Page 184 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 184
L'ooole primaire élémentaire comprend trois The e1ementary primary schaol is composed
cours réguliers de deux années chaeun: Mé- of three regular courses of two eaeh, viz:
nem, moyen, supérieur. Une section prépara- lower, intennediate and superior:. A prepar-
toire, appelée 1ère année chez les catholiques, atory section designated as lst year in catholic
prépa,re au programme 61émentaire les enfants schools, for children who have not yet attend~
qui n'ont pas encore fn!iquenté l'école. Dans ed sehool, prepares them for the elementary
la section prépara.toire et dallS le COUl'S infé- oourse. In the preparatory section and in the
rieur, l'enseignement est purement oral. lower grade, t:eachiDg ie purel~r oral.
3-Statiatlques de. écoles primaires êI6mentalre•.
3--Statiatics of Elementary Primary Schoole.
Nombre dee 1 Êlêvea insarits Pré!Jllnoe moyenne
Number of Pupilll EnroIJad Averalll!'l Attendanae
Institu- Pour-
Y:EARS tomes teul'l trioes Garoone Fill~ NO~b"l llentalle
- 1 lM"'.' 1 - - - Total
Bohool!J Male Feroale Boye Girls Number Per-
Teallhers Teacbers 1 1 centap:~
1932-33.....••.•..• 6.661 525 9,685 H8,07.:! 149,4U 297,514 243,183 81.74
UI33-34............ 6,805 548 9,640 145,421 149,781 295,202 242,490 82.14
1934-35....•....••. 6,950 563 9,676 146,695 145,710 2\12,405 238,932 81. 71
1935-36. , •....• ' , .. 6,997 483 9,124 142,540 143,512 286,052 232,242 81.19
1936-37, ......•.... 7,224 46' 10,105 145,962 147,313 293,275 237,181 81.08
1937-38.... , , ..... , 1,328 482 10,253 145,190 14t\.916 292,166 238,609 81.67
1938-39............ 1,376 485 9,995 140,972 139,677 280,649 232,881 82.62
1939-40...... , , .... 7,477 512 10,131 138,788 137,3,')8 276,146 230,636 83.52
194(}.41. ..... , , ...• 1,474 529 9,971 136,176 133,74.7 269,923 222,301 82.36
1941-42., . ...... 1,418 511 9,819 131,450 127,825 259,275 213,566 . 82.31
1942-43..... ....... 7,459 493 9,890 128,136 125,460 253,596 207.963 82.00
1943-44 (1).... ..... 1,489 509 9,928 125,364 122,444 247,808 (2) (2)
1944-45 (1) ......... 7,378 .93 9,760 119,210 115,962 235,172 (21 (2)
1945-46 (1)......... 1,310 520 9,520 119,307 112,120 231,427 (2) (2)
1946-41...... ..... 7,401 538 9,762 119,770 114,426 234,190 (2) (2)
1932-33. , .•... .. ,.. 532 110 1,539 26,721 25,372 093 1 41,890 80.41
1933-34......... ... 539 126 1,5:J2 27,325 25,827 52, 42,633 BO.21
1934-35....... , . ... 535 129 1,530 26,641 25.121 51,762 41,341 79.87
1935-36............ 525 119 1,466 25,468 23,666 49,134 39,033 79.44
1936-37...• , ....... 522 117 1,461 24,792 23,105 47,897 38,388 80.15
1937-38............ 526 132 1,4'12 24,197 22,638 46,835 38,035 81.21
1938-39...•........ '31 144 1,452 23,871 22,142 46,013 37,289 81.04
1939-40....... .... 527 151 1,4.'U 23,028 21,457 44,485 36,258 81.51
1040-41. ...... .... 502 142 1,405 22,451 20,926 43,377 34,202 18.85
1941-42.. _, . ..... 479 137 1,388 21,357 20,162 4-1,519 32,870 79.17
1942--43......... .. 456 III 1,395 20,164 19,310 39,474 32,329 81.90
1943-44 (1) .... .... 430 III 1,399 19,555 18,548 38,103 (2) (2)
19{4-45 (I). " ...... 403 110 1,300 18,125 17,185 35,:HO (2) (2)
1945-46 (1) . ........ 389 117 1,237 18,121 17,308 35,429 (2) (2)
946-47.. .... ...... 309 109 1,190 17,665 ' 16,819 34,484 (2) (2)
1932-33......... , .. 1 7,193 635 11 ,224 174,794 174,813 349,607 "",073 1 81.54
1033-34. , , .... , .... 7,344 674 11,192 172,746 175,608 348,354 285,123 81.85
19H-35............ 7,485 692 11 ,206 173,336 170,831 344,167 280,273 81.44-
1935-36..... .. .... 7,522 602 11,190 168,008 167,178 335,186 271,275 80.93
1936-37... , ........ 7,746 581 11, 566 170,754 170,418 341,112 216,169 80.95
1931-38............ 1,854 61' Il. 695 169,387 160,614 339,001 275,644- 81.61
193s-J9... , .. ' ..... 7,907 629 11 ,447 164,843 161,819 326,662 269,170 82.40
1939-40......... , ., 8,004 663 11 ,562 161,816 158,815 320,631 266,894 83.24
1940-41. , .......... 1,976 671 11,376 158,621 154,673 313,300 256,503 81.87
1941-42............ 7,897 848 11 ,267 152,807 147,897 300,794 Z46,436 81.93
1942-43... , ........ 7,915 604 11,285 148,300 144,770 293,070 24-0,291 81.99
1943-44 (1). ........ 7,919 620 11,327 144,019 140,992 285,911 (2) (2)
1944-45 f1)......... 7,781 603 11,060 137,335 133,147 270,482 (2l
1945-46 1)......... 7,699 637 10,757 137,428 129,428 266,856 ?' 2) (2
1946-47.. , •...•.... 1,760 647 ID,952 137,435 131,245 268,680 (2) (2)
(1) InBCTiption d'après les bulletins d'iDBpelltion. (1) Enrolment based upon the bulletins of inspectlOll.
(2) Pas de l'lI.pport. (2) No report.