Page 332 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 332

RECENSEMENT-CENSUS                           315

                12-0ccupied farms, area and condition of farm land, by districts and
                                  counties, 1951,  (Concluded)
          -1 IUprovoo land                          Torro non dOfricboo-Unimproved land  ~j
          -                                                                     ,0 El
                                   Autre terrI!!  Super/h';e tet·slo   Autro torro  """ <l
            Pllturago   Jo.ch1>re   d~rri\:hêù  non dr-fri"héo  Forêt  nOn dMrichéo
              -           -           -           _..          --         -     r~
            Pasture     Fallow    Other illipravc.d  Total unimproved  Woodland  OthoT uniIU-  ZJl
                                     Innd         lond                 proved l,u,d
             o.crcs      p.or08      o.crr:8     ""ree        QCrOB       fl,crca

             20,221         530  1    3,350       27,299      19,411       7,888  47
             :i2,546        517       3,11l5      28,204      24,119       4,085  48
             12,082         113       1,665       18,547      10,~~1       8,226  -10
             10,735        478        2,005       10,Q1l3     13,6(;4      3,329  üO
             41,745        a51        3,:329      41,216      33,097       8, JlO  tH
             210,960      4,070       ~,;,!H3    443,822      350,000      8,1,723  52
             34,832       l,81a       6,483       72,068      60,2.15      12,743  53
             [>0,003      2,035       5,490      144,818      121,235      23,683  54
             26,308         121       3,003       45,120      37,laO       7,081  55
             70,010         8llO      7 ,4U~1    123,324      93,749       29,575  60
             28,807         :3H       3,762       57,002      46,761       10,841  57
             87,57-'      1,237       11,246     180,188      03,511       92,077  58
             12,282         120       1,773        7,088       4,022       8,300  59
             20,988         300       3,107       39,691      10,392       23,200  GO
             24,706         445       3,266       41,877      33,272       8,605  61
             29,598         372       3,000       06,632      :39,225      57 ,407  62

             100,009      5,3S7       24 310     317,091      257,010      60,981  63
             15,017       1,404       4,105       15,302       8,024       7,278  nl
             12,071       1,1126      5,(;28      78,470      62,874       10,602  (~,1
             28,107         3114      2, ?a-I     32,855      28,541       4,311  1;,).
             24,fi12        21;2      3,168       li8240      [,0,388      7,861  fl7
             12,00:1        117        I.,Oll7    10,189       7,636       2, 53  68
             30,352       l, l 5      4,07~       96,321      80,710       lfi,flll  !l\)
             111,GH        100        2,105       20,299      18,834       7,'105  70
             228,258      2,918       26,(\19    0Ol,1l15     090,304     20G,611  71
             26,705         310       2,900      100, 97      78,926       30,071  72
             55,889         668       6,208      259,908      202,801      57,107  73
             '1l,178        627       6,4 fi     175,485      137,281      38,204  74
             '16,837        005       ü.793      172,244      laO,0135     11,2iO  7.)
             57,3'10        432       1,203      134,381      l4.5,a31     3\1,050  70
             100,707      2,858       30,162     763,474      3(\1 ,004   399,470  77
             72 ,207      2,204       1(1,071    55(1,121     201,107     204,954  78
             3'1,600        65'1      lI,WI      207,353      10~,837     10'1,516  iO
             ZOO, ~J28    6,030       26,280     646,014      442,:141    203,073  80
             49,015       1,302       6,159      145,291      121,004      2:J,787  81
             4H,05"       1,076       7,052      105,1l20     P') 21"      G6, i08  82
             92,20-       2, SM       11 ,224    2511,031     15Ù10       104,' 2  83
             84,S74        B/jD       B,790       68,IJ24     57,1in       16,049  84
             67,891       t ,~D6                 eOo.OO7     116,174      88,583  Si)
              9,:j03      l, 08       f'~~î       46,172      37,870       8,296  86
            Sourn: Nel.wibne Tecenscnntmt du, CCllwcla. V lume VI,  Souteo: Ni·.th CMBU. of Conad<>. Volum" VI, bulleti.n
           vulletill 6-4.                       0-4.
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