Page 126 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 126

110                           POPUL,lTION

                    70-Mortalité infantile, dans 1.. Province, par citéB et villu.
                    70-lnfnnt Mortalily, in the Province, by Cilie.. and Town.,

                           Dér,ô. d,- 0-1 nn-DeaLh. under 1 yenr  Tuu<-Rilt••
            en'ms KT \'lI,t.,..a
                 -       rVI oycnnc--A vcrr.g~         l\·1oycnnl)-AverSIlO
            ITII:M AND TOWN8             1948   10·19                  1948   lU·ln
                         1026-35  \030-,15             1926-35  1036-45
           (;up-<le-Ia-MndeldrHl  50  19    25     3G   135.8   61.0    47.2   02 4
           ChicOlltirni ...... , ..  001  00  53   ·17  120.6   8a.G    62.8   46.9
           Orummondvillo.....  -Il  21      21     26   1:12.7  76.3    ·16.1  1)4 .0
           Cnmbr, ............  2H  :m      10     27    RR.O   52.6    29.6   37.2
           (irund IVI~rc...... ,  20  J2    15     12    \:16.4  ,~3.0  44.2   35.5
           H,III .. ............  117  87   75     81   12'1.'1  89.0   53.5   GO 4
           .Joli tle ......... ...  ·13  28  26    21   127.8   7  5    61.2   51.4
           Lévi...............  31  2:l     14     14   107.8   77.7    30.8   4~ .4
           Lon~ue\lil .........  14  8      21     12    98.2   645     77.2   :l0
           MO T·I'TIBAL..... ,  2,208  1,312  1,085  1,07  110,5  66.0  4,1.7  44 ,0
            Ll\chinc' ........•.  39  27    22     18    91.7   06.2   35.0    26.5
            Outremont.... , ..  7    4-     3       Il   6:i.B  ·\1.8   10.3   311.0
            Verdun ........•.  79   59     71      32    70,1   66,0    40.3   18.2
            Wo-.tlllounL ......  22  21     9       8    01,1   70.0   32.6    26.3
           qUF:Ol':C... ,., ....  62~  408  277   241   147.7   113.9  67.0    fi8.1l
           llivièr<:-riu-Loup....  22  15  22      lit   88.S   74.6   72.6    .~J .4
           SlLintrHy.ciJ1Lhe., ..  ,18  31  26     24   141.7   72.6   47.8    M.8
           SlLinL-Jeao.", ... , ,  2.1  20 .,  10  H     71.11  52,0   37.1    27.5
           Sui.L-Lambert......  3           2      .\    42 0   :36.6   18.0   31.:1
           Shnwin-igatl F~LI1~ ...  78  46  60     40   12-1.3  6B.1   65.4    45,0
           Sherurooke., ..... ,  00  6S    H       81    80.5   63.7   61.8    M fi
           Sorel ..............  46  33    28      :11  157.5  103.4   57.6    09.
           TboHord Mine ..•..  ·12  29      14     18   104.7   76.n   34.6    38.0
           Trois-RivitlTC9... ...  232  150  BI    \)7  186.2  128.5   64.5    71.4
           \'.lloyfielù ..... ....  36  33  26     20   107.4   00.6   aO,4    41.0
              CIT.h-CI'rltlS ..  4,081  2,628  2,0'0  2,620  120,$  15.0  47.8  46,0
           Jonquière ..........  49  ·16   60      53   10004   71.:l  62.0    1\ .8
           La Tuquû .. ........  31  15    11      1:1  107.4   66.7   37.5    45.5
           Ln.uf,on ...... ......  19  14   7      15    !)~.6  7·) .1  26.2   501.0
           MnIl:OIl ......  ...  24  19    10      22   111.5   66.7   44,2    53.0
           Montmnll"ny. .......  18  12     7      Il    98.3   71.7   30.1    02.1
           nirnouslu .... .....  2.~  21   12      13   114 A    1.0   30.2    33.1
           Sn;nL-J6rôme. .... ..  32  20   31      3"   102.9   60.2   53.0    59.8
           VielnTillville. .. .....  JO  21  45    27    90.0   86.3   1l6.6   02.6
             VILLIilS-Towl'i8  217  1119   188    186   104.5   70.3    55.0   54.4
           Rurolll1\-Hurnl, ....  4,S30  3,719  3,043  :1,825  107.0  76,5  68.1  M.O
           UrbaiMs-Urbnu, ..  4,298  2,B61  2,268  2,21J6  tl9.6  74.8  48.4   46,1}
              PHOVINCII .•....  9,137  6,580  6,211  6,031  ill.6  15.7  54.1  51.6
              71-Mortalité Infantile par 1,000 naiuanc68  vivanh~ en certain.  pay~.
                  71-lnfant Mortnlity per 1,000 Live Birth8 in Variou~ Countrle•.
                                      Aoné"" 'T'Rux
                  PA re-COO>lTRIEB                    PA YB-COUNTRIEQ
                                      Ycarft Rates
           Mauù•.. ,., .. ",.  J'·wnnd  ,  .  22  1':00800,  .  Scollnud.. , .....
           Nouvelle-Zélnnde  New  7.enlnnd  (ex-  lrlnnd  ,  ,  Ir land.", ..
            (moine le8l\fuoriti  c1uding Mnurie) ..  PaOUlLlll........•.•  PO'DLlDlH..••....••.•
           SuMe     .   Swl;deo     .           Frn.noB (l)  .  f  nco 0)  .
           Au.storÎ1.1ic..•...  ,\usLmlin  .    F'inlalld ..•.......  Finlnnd,  .  r,~
           )'lly••13u.•......  N therlnnd•. ,  , ..  I:ldgiqu .,  .  flolgium., .  50
           Nnrv<lKo.....  Norway ..... ,  .     1·;!'lpngTIc...•••..•.  pnic.....  ~\l
           Etllts-Uni•. , .... ,.  t:niwd • Lnte•......  [tuli·....  .. ..  ~~~r'ol;';ciia'';(i. ',;,;j  70
           AnlJ;lctorrc  OL Puya                Tcrre-~cq\" ct. Lll-
            do GaUes.,.  El1g1"nd lLnù W"le•.    hrador  '    Labrador. ,  1916  74
           n{~nclno.l'k... , .....  Dcnnu.l.1'k ..  Autriobe  .  AlIsLria.  1\148  7(\
           local'! (Joif. ,0,,10-               Japon"., .. ,  .  ,Iapan....  ..  19·17  7n
            1llImt)...  Ismc1 (Jowi.b ollly).  I\H  Co. Ion... ,.,.,  .  8ylon., ..  l1J4!l  9~
           • uîf\l5e.........•..  Swilz rI""d ... , . . ..  J94  oHt.aoaHicn.....•..  Co.La Ilicn. .. .  10·18  92
           Union ,"ud-ACricnin  Ullio" of South A[ri-  Ju.JIlldQl1o.....  .JulTlujca..... , .  1!l47  92
            (Bllln.s)  .  on (White.) .... _.  1048  37  Slllvndor ..  '1 Sn\vildor.. , .  1\)-17  00
           'anaclo. (Territoiro5  Cu,~"d"  ~exûludinll  Hflnstric  .  Hungary......  1047  III
            exolus)   ,   1 ernton<J8) ....• , 1948  44  gl:\fi~ri~.:, .':::.'-  Bulguria..•.....  1047  1:10
           }·'rooin~. de Quéuce ..  Prooillee 0/ Qltcbec.. .  1n48  54  Chile  , .  10·18  160
           1rlnndo du Nord  NorLlu:rn lrnlilnd, .,  1948  46  RoufluJ.oia.  .  H117  19!!
            (1) Le. enfanta ;16. vivanll! cl. qui sont décédée n""nt  0) ExoluÙJJ,!: infant. boro nHvo but who die belore
           l'nnrenilft.r '!lIent do. la nu'  LLnce tfonL exl'lu!:I.  regifttfat.ion of hirLb.
   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131