Page 204 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 204

18G                   l NSTRUCTION-EDUCAT ION

             7-PERSONNEL ENSEIGNAr.;T                7-TEACHING STAFF
        14-Traitements médians du personnel enseignant (1) breveté des écoles primaires
                                  BOUS contrôle, 1946-47.
        14-Median Salaries of Teaching Staff (1) with Diploma in Controlled Primary
                                    Schoole, 1946-47.
                                  l!;coles catholique!:!    Itcolea prolestantes
                                       -                          -
          Personnel enseigllant    Catbolic Schools         Protestant ScbooL!
            Teachiug St.aff   Uc baine!'    R.u~~lcB     Urbaines      R.urale~
                                -                          -            -
                               U rhan        Hura]        Urban        R1U'1l1
             In5tir.uteurs  Elem.  C. &8.  F.ll'w.  C. &8.  Elem.  lot. ~. RB  Elem..  lut. &U.B.
                             (2)    (3)   (2)    (3)    0)     (4)   (1)    (4)
            :\19.[0 Teacbera
        Religieux -Heligious ..  • 793  • 919  •  •     • ......  • ... ...  S  •
        LlI1qnes  -Lay  .   2,124  2.858  1,390  1,466  3,624  .â:iÎo  '825'  1:775"
            Female TCllebeu
        ReligieUI>6S-Religious....  fi33  707  605  60.5           ... . "-
        LalqueI;  -Lay...   1.034  1, 198  635    '"3  .ï;77à" 'ï:S4:;  955  'ï;066'
         (1) À l'exclu~ioo detl9pécÎalistes.   (1) Excluding speeialillts.
         (2) ~lément.airefJ.                   (2) Elementar:}'.
         (3) CompMmentaires et Supérieures.    (3) COlnplementary and 8uperior.
         (4) Int.erroédlairetl et High St:hools.  (4) Inl:é'rmedial:é' and HiSh Schoo1.1l.
            15--Brevetl et experlence du personnel enseignant breveté, (1) 1946-47.
          15-Dip1ornas and Experience of Teaching Staff with Dip1oma, (1) 1946-47.

                                             Ecoles catholiques    Ecoles protestante!!
                                             CathoLic SchooL~      Protestant 8choo!s
                                       Instituteur!!  Institutrices
                Bre"ets-Diplomas                         -         1I1fJtÏ1u-  Inst,itu-
                                       Male teaçhers  Female teaeheni  teurs  trice!!
                                           ---1                     -       -
                                     Rdigioux  LELiques  Religieusesl  Lalques  1laLe  FemaJe
                                                     -       -    Tea.cheJ"9  Teachera
                                     ReligioUll    Relisious  L,y
                                              Lav  1
        OrirJil1~:     Origin:
         ltcole normale........  Normal Sohool ...  1.759  989  1,924  5,666  152  1,005
         Bureau dei> Examina-  Board of E:a:nm-
           teurs.         ÏIlers.       532    651    3,112  3,103    253    622
         Autres. ..     Otbers  ·.:::::  1  231  105   &07   .. 475   110    2'"
               TOTAL.                  2,522  1,145   5,843  9,304    S1S   1,918
        De()ré:        Degre~'      1
         Éiémentaire... . . ...  Elementary.. . .  1  236  160  2,420  5,g90  18  MI
         Complt;meDtaire.  .'  Complementary(2  1,349  1,218  2,055  2,476  115  839
         Superieur. _. . . . .  .  Superior (3).  706  262  MI  463   272    248
         Autres.      ..  Others......  ..  231  1  105  807  4.7.5   110  1  290
               TOTAL·······,················I-~'  1,145  5843  9304  1  S15  1,918
        ~Ioins de.5 ans....... ..Less than 5 year"..  672  168  593 ,  3,958  97  369
        5 à 10 (lJl1l.......  .. 5 to 10 year.s .....  493  335  l,ü41  2,140  80  406
        10 à 15 aM......  ... 10 to 15 years......  364  l,I5ô  1,103  85    2<;3
        15à20(lJl1>.....  .15 to 20 }-et>rs..  310  ~  1  997  739    S7     254
        20 ane et plus...  .. 20 years and over ..  tiOl              150    568
        Non déclAree.......... .:tot reported...  82  M31  I.813  1.023  16   58
               TOTAL ... .................  2,522  1,145 ----S;.O-- 9,304 1  515  l,SU
         (1) Les diplômes n'ont pas été déclarés da.ns un grand  (1) In man)' iMtances the number of diplomas were
        nombre de cal:', particulièrement clIez le personnel reti·  Dot rpport.ed particula,rly iD the case of independant
        sieux indépenda.nt.                  religious teachers.
         (2) "Intermédiaire" pour les écotee- protestantes  (2) "Inttrmediate" for protestant school,
         (3) "H~h 8choo! " pour lee 4!oole!:l protêetantee.  (3) "High Sohool" for prot8lltaot 8ohool•.
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