Page 90 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 90
23-Population urbaine et. rurale de la province de Québec, pu groupee d'age, en 1951.
23-Rural and Urban Population of the Province of Quebec, by Age Groupe, in 1951.
Population rurale - Rural Population Papulal,ion urbaine - Urblln Population
Hommoo 1 Femmoo Hom_m.,. Femm.
AGE GROUPS Tolal Total
1 Mnlo Fernale 1 Male Pemele
0- 4 lLna-y ar•............. 212,628 108,361 104.,261 328, f)(j HH ,[J98 161,298
(;- 9...... ................. 180,901 97.173 fl2,728 273,543 139,114 134,429
10-Jo!...................•... 163,750 7 ,941 7'1,800 207,390 104,671 102,710
15-19......•..•.•........... 128,982 67,&U 61,341 208,510 100,124 108,395
20-2'1. .....•....•........... 102,760 M,'HIll 48,295 238, H2 110,03'\ 128,108
2&-29....................... 91.337 47,413 411,92'} 2011,518 113,782 127,736
30-34.....................•. 81 ,80ll ·12.21l! 39.518 214,M6 101,324 113,322
35-39....................... 76,222 '10,568 35,654 200,154 06,M5 103,609
·10-44......•..... _...... .... 66,34:1 35,311 aO.966 175.571 86.236 90,335
45-49.................. ..... 66.492 30,167 211,325 146,636 12,346 1'1,200
50-54.................•..... 47.BOO 25,458 22,348 124,723 60.981 63,742
05-59.... .......... ,........ 39,8,17 21,514 18,273 09,771 48.1)49 50,822
60-64... .................... 33.B08 18,432 15,376 82,300 30,9 9 42,401
65-69... . .. .... . . . . . ...... 29,300 16,184 la,1I0 03.861 30,000 33,271
70-74.... ................... 21,736 12,058 Il,678 14,007 20.130 24,267
75-79............•.........• 14.234 7,818 6,416 26,038 11,930 14,603
80-84 ..............• _......• 7,367 3,880 3,487 13,141 5,620 7,512
85-89..............•....•..• 2,092 1,528 1,464 5,276 2,074 3,220
00-91 ..............•....•... 854 401 450 1,363 472 801
05 & +..................... 195 83 112 243 82 161
TOTAL ................ l,nl,S63 109,122 648,541 2,691,311 1,312,305 1,S85,013
0- 4 an.-yen............... 15.65 16.27 16.08 12.10 12.77 11.65
5- O•... .................. 13.98 13.69 14.30 10.14 10.60 9.71
10-1'1. ............. " ....... 11.32 11.12 11.53 7.09 7,98 7.42
15-10.......•....•.......... 9.50 0.;'3 0.4n 7.73 7.03 7.83
20-24............•.......... 1.57 7.07 7.4;; 8.83 8.38 9.25
25-29 ............•.......... 6.111 6.68 6.77 8.9!; 8.67 9.22
30-34.......•.......•.. , .... 6.02 5.06· n.oo 7.96 7.72 8.18
35-311.......•....•.........• 5.61 G.70 5.50 7.'12 7.36 7.47
40-44......................• 4.88 4.98 4.77 6.51 6.49 6.52
45-411.......•.........•..... 4.l6 ".25 4 .00 0.44 5.51 0.36
50-t'>'1. ...........•.......... 3.52 3.59 3.<14 4.02 4.65 4.BO
65-09..... , ................. 2.03 a.ol 2.82 3.70 3.73 3.67
00-64.•..................... 2.49 2.GO 2.37 3.05 3.05 3.0n
115-69.... . ............. 2.16 2.2!): 2.02 2.37 2.33 2.·10
70-74.................. _.... 1.60 1. 70 1.49 1. G1 1.68 1.15
75-79.............•......... LOS 1.10 0.00 O.OB 0.91 1.06
80-84 .............•......•.. 0.54 a.ns O. ,\ DAO 0.43 O. (i4
85--&!.............•....•.... 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.20 0.16 0.23
00-94........................ 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.0r. 0.04 0.07
95 &+.............. ,...... 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
TOTAL ................ 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 lOQ.OO
Dans le tableau ci-dessua, h~ population lu the table givon below, the population of
ruralA et tll'baino de la province de Québl'c the Province of Quobec ia classifled as rural
fI»l; classitiée d'aprlls la définitiop de 1951, and urban in accordlwce willl the 1951 deJini-
telle qu'o>.:pliqutl:e il. la page 66 cl,u p~.:l)llt tian which is e."q)laincd on pll,gè 65 of the pre-
ArJ.nullire.. Solon la nouvelle d(ofinÎtion, l'ex- sent Y lU Boole Acoording tu the Ilew defini-
e6dont de la population urbaine ur la popu- tion, the urban populat.lon outnl.l:mberecl the
lation nll'o,le se chiffre, en 1051, Ù. 1,338,955. rural by 1,GJ8,955 in 1951.
Les persan.nes de moins do 20 aDB Cl'lDsHtuont Pf3rHOUÏl of less than 20 years of age COUl-
50,45% de la population des centres ruraux et prii;ed riO.41St){ of the populatiou in rural amas
37.75% seulement do celle des centres ul'bains, and only B7.75% of tbat in urban centres,
compl1,rativement il. 49.7:3% et 38.72o/i; en 19'H. compareu 1.049.73% an.d 38.72% in 1941. On
Par coutre, los personnes âgée de 20 Ù. 50 n,.!1s the other hand, persons of 20 to 50 years of
r pr'sentent 34.97% ue la population rural ct age roproSûntod 34.fcY7% of the rural popuJur.
45.11?'o de cello des villes. Dans Ics campa.- tion and 45.11% of that of towns. In the
gnes, 1 s groupes quLuqueuull.ux les pins nom- rural Doreas, tIre largest f1ve-year age !,,'l'OUPS
breux sont ceux de 0-15 ans, et. dans les viUes, are those of 0-15 yeurs and in tho urban
ceux do 0-10 ans. centr 5,0-10 yoars.