Page 7 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 7


        of the lines maintllined by co-operatives and the other of "Advances in anticipa-
        tion of loans made by the Rural Electrification Bureau and amounts reimbursed".
        The section dealing \vith Constluction contains a new text showing the reslllts,
        as of December 31st, 1950, of the legislation ta improve housing conditions.
        The aforementioned texts and tables highlight some of the measures being taken
        ta solve the problem of social justice in this Province.
            As in previous years, the EditaI' of the Year Book has paid particular atten-
        tion ta the question of graphical illustration and he is happy ta have been able
        ta provide the present edition with three maps as well as thirty-two graphs.
        The first map indicates the three main types of climate in the Province; the
        second gives the agricultural regions; the third shows the location of the mining
        properties in New Quebec.  As already mentioned, the lagt n">med map hag
        been made available through the courtesy of the Provincial Department of
        :\lines.  The map delineating the agricultural regions was prepared for publi-
        cation by the Agricultural Division of the Bureau of Statistics with the co-opera-
        tion of the Provincial Department of Agriculture; for the one pertaining ta climate
        conditions, we are indebted ta :\11'. Oscar Villeneuve, Chief of the :\reteorological
        Bureau of the Department of Lands and Forests.
            A special article in the chapter on Population Ireats of the numeIlcal im-
        portance of the lamily in the Province of Quebec.  Six new tables contain fund-
        amental data on the subject, while two graphs point up certain charactedstic
        features.  In the same chapter, in the section on Demography, three large tables
        relative ta "liie expectancy" in the Province of Quebee and in Canada have been
        added.  A full column of text facilitates the proper understanding 01 the figures
        given in the tables.

            l\oteworthy changes have also been made in the chapter on Justice.  The
        former text describing the judicial tribunals has been replaced by one specially
        prepared by MI'. P. A. Juneau, K.G., law officer attached ta the Attorney-
        General's Department.  A new page cantains a brief description of the internaI
        organization of the Provincia.l Police.
            Several other improvements could be cited ta show that the Year Book a most valuable source of information on aU mattel'S concerning
        the Provinee of Quebec.
            The 1950 Year Book was editcd bO' MI'. Jean Charles McGee, assisted by
        MI'. :Vlaurice Rousseau.  The text was translated into English by Miss Arline
        Généreux.  Ml'. Henri Talbot, cartogTapher for the Department of Trade and
        Commerce drmv the graphs.
            The publication of a volume of the Year Book's "cape calls for co-operation
        from numerous provincial and federal officiaIs as weU as a few private institu-
        tions.  1 take pleasure in thanking ull those who lent us their assistance.

                                                 G. LEMONDE,
                                                         Act[ng Stalistician.
        Quebec, Apdl, 1951.
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