Page 91 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 91
24-Population rurale agricole et rurale non-agricole de la province de Québec,
par groupes d'âge, 1951.
24-Rural Farm and Rural Non-farm Population of the Province of Quebec, by
Age Groups, 1951.
Population "llrioo10 Popu.llüion non-ngrioolo
GROUPES D'ÂGE Fnrm Population Non-Carro Population
AGE GROUPS Ho~mes Fc.mmea
Totlll 1 Totnl
Malo l'omal. FelWÙo
0- 4 Q,D15-}rcur•.••.••••.•••• 117,548 59,801 67, M1 95,080 48,476 46,604
5- O...... .... ......... " .. 113,154 5S,0'13 M,lIl 76,747 39.130 31,617
10-14....................... 9S,478 51,162 47.316 65,272 27,779 27,41J3
16-19....................... 82,07a 44,348 37,728 4.B,UOa 2~1, 293 23.613
20-24 ... , ....•....•.. , ...... 66,545 81,400 25,085 46,215 23,000 23,210
2·5-29................•...... 44,836 23,963 20,873 40,601 23,460 23,051
80-34...........• , ...•....•. 40,472 21,315 19,157 oH ,337 20,0711 20,361
35-39.....•.....•..•........ 39,366 21, 070 j,q ,2Rfl :l6,880 19,498 17,368
4044., .................•.. 36,032 10,294 1B,na aO.311 16,083 lt.228
4549.....•................. 32,20B 17,238 14,070 24,ZRI 12,929 11.366
60-54.... , .................. 27,8M. 15,106 12,7f1S 19,912 10,3112 9,590
65-59...... , ................ 22,040 12,738 10,208 16,901 8,83fi 8,066
60-6·\. ............•.......•. 18,297 10,606 1,791 16 ,ij ~ 1 7,926 7,685
66--69......•..............•. 14,600 8,542 a,OilS 14,700 7,a'\2 7,068
7(}-74, ...................... 10,070 5,890 4.189 11.657 6.168 5,489
15-7{}" ...•................. 6,107 3,822 2,88il 7,527 3,906 3,631
80-84....................... 3,549 1,029 1.620 3,818 1,961 1,867
&-80., ........•............ 1,619 857 762 1.373 671 702
9(}-94........ " ........•.... 441 214 227 413 190 223
95 &: +.... " ............... 103 42 61 92 41 51
TOT~L .•. ............. 768,910 407,430 359,480 591,453 302,392 289,061
PROPORTION PAR 10o-PRopoR'rroN l'ER 100
0- 4 nns---ycur.. . . . ......... 15.33 14.70 16.04 10.08 1G.03 la.12
5-- O.................•..... 14.71) 14.25 15.33 12.98 12.IH 13.01
10-14 ....................... 12.84 12.56 13.lG 9.35 9.19 9.51
15-19., ..........•....•..... 10.70 10.88 10.50 7.93 7.70 8.17
20-24.................•..... 7.37 7.72 fi.08 7.81 8.03
25-20....................... 6.85 5.88 5.81 7.86 7.76 7.91
30-34..... ............. 6.28 &.23 rl.:13 6.ll0 ll.04 7.04
36-39.. .................... 6,13 5.17 ,fj.UD 0.24 a.45 a.ol
4044.........•............. ,1.70 4.74 4.66 5.11 Jj .32 4.02
45-49.........•............. 4.20 4.23 4.1a 4.10 4.27 3.93
60-54, ...........•.•..•..... 3.63 3.71 s.on 3.31 3.'12 3.32
65--69., ... , ......••......... 2.99 3.13 2.84 2.86 2.92 2.79
6O~....................... 2.39 2.58 2.17 2.62 2.62 2.63
66-69......•................ 1.90 2.00 1.68 2.40 2.53 2.44-
70--74 ......•.......... , ..... 1.32 1,,15 1.16 1.97 2.04 1.90
76-79...........•....•....• , 0.88 0.9-1 O.SO 1.27 1. 32 1. 22
80--84 ............. , , ........ 0.46 0.47 0.45 o. fiS 0.U5 0.6/j
85--89... 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.22 0.24
90-94...... '. : : : : : : : : : : : : : .•. o.oa 0.05 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.08
05 &+.... ., ........ , ...... 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02
To·rhL ....•• , ..•...... 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Le tableau 24 IJI()J)tm que la population Table 24 shows l,hat Ute rural fann populBr
rura..le agricole de la province de Québl'I'. en tian of the Province of Quebee, in 1951, was
19151, se chiffre ù. 766,910, et la population 766,910, and the rural non-farro population,
rurale non-agricol" tl ù9I .. k.ü, soit IH.9% et
591,453, that ie, rospcetively 18.9% (Lnd 14.5%
14.5% do la populalioll totnlo
de la Province. of the J'rovinc 's totAl population.
Le 1'00 Dsement définit commo population 'l'be ('Aill!i1l6 def1nes the ru1'1~1 f•.mn populL1-
rurale agricole toutes los personnes qui, en tian as cOIuprising 1111 persons wbo, in 1951,
1951, demouraient ela·ns d s logements situés '\Vere liviug in a dwelling situated 00. El. fa.rm
dans une ferme ou dans une région l'\ll'l1le, in a rural area, regarclle's of thoir occapu,ticJIl.
indépendamment de leurs occupations. Par A f(LrTn is defined as a holding on which (LgJ;-
fm1De, on entend un terro ())Q)loitée de trois cultural operations w re beillg ea-rried ont and
I1cres ou plus, ou df) uno à. trois acres dont which w:~s throo or more acres in size, or' from
l'A:'C])loitation cn ]nw a donn pour plus de ana to three acres in si7-G with th < Jeu 1 ~
$~30 de produits. production in 1950 &1. t r ~'1.J::!,