Page 13 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 13


             1                                     ,
                                                             1                 U
       1921     19:'1     19<U      194'     1945      1946     1947     1948

       2,360,663  2,874,662  3,331,882  3,500,000  3,561,000  3,630,000  3,712,000  3,793,000  1
       1,179,725  1,447,333  1,672,982 .. ..... .... ...... ...... .. ..... ,... ........... .. ..........  •
      1,180,939  l,!27,329  1,658,900 ........... ............ ...........  .......... ............  a
       1,322,.'569  1,813,606  2,109.684 ....... .."  ...........  ........... ·.......... ....... .."  •
       1,038,096  1,061,056  1,222,198 ...........  ...........  ........... ........ ... ............  •
       2,023,953  2,-163,160  2,894,621 ........... ............ ........... ........... ....... .....  •
       2.172,100  2,622,.512  3,107.939  ..... aÙl22  ............ ...........  ..•.. ;31>:496  ......  7
         18,659   16,783    32,782             33,211   3(\,050           112,422 , a
        S8,749    83,606    89,209  102,262   104,283   111,285  115,768
         33,433   31,487    34,388   34,813    33,348   33,690   33,669   33,213  ID
         7,733    8,448     9,855    10,055    10,073   10,015    10,053 ." ...... .. '  Il
         19.704   2.5,793   30,971   32,676    33,650   34,2-16  35,907 ......... ...  U
        664.709  770,373   859,657 ....    ....               ....    ........ ....  la
        54-"1,251  6.'\3,351  720.850  1'ù',5ia  7'19,4.44  72S,755  1"35',964 .... ... .....
      19,771,507  29,350,278  33,S66,283  9) 30,242,4S3 ..  .... .. ..... ....... .... .... ... .. ...  "
       2,351A71  5,804,740  5,351,735  15,389,408  ·iè:113',633 .. ....... ... ... ..... .... .......
                  63.81 ............
         40.3.1                      M.7S ............ ..........  ... ... . ... .." ........  " 17
           183      206  (')  2'62 ..... .... .. ............ ... .. ......  .......... ... ...... ..'  IS
         81,396  147,239   278,391 .......... ............ .... .......  ... ....... .. ........ ..  IO
      H,914,521  41,630,620  55,968,765  93,0iI6,1l3  96,455.703  110,321,293  133,4o,1,956  167.792,992  20
      14.6&4,088  4.0,8153,845  52,455,879  82,559,942  91,990,114  95,552,896  106,934,126  ]23,425.104  21
       1.230,433  776,775  3,512,886  10,476,770  4,465,589  14,768,397  26,411,830  44,367,888  ..
       1,739,321  3,074,047                                   ·323,t133',8i:' 'jii;i:'2;7z2 ..
      49,277,595  60,418,260  • '349,304~30i  328,292,568  •.328,"3a'2',56Q  •340,7'13;OQ3
    1,534,513.924 2,358,536,7M  2,269,718,453  2,322,111,981  2,398,363,021 ........... .... .....  .. ..........  25
      15,348,347  25,983,683  26,426,666  32,338,257  35,246,181 ....... ....  ........... ........ " ..  2•
      21,024,006  40,136,574  26,877,556  32,553,307  37,423,084 ........... ..........  .. ..........  27
      61, 105, 630  109,640,231  144,146,041  156,217,130  157,681,826 ...........  ........... .. ..........  2a
      42,638,543  78,2153,280  lI6,01Sa,351  115,469,250  121,805,'778  ... ..... ....
       2,349.250  2,438,073  1.400,0545  2,433,248  5,240,206  " '2:30'1"W5 ..s:iJ73:-ro's ... . ' ... ...  "
                                                                      " ... .... ..
    1,603,952,784 2,210,942,1541  2,222,825.311  2,342,876,610  2,436,210,884 ... " .... .. ........... .... .. .. ...  aI
                                                               .. " ...... .. ....... ..
      48,391, 143  62,7159,.516  76,647,469  .. 81,469,34.7  83,271,713 ........ ...  ........... .... .. ....  st
                                                     ....... ...
      29,370.921  107,80&,979  .. 'i5,8a7,iàâ  ..             , ." .......
      48,763,253  124,367,/569 ...  76,84S,94.4  ·80:3'29',4,06 ... .... ....
      28,495.646         .8,994',970       ..       ..                          3'
      1O,206,3B7  61,824,116     . . .5,{J37',900  ·iiJ:2'57~SiJ5  .9,9'9'8,950 ··26,9·Ti.99i .. 36;.~O4;O68  8'
        180,616   39.220    29,600   26,900    23,400   22,500    21,800  24,UOO  37
      2,754.000  798,000   533,000  506,000   39S,OOO   389,000  325,000  478,000
      4,379.000  614,000   490,000  557,000   454.000   486,000  507,000  899,000
      2,366.810  1,657,4/52  1,695,000  1,685,000  1,654.000  1,400,500  1,394,700  1,381.000 aa
      50,591,000  4,7,223,000  47,291,000  44,484,000  37,877,000  34,756.000  26,639,000  40,463.000
      30, 3.i5, 000  17,941i,OOO  26,483.000  28,470,000  24,999,000  23,982,000  24,508.000  37,226,000
                                                                          75,100 8.
                                                                          155.000 ..
        150,666   96,7l}7   86,900   83,600    83,100   7S,200   96,400
      3,503,000  2,3.58,000  1,773,000  1,513,000  1,720,000  1,627,000  1,523,000  1.735,000
      3,503,000  1,368,000  1,312,000  1,362,000  1,617,000  1,643,000  1,919,000  2.325,000
        222.084  146,190   153,000  168,900   156,100   152,000  liB,70
      21,653,000  16,897,000  Il,475,000  15,032.000  9,054.000  11,400,000  10.558,000  14,989,000
                                                                        4.032,000 .,
      28.871,000  8,611,000  15,032,000  22,398,000  22,635,000  21,090,000  26,078,000  21,734,000
                                                                        6,370.000 ..
      4,426.ô71  3,756,Q93  3,871,000  4.192,000  4,207,400  4,182.000  4,065,000
      4,205,000  6,198,000  4,103,000  5,701,000  6,774,000  5.4.37,000  ,').93,j,000  5,645,000
     121,945,000  40,284,000  69,7.51,000  88,108,000  85,285,000  70,572,000  M,545.0oo  HlO •390 ,000 ..
      8,051,989  6,079,793  6,380,200  6,802,900  6,758.600  Ei,50S.200  6,390,1000
     219,154,000  73,478,000  131,4.07,000  162,455,000  15S,188,000  13S,981,000  170,138,000  314,500 ..
        332,600  301,400   332,700  344,500   314.,100  311,500  316,600
      47,091.000  31,367,000  37,149,000  47,353,000  42,014.000  42,508.000  41,442,000  39,201,000
        810.700  892,000   !l98,7aO  1.071,300  1,103,700  1,098.200  1,120,800  1,129,400  • •
      46,039.000  39,864,000  46,746,000  102,845,000  104,852,000  121.900,000  125,530,000  141.115,000
        784,000  815,500   758,0900  9S8,700  907,900   873,700  912,700  886,500  ••
                                                                          971'i,490 .,
      13,33S,OOO  10,723,000  11.877,000  35,728,000  35,698,000  31.690,000  40,548,000  47,078,000
        690,900  728,200   808,000  1,001.000  843,700  868.000  1,001 ,200
      6,996,000  S,859,OOO  7,603,000  17,S62,OOO  1/5,688,000  20,799,000  27.428,000  29.575,000
       (S) Revenue, depuiB 1934,-Revenue, sin~e HlM..
       (6) DépenseR, depuis 1934.-E:rpenditure, sinc:e 1931.
       (7) Les chilirœ deR recensetnente 1881-1931I!1e rapportant Ai'annt\e prioMente.-Fipree 01 the 1881-1931 ~en"\.IlIea are for
    the l'J"lKIediIl,l yeu.
       (s) y compris les !:lôpitaux privée depui8 1940.-Private hospitllole included from 1940.
       (9) Depuis 1942, enseignement primaire fMluiement.--8ince 1942, primary edueation only.
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