Page 342 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 342

RRCRNSEMlJJNT-CEZ',rSUS                      325

            15-Àrea in acres of Field Crops in the Province or Quebec, by Districts and
                                 Counties, 1951.-(Con~llIded)


            70   40   1   38,700  512  4,251  170   39    410   53fi  fi  71,H:l  47
           ]."i3  59  60  44,740  432  2,4 8  6 8    \l  3,736   o ...    87,350  48
            17   3    1   35,927  168  2402   141    5    72     1   70   66,221  49
            19   10   8   '12,1-10  281  1:778  ij 1  60  7A7   10'1  2   73,070  fiO
            QG   43  32   119,6·13  &1  1,90ij  863  246  169    9       109,205  .51
           202  19   70  301,001  4,037  7,773  7,703  1,630  301  2,~0  60  473,215  52
            40   <1       4 ,899  4\1:1  '130  1,103  83  270  1,'173  Il  77,189  5:.1
            JO   7   lI) "  G7.727  1 237  l, (i111  J ,~~~  464  314    100.475  54
            00   9   J2   4Ü,57li  '280  471.1      (12   Il     8  290  02, 37  55
            1    18  26  107 Glla  2,1(15  3,243  3, Î15  7(18  4  10  112  100,054  5ù
            42   Il  13   30: 102  462  1,675  1,00  173   7   503  105  00.660  57

           130  42   ~1  152,93  1,413  12,lÛ"  2.U07  112  97  27  l,O:ll  272,663  68
            22   6    :3  22.837  86  2.119   316   13     9     ~  438  ·14,060  59
            111  18   1   '10,0117  392  8,640  712  20   75     2  503  7'\ 335  60
            2li  12   6   37,436  139  :1,221  1,440  ,1.)  13  Il    ..  n:1M  61
            :H   o   H    51,60   701\  ~,124  433  :.14        Il    .  ~I,OO'I  U2

           295  108  00  228,!lG8  4,248  9,122  8,825  1,2]'1  1,240  6,00  62  -117,3 8  63
            23   1.4  12  22,mm   15li  005  3,(,02      209     1       43,306  6'1
           lM    27  IR   -18,211  8'19  1,IU2  l,mû     2~8  2.772  "   811,46[1  G5
            17   29  17   36,054  127  2,ll(j  7.'i8     31l~1  1,24:1   70,193  G6
            '12  21  :18  24,472  'J78  1,0.1  7R2       327  1.IlS7     47,7œ  67
            30   3    1   30,760  171   70:l  201         18 .....       M,22   n8
            ~~   fi \)  :1 l  :30,759  2,202  J,aM  l,aOI  21    Z 3  282  iJO,162  on
           1)1,5  19  12  240,12  n,,123  7,42·1  6,193  :.Œü  13  9  4  420,181  71
             7 ..     1   2n,762  739  J 280  ::;"s  :l8  13         l   >18,14'1  n
            83   15 ..    67,2118  529  J :704  J ,a07  101      1    1  10(l. '1 80  73
           1:11  2    1   4,5,635  3,032  ,151  l, 03  161       7  ....  75,389  74
            oJ7  o    Il  )j~,375  1,003  2,47  1,00:1  ~o       1    1  \)~, 727  7!j
           3 '7  20   1   53 10\.1'  1,120  J,461  1,032  16          1  91\,441  76
           102   33      227,144  3,704  26  3,674  3.12         1 .....  :>03,29  77
            llO  32      1,1'i2,6 9  2,'198  26  2,173  2:l~     1       19.1.1 a  78
           102   1        74,4}j6  1,066    1,401   120                  108, llô  7U
           200   9  ......  214 ,078  2.oGB  172  6,H~  liS2    .17      303,SOO  80
           122   7 ...    10,071  421   121  1,328  126         21  ...  41,](13  81
            :.12 .,.  . .. ,  04,21lG  785  J  1,IJ21  181               98,723  82
            97   1. , .  1:20 1 812  86\1  60  2,1I98  221      12 "     Hl9,037  83
            HI  ... ..    ~~lI07/j  If  El    (168  88 ,   .             69,01S
            rD   1  ..•.  7U,757  7wl!!  fIJ  B,OS('  18,~       .9      Il19, 7f~~  85
             9   1        g, 00   4.1:\4      4\18  51                    14,277  80
           SOlITee: l'r/euv1èma TCCen~tlmcnt du Canada. VDlumo V[,  Source:  .A/·~t"dh C JI,HWJ of COTlada., Volume VI. hullctio
          bllOfltin 6-1.                       13-1.
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