Page 11 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 11
Urban and Rural population of the Province of Quebee, 1871-1941....... 49
Age pyramid of the population of the Province of Quebee, 1881-1941... 57
Racial origins of the population of Canada, 1941.. . . . . . . .. 63
Principal religions of the population of Canada, 1941. 67
Gainfully occupied of the Province of Quebee, by occupation groups, 1941. 80
Family size, Pro"ince of Quebee, 1941. . . . . . . 105
Childless man'ied women, 7 cities, Province of Quebee, 1941.. 105
Public Charities' Fund, 1944-49.. .. . . . . .. . . . 148
Personal incarne and salaries, wages, etc., Province of Quebee, 1942-49...... 267
Persona,l income in Canada, by regions, 1949.. . . . 267
Net Value of industrial prodnction, Province of Quebec, 1938-48..... . 281
Agricultural wealth, Province of Quebec, 1901 and 1941...... 301
Farms in the Province of Quebec according to size, 1901 and 1941... 305
Cash incorne of farm operators, Province of Quebec, 1949... . 3V5
Cash incorne of faIm operators, Province of Quebec, 1926 and 1948... 317
Farm value of dairy production, Province of Quebee, 1920-48.. . . . . . . . . . 3,~0
Value of Forest production and of the pulp and paper, Province of Quebee, 1944-48... 3.:'57
Value of Forest production of Canada, by provinces. . . . . 357
Value oi' production of newsprint paper, Province of Quebec, 1940-49..... 369
Value of production of newsprint paper in Canada, by pro"inces.. . 369
Value of ~Iineral production, Province of Quebee, 1941-50... 377
Value of :Mineral production of Canada, by provinces.. ..... 377
Average production and salaries in primary iron and steel industry, Province of Quebec. 395
Gross production of primary han and steel industry, Canada by provinces 395
Value of Fur production, Province of Quebec, 1940-49. 403
Value of Pur production in Canada, by provinces. . . . 403
Capacity of turbines in Canada, Ontario and Quebee.. . 425
Value of production of .Manufactures in Canada, by provinces .. 439
Value of Construction Vlorks, Province of Quebee, 1940-49 .. 477
Value of Construction 'Works in Canada, by provinces ..... 477
The three main types of climate of Quebec . 17
Agricultural districts . 318
lvlining properties in Kew Quebee . 391