Page 184 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 184


          L'ooole primaire élémentaire comprend trois  The e1ementary primary schaol is composed
        cours réguliers de deux années chaeun: Mé-  of three regular courses of two eaeh, viz:
        nem, moyen, supérieur. Une section prépara-  lower, intennediate and superior:. A prepar-
         toire, appelée 1ère année chez les catholiques,  atory section designated as lst year in catholic
        prépa,re au programme 61émentaire les enfants  schools, for children who have not yet attend~
        qui n'ont pas encore fn!iquenté l'école. Dans  ed sehool, prepares them for the elementary
        la section prépara.toire et dallS le COUl'S infé-  oourse.  In the preparatory section and in the
        rieur, l'enseignement est purement oral.  lower grade, t:eachiDg ie  purel~r oral.

                      3-Statiatlques de. écoles primaires êI6mentalre•.
                         3--Statiatics of Elementary Primary Schoole.
                             Nombre dee     1     Êlêvea insarits   Pré!Jllnoe moyenne
                             Number of            Pupilll EnroIJad  Averalll!'l Attendanae
                                      Institu-                             Pour-
            Y:EARS     tomes   teul'l  trioes  Garoone  Fill~      NO~b"l  llentalle
                        -    1 lM"'.' 1  -     -      -     Total
                       Bohool!J  Male  Feroale  Boye  Girls        Number   Per-
                              Teallhers  Teacbers  1      1                centap:~
                            lf:COLES CATHOLIQUES-CATBOLIC SCHOOLS
        1932-33.....••.•..•  6.661  525  9,685  H8,07.:!  149,4U  297,514  243,183  81.74
        UI33-34............  6,805  548  9,640  145,421  149,781  295,202  242,490  82.14
        1934-35....•....••.  6,950  563  9,676  146,695  145,710  2\12,405  238,932  81. 71
        1935-36. , •....• ' , ..  6,997  483  9,124  142,540  143,512  286,052  232,242  81.19
        1936-37, ......•....  7,224  46'  10,105  145,962  147,313  293,275  237,181  81.08
        1937-38.... , , ..... ,  1,328  482  10,253  145,190  14t\.916  292,166  238,609  81.67
        1938-39............  1,376  485  9,995  140,972  139,677  280,649  232,881  82.62
        1939-40...... , , ....  7,477  512  10,131  138,788  137,3,')8  276,146  230,636  83.52
        194(}.41. ..... , , ...•  1,474  529  9,971  136,176  133,74.7  269,923  222,301  82.36
        1941-42., . ......  1,418  511  9,819  131,450  127,825  259,275  213,566  . 82.31
        1942-43..... .......  7,459  493  9,890  128,136  125,460  253,596  207.963  82.00
        1943-44 (1).... .....  1,489  509  9,928  125,364  122,444  247,808  (2)  (2)
        1944-45 (1) .........  7,378  .93  9,760  119,210  115,962  235,172  (21  (2)
        1945-46 (1).........  1,310  520  9,520  119,307  112,120  231,427  (2)  (2)
        1946-41...... .....  7,401  538  9,762  119,770  114,426  234,190  (2)  (2)
        1932-33. , .•... .. ,..  532  110  1,539  26,721  25,372  093  1  41,890  80.41
        1933-34......... ...  539  126  1,5:J2  27,325  25,827  52,  42,633  BO.21
        1934-35....... , . ...  535  129  1,530  26,641  25.121  51,762  41,341  79.87
        1935-36............  525  119   1,466  25,468  23,666  49,134  39,033  79.44
        1936-37...• , .......  522  117  1,461  24,792  23,105  47,897  38,388  80.15
        1937-38............  526  132   1,4'12  24,197  22,638  46,835  38,035  81.21
        1938-39...•........  '31  144   1,452  23,871  22,142  46,013  37,289  81.04
        1939-40....... ....  527  151   1,4.'U  23,028  21,457  44,485  36,258  81.51
        1040-41. ...... ....  502  142  1,405  22,451  20,926  43,377  34,202  18.85
        1941-42.. _, . .....  479  137  1,388  21,357  20,162  4-1,519  32,870  79.17
        1942--43......... ..  456  III  1,395  20,164  19,310  39,474  32,329  81.90
        1943-44 (1) .... ....  430  III  1,399  19,555  18,548  38,103  (2)  (2)
        19{4-45 (I). " ......  403  110  1,300  18,125  17,185  35,:HO  (2)  (2)
        1945-46 (1) . ........  389  117  1,237  18,121  17,308  35,429  (2)  (2)
         946-47.. .... ......  309  109  1,190  17,665 '  16,819  34,484  (2)  (2)
        1932-33......... , .. 1  7,193  635  11 ,224  174,794  174,813  349,607  "",073 1  81.54
        1033-34. , , .... , ....  7,344  674  11,192  172,746  175,608  348,354  285,123  81.85
        19H-35............  7,485  692  11 ,206  173,336  170,831  344,167  280,273  81.44-
        1935-36..... .. ....  7,522  602  11,190  168,008  167,178  335,186  271,275  80.93
        1936-37... , ........  7,746  581  11, 566  170,754  170,418  341,112  216,169  80.95
        1931-38............  1,854  61'  Il. 695  169,387  160,614  339,001  275,644-  81.61
        193s-J9... , .. ' .....  7,907  629  11 ,447  164,843  161,819  326,662  269,170  82.40
        1939-40......... , .,  8,004  663  11 ,562  161,816  158,815  320,631  266,894  83.24
        1940-41. , ..........  1,976  671  11,376  158,621  154,673  313,300  256,503  81.87
        1941-42............  7,897  848  11 ,267  152,807  147,897  300,794  Z46,436  81.93
        1942-43... , ........  7,915  604  11,285  148,300  144,770  293,070  24-0,291  81.99
        1943-44 (1). ........  7,919  620  11,327  144,019  140,992  285,911  (2)  (2)
        1944-45 f1).........  7,781  603  11,060  137,335  133,147  270,482  (2l
        1945-46 1).........  7,699  637  10,757  137,428  129,428  266,856  ?' 2)  (2
        1946-47.. , •...•....  1,760  647  ID,952  137,435  131,245  268,680  (2)  (2)
          (1) InBCTiption d'après les bulletins d'iDBpelltion.  (1) Enrolment based upon the bulletins of inspectlOll.
          (2) Pas de l'lI.pport.               (2) No report.
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