Page 87 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 87

ÉTAT CIVIL-CONJUGAL CONDITION                       71

                   7-tTAl CIVIL                     7-CONJUCAL CDNDITION
         Les différents termes usiM~ BOU~ eette rubd-  The various terms usoo under this heading
       que désignent l'état matrimonial de la popula-  refeI' to the matrimonial statua of the popula-
       tion à la. date du reoensement. Dans III province  tion at the time of the census.  On the iirst
       de Québec, au 1er juin 1941, les c~1ibatairea  of June, 1941, of the peI'SOns residing in the
       étaient au nombre de 2,009,052 nu 00.30% des  Province of Quebee, 2,009,052 or 60.3% were
       pe1'80nneB recensées; il Mnvient de remarquer  single. 1t must he taken intD ac.oount, bow-
       cependant que la population de moin.'l de 10 ans  eVBl', tbat t,he population under 15 years of age
       B'élevait à 1,062,813, Boit 31.90% de la. popu-  "\\1181,062,813, thn.t is 31.9% of the total popu-
       lation totale et 52.90% des pp-rsonnes nou  lation and 52.9% of the unmarried population.
       mariêes.  Ce groupe l'le composait de 536,085  This group cornprised 536,085 bo;y"'8 and 526,728
       garçons et. 526,728 filles.          girls.
              35-État civil de la population du Canada, pal" province., en 1941.
           35-Conjugal Condition of the population of Canada, by in 1941.

             PROVINCES      Cm~"",oo 1  MllTih  1Rn veuvage 1 DiVOfCâll  Sép""  1  Tota.l
                             Single   Ma.rri.ed  Widowed  Divorced  Beparnted  (l)
                           1                                  1
                          POPULATION TOTALE -  TOTAL POPULATION
       Ile.d~~~.:t..•. P. E. I...:, ...  54,676  3fi.OO8  4-.950  '1        'illi.04 7
       Nou\.- cOSlle.. Nova. Scotlls••.  321,980  220,645  30,903  .15  3,885  1)77,{l6 2
       N.-Brunswick... " ... , .•..• , .  264,492  16D,368  20.735  3.'  2,393  457,40 1
       8~t~~·....:::::::::::::::::::  2.000,Q52  1.173,102  131,811  1,146  16,623  1I,3:n,8 82 • ,
       Manitoba.•.......•.•.•..• , .  886,397  306,262  30,893  1,127  6,036  729,74
       Baskatchewan...•...••....••.  504,854  355,108  30,348  .40  4,765  8Ç15,{l9 , 2
       Alberta..•.•.•.......... , ...  429.881  330.422  2R.557  1,518  5,741  796.16
       Colombie·Brit.. Bnt. Columbia.  380,2I)D  381,95Ç1  43,214  3.2615  9,091  817,86 ,
       yukon, .•...•............• , .  2,852  1,757  20'    20              4-,\B
       Terr.d.uN.·O ...N .•W.T.•.•....  6,7Z5  4,654  566   •        ni     12,02 •
               CÂlIf40Â, ..•...  6,230.5&8  4,65&.006  625,121  14,D,u  ao,U7  l1,5OG,G5 5
                           POPULATION RURA.LE -  RURAL POPUT.ATION
       ]le.du-~_-t... , . ,:. E. 1..,: .. ,.  40,835  21'>,003  3,634  24  210  70,707
       Nouv,. CQ8Be, .1'\0\'0. Scatia, •.  174,845  116.095  17,345  217  1,910  ;:l10,422
       N.-BrunBwick...•... , •.. , .•..  186,188  113,030  13.267  21'  1,263  313,Q78
       8~~~~·.·::::::::::::::::::::  745,53~  389,871  38,Mg  193  2,2Q2  1,222,IQS
       Manitoba•• , ... ' ..........•.  231,400  160.2115  14,250  257  l,li73  407,871
       BlISkatchewll.D ................  353,143  227,474  17,562  357  2,2't14-  600,843
       Alberta, •......... , ...•.... _  280,044  191,387  14,780  625  2,731  489,583
       Colombie-Brit.. Brit. Columbia.  183,:)20  170,244  11'>,537  '93  8,349  374.467
       Yukon......................  1,896  1,034  132       14      1.      3,117
      Terr.du N.-O... N.-W. T ... , ....  6,725  4,654  '"  6               12,028
               CANÂD4.... , ...  2,'94,112  2,02',019  20.4,01&  J,86J  25,135  5,2SC.2J'
                          POPULATION URBAINE -  URBAN POPULATION
      Il..-.:!u.P.•l!:.... P. E. L .......  13,741  9.095  1.318  17  170  24.340
       Nouv.-:!i:coB8e•. Nova BcotJa..•.  147,135  104..550  13,5.'>8  298  I,Q76  267.540
       N.•BruUBwidL ..•.....•...•• ,  78,304  56,338  7,4GB  17<  1,13U    143,428
      ~t~~~:::::::::'.:'.:'.::'.::::  1,218,245  1,049.619  135.952  4,194  14,331  2,109,684-
      Manitoba................ , •.  154,~07  B5,U67  16.1'>43  .70  3,463  321,S7'
      BaBlœ.tobewan......... '" . '"  151,711  127,6-34  12.786  492  2,47l  i'tl5,14e
      Alberta.......... , ......... '  1411,837  13Q.035  13,777  ••3  3,010  aOO,!M
      Colombie-Brit.. Bri~. Columbia.  196,949  211,715  26,677  2,272 ,  .fi,742  UB,394
      Yukon ... , ..................  966                           20      1,7~7
                                                  " ............ ............ .,..........
      Terr.duN.·O... N.-W. T .. , ..•. ..........  '" ........ .... ........
               CÂNAnÂ.••... ,.  S,,2J5,736  2,627.911  321,111  10,189  57,'02  6,21Z,411
        (1') y compns les penonneB dont l'état civil n'est  (1) Includinll: penons wit.h Cloojugal condition Dot
      pas déclaré.                          Itat&d.
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92