Page 66 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 66
De 1871 à 1931 inclusivement, chaque recen- From 1871 ta 1931 inclusively, a considerable
sement décennal montrait une diminution decrease in the percentage of the rural popu·
considérable du pOUJ'centage de 18 population la.tion was shawn at each decennial ceneDe.
rurale. Lee chiffres de 1Q41, au contraire. However, the :figures for 1941 indicate that
indiquent rarrêt de ce dépeuplement des ea.m- this trend of the rural population toward. the
pagnes au profit des centres urbains. Au urban centres haB lost momentum. During the
cours des dix dorniAretl années. la population tan years prooeding the mat cenSUB, the rural
rurale s'est accrue de 161,142 comparativement population ehowed an increaee of 161,391, com-
A141,391 d.1871 Il 19S1. pared ta 141,391 from 1871 ta 1931.
lO-R'partit1on de 1. population urbaine de 1.. province de Qu'bec.
tD-DI81rlbution of Urban Population0' the Province of Quebec.
LOCALITtS URBAINES Populatiou PoutOentale-PerMlntqe
URBAN LOCALITIES 1031 1921 19·&1 1931 1921
Citêl.•••••••••Qtiel ••••••••• 1,lil15.li68 1,329.6&2 ~6,822 4.15.49 "8.26 40.48
ViUeI •.• , .••• ,TowtMl .•• ' , ••• 126,753 237,116 181,896 9.81 8.25 7.10
Vülqea (l) .••.Vil1qell (1) .••• 267,3&1 2"6,839 184.,852 ...,aa ..... .....
ToroLw•••••••••••• 2,109'" 1,IU,1bt
(1) La IItatilti(lue provbcia1& olaeBe les villa,gm dam (l) Provincial Btatilltics lJlassily villages in ~he rural
1. partie rurale avec lei p&roissœ, lei caA~OQ/;I (I~ 101 ..ut.rtIi section with parÎBheB. townab..ips and other rural munici~
muni.oipalités ru:ralea. pa.lities.
tt-Population rurale et urbaine du Canada, par provin,CCls, 1871-1941.
Il-Rural and Urban Population of Can,da, by Provinces, 1871..1941.
PROVINCES ( 1871 18Bl 1'" 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941
ne-du-P.~t..•... 86,149 95.693 823 B8,304 78,75S 89, 522 1 67.653 70,707
Nouvelle-1lcoaaf. 355,718 377,030 373.403 1 330,191 306,210 296,799 281,192 :nO.422
N.-nruD~.,.i.ok.... 235,381 2132,141 272,362 253,835 252,342 2(13,432 279,279 313.978
Québec ......... 919,665 980.515 {l88,820 994.!)33 1.038,934 1,037,941 l,Oill,U56 1,222,198
Ontario........ 1,264.854 1,351,074 1,295,323 1.246,969 1.198,S03 1,227,030 1,335.691 1,449,022
Manitoba. ....... 24,170 52,015 111,498 184,775 261,029 368,502 384,170 407,871
Saskatchewan.... m (1) 77,013 361,037 538.552 630,880 600.646
Alberta ......... (l, Hl 54.489 2313 ,643 365,550 453,097 489.583
Colombie-Brit... , 32.977 40,389 60,945 88,478 188.796 277,U20 2[19,524 371.167
yukon .. , ....... (1) (l) (l) 18.077 4,1347 2,851 2,&70 3,117
Terr.-du.N.-O.... 48,000 56,446 98.967 20.129 6,507 8.143 9,316 12,028
C.,u;.t.DA •.•• 2.9GG,914 3,215.303 3,296,141 3,357,093 3,933,696 (2) 4,.t3S,827 4,804,728 5,254,239
P.EJ." ...... ... 7,872 13,198 14,{l!).j! 14,970! 19,093 385 24 ,340
N. Scotia........ 32.082 63,542 14'2"1 129.383 186,128 227,038 231,654 1 267,540
N. Brunswick. ... 50.213 59,092 48,901 77.281'> ÇJ9,547 124,444 128,IHO 143,423
8uebeo .......... 271 ,SM 378+ 512 {P9,715 65-1,065 966,8012 1,322.569 1,813.606
ntario, ....... 355,997 575.848 S18.9gg 935,879 1,328,489 1,705,632 2,096,092' ~:1~:~~
Manitoba ....... 1,058 10,245 41,008 70,436 200,365 261,616 315.969 321,873
Sa.Qkatcbewan.... .......... ..... ..... .. ........
Alberta ......... .. .... .... 14,266 137,662 213.958 2\10.905 306,586
Brit. (Jolumbia. .. . "~;270 '9;070 37:228 00. 179 203,6R4 247,562 394.739 443,394
yukon...... , ... .......... .... ... .. .. ... .. . 9,1-12 1 3,865 1,306 1,360 1,797
N,~We"t Terr. .. .... ..... ..... .... ......... .......... ....... ... ....... , ... .. .......
CAN.!.-DA • .. 722,343) 1,109,507 1,537,098 2,014,222 1.272,947 4-,352,122 5,572,058 6,252,4-1G
I) Comprise dans les Territooires du Nord-Ouest. (l) Included in Northweat Territoriee.
l 2) Marine Royale CanadiaDM eOmpl'ille daDB 16 totl1.1 (2) Roya.!. CtUladian Na.-.,.-.y included in rural total.
de la. population runl,le.