Page 146 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 146

132                           POPULATION
            79-Déea. caud. par quelques maladies, au Canada, pat provinces, en 1948.
            79-Deatha Cau.ed hy Certain Diseases, in Canada, by Provinces, in 1948.

                                 TuberctÙO!le    Malllodiee du cœur
                                    -                -                Cancer
                                 Tuberoulosill    Heart DiBlll18eB
                              Nombre    Tau~   Nombre    TlIoulI:  Nombre  TauJ:
                                -       (2)      -        (2)      -       (2)
                              ~umber    Ra'"   Number    Rate    Number    Ra"
         lI&-~u-P.-~... ' .. P. E.l; .. _,.  37  39.8  293  315.0  102     109.1
        N.- eœBe."  •••• N. Scotle. ..•.  "7  38.9  1,77&  278.4   855     134.6
        N.·BrunsMok., •••.•.••......  230  45.7  1.261   252.1     .387    116.7
        8~:~~:::::::::::::::::::::  2,216  58.2  15,18D  205,2    4,354    114.3
        ~la.nitob3. ...•...............  288  38.0  2,103  211.5   9.38    126.6
        8aBkatehewan..••••.....•.•..  229  26.8  1,916   224.3     851     100.4
        Alberto. ................•..•.  2SQ  30,0  2,036  '-W 5    97'     115.2
        Colombie Brit....B. C ........  44"2  40.8  3,926  3132.9  1,631   150.1
             CANAD.4.. . ...... .....  4,773  37.1  36,322  1  281.9  1',258  126.'
                                 Pneumonie         Nephrite          Violence
              PROVINCES             -                -                 -
                                 PneUlDonia        Nephritis       Violent Deatbll
                           -                 l,
         I1~n-P.-t: ...... P. E. L .....  42  45.2  .';2  55.9      57      61.3
         N.-  co~o....... N. 8cotill. ....  3"'  41.9  360  56.5    404     73,1
        N .-BrullBwiek ................  284  56.5  21[.  43.5      375     14.6
        8~t~ri~~·"::::::.'::.'.'.'.'.'::::::  1,662  43.8  3.312  88.'  2,054  54,4
        Manitoba............    313      41.3     214     :]8.3     526     69 ..5
        8allkatehewan.............. ' .  39.'i  46.3  244  2S,6             59.0
         Alberta. .....................  362  42.8  219   25.9     '"'      80.0
        Colombie Bdt..•.n. C.•......  4';]5  45.1  429    39.6    1,078     09.6
             CANADA ..............  5,700  44.3  1  ',801  52.9   8,958     69.7
           80 - Taux de mortalité (2) par certaines maladies dans les cité. et villes (3).
              8()--Death Rate (2) from Certain DÎfle8fles in Cities and Town. (3).
                           l"oladl","'oo';.",", 1  1'ubel"Oulo~o    Affections du Cœur
           CITÉS ET VILLES       (l)           -           Cancer        -
                 -          Jnfectious Diseases  Tuberculosis         Heart Disea!:ll'".5
                             19·17 i  19-18  1941  !  1948  1947  1948  1917  1!H8
                                  , ----                     1             ----
          Cap-de-la-!\'ladeleine. .....  ,  7 3  fi1 5  58.4  96.8  109.4  148.4  58.4
          Chi'Jontimi......... ......  37.8  3" 8  129 7  109.3  Li.). 1  131.1  17:.-1.0  158.5
          Drummondville..... ... ...  8.3  8 3  e6 7  83.4  00.7  133.3  lOll.O  156.6
          Gran\)~""""'" . ...  n.3 ...      5f; 3  75.0  14:~.8  81.5  112,5  175.0
          Grand :1\1!"re....... .... ... ...  ÏO:Û'  70 0  70.0  10.0  80.0  15ù.O  110.0
          Hull. ............ .... ...  21 :0'  16.2  46.13  48.ri  GO.4  143 .2  ::l57.5  251.3
          Joliet,te. ....... .. ..... .. ...  13.8  112.7  139.0  119.7  1<J3.1  176.1  310.3
          Lévi~..  ....... .... ...  '7:4 .  7.4  103.7  74.1  140.7  96.3  1ù3.0  274..1
          Longueuil: ...............  1  25.0  62,:;  12.5  312.:;  150.0  3;17.5  425.0
          MONTREAL....... .....  ';:ÙI  3 5  59.7  1)0.0  146.8  142.G  281.1  280A
           Laehine.......... . , .. ...  4.3  20.0  34.8  132.0  121. 7  296.0  269.6
           Outremont....... .. ...  '2:0 .  2.8  28.0  33.4  168.0  115.0  305.1  255.6
           Verdun.......•. ......  2.5  1  2.5  33,8  28.8  130.0  115.0  18.1.8 :  185.0
           'Vestm"unt...... .......  ' ..  ..,  3.2  13.3  22.6  li'3.~  16-1.5  416 7  383.9
                               8 6   10.0   93.1  75.0  122.'il  123.3  216.0  206.1
          Riviêre-du-Loup...... ...  1  ...  63.2  50.5  168.4  90.9  157. !:l  131.3
          QUEBEC......... .... '
          Saint-Hyacinthe....... ....  10  Ô  '4:8'  71.4  67.3  171. 4  134.6  300.0  274.0
          Saint-Jean....•........... .. ' ...  i .... ....  aO.3  11.0  100.7  141.9  271.0  232.3
          Saint-Lambert...... , .....  ....  42.8  41.4  100.0  1  164.4  28j.7  260.2
          Shawinigan Falls..........  .. i4:3'  ii:s'  tlO.5  81.5  100.0  95.8  100.0  141.1
          Sherbrooke... , ... ...... ..  7.1  16. i  .'i7.1  59.5  14.'5. "2  1  161.9  223.8  242,9
          Sorel.. ' ............... ... ......  1.4  13;~, 3  G6.3  125. 9  140.1  155.0  207.4
 Mine~........ ...  6.9 ....  200.0  111.2  151.7  131. 0  220,7  255.:?
          TTOÎJ>·Rivièr~.......... ...  G.4  14,6  102.1  93.8  80.9  106.3  Itl8.1  100.4
          Valleyfield... ... ....... ...  5.3 .... ...  78.9  61. 9  100.0  104.8  118.l'  _.  171.4
                           ----- -------- -----
          Jonquière........... ......  31. 3  51.6  200.0  116.1  56.3  90.3  87.5  110.1
          La Tuque.............  ~2.2  33.3  77.8  71.8  111. 1  100.0  133.3  200.0
                                                         77 .S
          ,,,"og...................  ,ïo:ô'  22.2  80.0  55.n  150.0  100.0  133.3  222.2
          Nlontmagny.••............ .. ... .. .........  00.0  72.7  100.0  100.1  320.0  181.8
          Rimouski. ................. ..  .........  131.5  101.3  112.5  139.2  231.5  253.2
          S,l!-int-~ér9me..•.••.......  "iT ....  30.8  63.0  115.4  110.2  161.5  133.9
          \ ultroLaville..............  JO.5  1~:5  126.3  168.4  31.6  94.7  141.4  141.4
          Il) Comprend la fièvre typhoide, IlL rougeole, la 1Ic&"t'-  (1) Including t:rphoid fever, nleasl6ll, Ilcariet lever,
         latine, lB. coqnel.uehe er. la diphtêrie.  wbooping-cough and diphtheria.
          (2) Par 100,000 àmea.                 (2) Per 100,000 popula,tion.
          (3) De S,OOO âmes et plus en 1920.    (3) HlI'Ving 5,000 population and over in 1926.
   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151