Page 222 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 222

204                     INSTRUCTION-EDUCATION

                           38--Statistiques des êcoles techn:iques.
                             38--Statiatic8 of technical achools.
                               tlêvee inscrits                     SIlbven·
                 AnD~e           a.ux court!        tlèveq ayant obtemu  tions du  Volumes
                de {OD-  Personnel  -        PrêeeDce              gouver-  en biblio-
          Ano"   dati:OD. enseignant  PupilB enrollad  moyenne  Pupils a.wlU'ded  Dement  thèque
           -      -     -        in oouraea    -   1                 -      -
          Year  Yea.r of  Teaehing           A\'eMlge              Govem-  Volumes
                founda  IItll.ff     du sair  attendance  Diplôme  Certifi.cll.t  ment  ;0
                 tian        dU(I)o~ 1  (2)           -      -     grants  lihrary
                               day    8vening       DiploDla  Certi6eo.te
                         ,.                             ,
        1941-42 •••  1924        ••     418    388             81  $ 65,700  .80
        l'il402-43 •••  ,.24  21  111   374    340      3       3   41,587  1,013
        1943-44 •..  1924  18    86     303    239      •      42   52,584  1,061
        1944-45", .  1924  19    136    34'    343      11      8   77.758  1,070
        1946-46 ••.  1924  21    141    438    398      13     38   91,138  l,OSO
        1946-41 . , .  1\)24  2.  123   398    386      8      66   82,748  ] ,090
        194.7-48. _.  1924-  27  112    35.    3"       14     28  253,768  1,090
                 1907 ..
        1941-42 •• ,             ...   1,420  1,466    40     33.  $168.000  5,208
        1942-43 .•.  1907  1.          1,153  1,25B     35    333   187,623  5,283
        1943-44 , ..  11lO1  72  ...   1,133  1,173    54     294  222,6Hi  5,426
        1944-45, .'  11lO1  56         1,459  1,412    82     330  208,363  5,721
         194~6 •..  1907  62     510   1,684  1,647    13     436   192,900  5,809
        194&-47 ...  1907  64    552   1,1390  1,585   .,     '83   231,526  6,278
        1947-48 ...  1907  90    510   1,659  1,645           591  338,612  6,409
        -             1
         1941-42 ...  1910  30   421   1,686  1,934     9    1,081  1140,3.50 ..........
         1942~43., .  1910  ,.   319   1,806  2,052     12   1,033  183,573    ,.
         1943-44 ...  1910       405   1.170  1,392     18    580   243,051  "ï:719
        1944-45, ..  1910  33    .53    622  1  ."      22    211   242,920  1.785
        194646. ,.  1910  36     ••1    118   1,062     11    "212  278,042  1,000
        1946-47 ...  1910  .2    .21    110     863     25    206   495,629  2,150
         1947-48. , ,  1910  53  515    181   1,159    32      68   605,508  2,276
                                     8HAWINIGAN FALLS
        1941-42 ...  1911  10    208    61.    613      18     18  1 29,500  515
         1942-43, . ,  1911  11  113    051    14'      18    238   2p,500   515
         1943-44. ,.  1911  12   18'    118    144      ,     140   21,951   515
         1944-45 ...  1911  16   230    613    160         ...      59,476   sn
        1945-46 ...  1911  1S    286    151    9Hi  ..........  '''ji ..  57,720  575
        1946-47 ...  1911  18    311    603    794  ..........  10  71 ,483  575
        1947-48 ...  1911  21    282    63.    1.S .......... ..........  137.177  515
         1941-42. ,.  1920  21   111    815    3.2      3      ,.  190,000  ] ,332
         IB42-43 .•.     22      132    957    260      16          66,436  1,350
         1943-4" ...  "'"  23    141    624    293      26     22   118,106  1,425
        1944-45 ...  1920  2'    152    212    320      21  ..........  113,691  1,425
         194&46 ...  1920  28    245    .51    615                  141,966  1.650
        1946-47 ••.  1920  31    213   1,023   813     29  ·.. ·ïM..  154,186  1,(iDO
         1947-48. , .  1920  56  810    586 ..........  24          188,BM  1,900
          (1) Cours réguliers et coum spédaux.  (1) Regular and Bpecial OOWlle8,
          (2) Cours réguliem du BOir. OOllrH 'de formation d'ur-  (2) Regular evening coursea, War Ilmergenc)' training
         gence de guerre et coure de réhabilitation.  courses aPd rehabilitation courses.
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