5 51.a G5.3
Urbaines-Urban ... 4.298 2,861 2,197 2,854 119.6 74.S 4a.7 44.!l
PnovlNoa...... 9,137 6,saO 5,821 6,132 112.& 75.7 48.1 50.1
(1) 005,000 1I0lCS ot pluB en 11126. (1) Havlnll G,OOO population ond over in 1020.
72-Mortalité infantile par- 1,000 nai8sanceB vivante8 en cer-tain8 pays, 1951
72-lnfant Mor-tality per- 1,000 Live Bir-th8 in Various Countrles, 1951
Taux Taux
Suède . Swedcn " . 2l 1rlande du Nnrd . Northorn Iroland. ,. 41
NQll\'eHo Zéli\.ndc .. New Zoaland . 23 Irlande . Irclund ... 4t;
AuaLmlj,,, . Australis . 21l J,'nUlc (2) . Frunce (2) .. ~f;
Pays-B, . "eth rl,,"d•... 27 Delp;;que . Uoigiurn . 50
NC)rv~1l (1) . Nurwny (l) . 28 Allemu~nû I)ccidont..'.~ll) '"e8tcrn Ger Illany 53
Danelllark . Denmurk . 20 JApon . "apll" . 57
~lut.a-Uni8 , . United Stntes. 29 Autriehe . Awltrin. . 62
An!(letért·o et Poy. do Itulie . Hf,I~ . 117
O"lIe•........... Enldnnd und Wal'•... BO SpUln , .. 68
Suist:iO ' . Sw,t. rlnnd . ao ~~e~6~~~'~~q~'ië '(Ii: C.oeboslo,"",kia (1) .. 78
Union Sud - AfriclJ.intl Union 01 • outh Alriou Ceyl"n ... ' Ccy\nn . 88
(Blaoes) . (White8) . 34 ]'orLugaL, .. Ponugal. . 80
Finla.nde . F'inlnnd . 35 Mexi(/UO . ~di~e(3): (ij 100
l!:c088e . SooUnnd . a7 ID le 3) . 1:17
C"nad" . Cansrlu . 38 Chili . Chile..•.......... 148
Provinel; d. QIJ.6boo..•.. Province of Q bllC . 48
(1) lG60. (1) 1050.
(2) Les eniJmt. n~a vlvants ct qui décédé. avant (!t) ExoludinR inr.'01.8 bom f>!ivo but who dic belore
l'enrep:ititrt~mfH'ltda la oaiSl'!ancu Hunt oxolu..... rClti14t.flLtioll of birth.
(3) Territc.i", de l'onrop;illtrf'mcnt ""uh;!"c!)!, (3) Hcilu.trstion area only.