Page 83 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 83

RELIGIONS                              67


          30-Principales religions de la. population du Canada, par provinces. ]94].
          30-Principal Religions of the Population of Canada, by Provinces, 1941.
                             Populat.ion   1
                               totale  Cathotique Anglî  Eglise·Unie  Juive  Pre~byté~  Au_
              PROVINCES                                            rienne  religion~
                                -      (1)     -      -      -       -      (2)
                               Tou.l                 TTnit<"d      Presby-  Other
                             Population  Catholic  Anglican  Church  Jewish  terian  religionB
        ne-du~p.E  P.E.I..........  95,ûi7  42,743  5,739  24,005  18  14,724  7,818
        N.-.8cosee  N.Scot.ill....  577,9&2  188,944  103,393  124,301  2,167  47,415  111,742
        N.~BrunBwick..............  457.401  220,-t54  55,155 ,  63,268  1,1'<16  15,382  101,946
        8~f~':::.·.',::::::::::::::::: ~:~~~:~; 2,~~t~~~  1~~:~ 3 1,073,425  65,683  433,708  513,523
        Manitoba   _   ,",......  729,744  203,259  125,075  19-t,OOl  L8,715  43,073  145,620
        &akatcbewa.n        "  895,992  243,734  117,674  230,495  4,076  54 ,856  245,157
        Alberta.......................  796,169  191,343  113,27{)  H13,664  4,01)2  68.910  224,921
        COl._Brit, .••.. , .Brit. Col  ,  817,861  113,282  245,53 1  200,817  3,235  94,300  160,6U6
        yukon...........        4,914    742   2,54 5   404      2     422    799
        Ter. du N.~O.... N.O. Terr.,..  12,028  5,061  5,327     6     271   1,0134
                                    --------       1    299
            CANADA.. , .••.  ···IU.506,GS5 4..986.552 1,751,188  2,204,815  1&8,367  129,147 1,566,526
          (1) Y corupri~ les uniates.          (l) Includes Greek Catbolie.
          (2) Comprend les per~onnesqui n'ont pas déclaré leur  (2) Ineludes p'i'rBom witb ~eligion not 6tated.
          31-Population de ~a province de Québec classifiée selon la religion, 1871-1941.
        31-Population of' the Province of Quebee elaasi6ed accol'dinlr to Religion, 1871-1941.
          RELIGIONS     1871   1881   181)1   lPOl'  Hlll    1921  1931    1941
        Adventiste. .....• '.  3,150  4,210  3,364  3,079  2,43tl  1,620  1,174  .'2
        Anglicane..........  62,449  68,797  75,472  81,630  103,812  121,7~3  14.9,843  IG2,056
        Al'mée du Salu~.....  5,173  4,665  297  2.2   '10    B'.    1,135  1,092
        Baptistes .........•  8,fial}  8,8.53  1,991  8,483  9,258  9.266  10,970  12,303
        CatboliqueL'l ....... ,  1,019,850 1,170,718  1,291,709  1,429,260  1,724,6G3  2,023,983  2,463.160  :<,694,621
        Conll;régaJîonalistes. .  5,24.0  5,244  4,296  .......... ... .. ..... ..........  (Il
        ~J:'eIlB orlhodoJl:llS ... ..... .... ..... ... .. ....... '"  8,902  ···ù·.o46
         lljlif1'l UDie .•.•.••• .. .....  .. .... .,.  ..  ....  ...  (1)88,253  101),196
        JuifB .•.. _•.......•  M.     .'2',103'  '7,498'  'aÔ,26S' ... 'ii,766'  lHI.730  65,683
        Luthériens ........•  496  1,003  1,3"'5  1,M2  2,619  2,209  8,261  7,081
        Méthodiste! ..... ~ ..  34.100  3\1.221  39,544  42.014.  42,6406  41,672  (1)
        Presbytériens...... ,  46,165  50,287  52,673  68,013  64,132  73,747  (I)1S9,1S32  "'ü',osa
        Protestants, .... , ..  4.1[/5  2,432  2,342  15,211  8,634  14,14/7  Il,:;!7e  4,228
        Aut~ "ectes .......  2 ....    3,913  4,861   8,076  12,ISH  10,058  13,137
        Non Ipécifiéea .•....  1,461  2',aés'  2,316  1,742  3.497  6,6'il/j  2,432  2,397
               TorAt.•••  1,191,,516 1,359,021  1.488,535 ,........ 2,005.776  2,S60,6&S  2,814.,682  30331,882
         (l) LOI! m~tb(tdjstes l't les ennlll'éll:atîonalistes avec un  (1) ~lethtXlists and Congrcgationalish and a large
        grand nombre de presbytériens, ont formé l'Eglise Unie  number of :P:esbyteriaD~ forDlt'd the Unikd Churcb of
        du Canada, en 1925.                  Canada, in 1925.
           32-Proportion des principalu religions, province de Québec, 1871-1941.
           32-Proportion of the Principal Religions, Province of' Quebec, 1871-1941.
          RELIGIONS    1871   1881    1891   1001    IInl   1921    1931   1941
        Cat,bolillues ..••....  857     8B.    868     8BO    .57     857    .6.
        ~nfilioanB, .........   '"       51     4.     52      52     52      49
         gl8eUDle ..•. , ...  " ·......3i· .. ....  ······si'  ......  . ...  ,.  31  30
        PresbytérienB.•.....  ... "39'   36            '32'  .. '31   21      17
        Mêtbodistt'8...... "
        Juife .......•.••.•. .....  29  '9 1  27 2  26 ,  21   20  .. ·.. ·2ï ······20·
        Autre. religions•.•.•  23  19    10     18     20      22     1.      15
               TO'l'AL'''1  1,000  1,000  1,000  1,000  1,000  1....  1.000  1.000
         H'~~nèmerecensement d~ Ca...ada, Volume II.  E~l1hJhCmaua 0/ C'anadl1, Volwne Il.
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88