Page 80 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 80


           28-0riginea de la population de la province de Québec, par conttés, en 1941.
            28-0rigins of the Population of the Province of Quebec, by Counties, in 1941.
                           ....  .-           Origine etblJÏque-Raoial Orlilin
         COMTÉS MUNICIPAUX S 1'I---=--,..,--=---;;-::--.--...,...,----,,::---,--~~---
          MUNICIPAL CaUNTIES  ~o;';I"l,lIH.~~!lj JI~ j,~lld jl~l~d
                           _  ~   ~     -â"" .........  ~  g.    ~  0 ..s ....  ...:1  0
         c-:-,-,------I-=c:cc-I---I-"---',-:=--I--- ------1-----
          Abitibi.................  67,689  58,579  3,892  96  192  479  136  1,787  2528
          Argenteuil..............  22,670  14,152  8.p;;~  15  39  4  70  2  '2116
          Arthab8.~ka .... ' .•.•. . ..  30,039  29,522  o>Ou  18  12. ••. ....  2B  1  62
  17,6012  17,553  53  6  S  - ',"  3         9
          Beauce......      48,073  47,750  249   4     3           1          65
          Bea.uharnoilC'.. ..•••...•••  30,269  27,197  2,707  24  54  32  49  6  200
          Bellecbasse.. ......•.....  23,1>76  23,539  53  1  21........  48....  14
          ~~~~~:~·t·l;r~·.::: ::::::: : ~~;î~~  5~:~ii  7,~~~  f  2~' .. ,.i'  1~  89~  ~~
          Brome........ .. . . ... . . .  12,485  5,942  0,238  1  4  14  94  1  191
          Chambly    , .. " . .  32.454  20,729  10,478  53  184  142  96  3   769
          Chaw:.lain.       68,037  ti5/,02  1,913  9  113   28    26    183   283
          Charievoh:-Est~E8.8t.. . .  13,077  12,938  109  .... ' . .  11. . . . . . .  6  1  12
          Cbarle\'oh-Oueat-West..  12,;385  12,386  138  47  6            1     7
          Clmteauglllly............  14,443  11,Q68  3,231  21  3  ...... 2 .. ·..27·  1  70
          Chicoudmi.        78,881  75,432  2,291  33  12,';  .n   61    103   795
          COUlpwn,. . . . . . .. . . . . . .  22,957  16,458  6,230..  54  9  3,j  1  170
          Dè\lX-:,.lontaglle~Two),l'kl  Hl.746  1<1,937  l,240  10  9  15  30  441  64
          Dorohester..............  29,R1j9  25,!HS  916  1         4          30
          Drummond.         36,003  34,078  2,340  41···· ii  i9   89     1    104
          Frontenac     ,.  28,5u6  27,791  036   8     1    22    70.......   68
          Ga!lpé-El;t-East.  ..  33,871  25,637  8,043  14  63  1   17    8    88
          Gaepé-Ouest-Wel;t......  ]2.397  12, 023  348 .... ',~'  1 ... "';0"  18  1  4
          Gatineau...............  2,H,754  20,13  8,631  u  la  ù  125  564   249
         Hul!....................  41,434  37.377  3,512  HI  65  44  79  20   321
          Hunt.ingdon..... .. .  . .  12,394  6,447  4,947  59  14  9  25  724  169
          Therville  ,  . . .  10,273  9,SI1  420..... . ..  5  1   9          27
          Iles-de-la-Madeleiue Isl'~.  8,940  8,128  758........  .  '9"  1    53
          Jallette.................  31,713  30,889  457  74  21   21          242
          Kllolliouraska  ,  25,535  25,434  56         6          10, , ,     29
          Labelle      "..  22,&74  22.40.:2  298  19  26    48    24 ..  iil  119
          Lac-8t-Jean-E,..........  25,245  24,490  618........  Ci  5  32     97
          Lac-St-Jeall~O.-W...... "  39,061  38,000  293  }6  17  2  4  ... '259  470
          Laprairie  ,........  13,7:~0  10,54B  643  17  34  2     4   2,267  215
          L'assomption  , .. ,  17,543  16,944  392  50  3   13    15          1~6
          Laval.   '  ". "  21,631  19,723  1,~90  132  151  23    20  .... "2'  290
          Uvis........      38,n9  37,172  814    1    63     3    34     7    25
          L'Islet..................  20.,589  ~~',3'"476  41~~  1 ..... ',..  1  ,',  1  54
          Lotbinière  ".....  26,604  "'"  Uv                             ..    7
          Maskinongé.............  18,206  17,677  285  2  7        3    207   :u
          ).!a.tane.        25,488  24,181  1,239  5    cr.......   7          50
          Matapédin     , . .  29,9:26  28,575  267  1    .  ,     38     7    38
          11égantie     ,.  40,357  37,542  2,bOS  17  40    13    43     3    191
          :HiS8isQuoi., ......• , , . . .  21,442  15,435  5,269  08  79  45  55  1  490
          lv!cmtoaJm..............  15,208  14,285  681  6   117..............  119
          Montmagny...      22,049  21,908  91    8     6     3     3     7    23
          Montmonmcy, No 1.  '  14,309  14,05·1  214. , ..  2. . . ... .  4  1  340
          :I\lontmonmcy, No 2.,... .  4,293  4,24ô  46          . . . . .. ..   1
          Jvlontréal. Ile--:.IsJa,nd  1,116,800  699,517  273,470  63,888  25,281  7,!)(}:l,  5,025  205  41,510
          Napierville..     8.329  B,170   140......    2     1     2. "'.0"   14
          Nicolet......  .  "  30,085  29.838  208. "   2  .....   10           7
          Papineau...............  27,551  23,100  3,M9  22  39    638    fi   197
          Po:n.tinc   ,. .  19,852  8,744  10,071'  20'  10  254   598   22    133
          Por~neuf....•.. ,........  38,996  37,82':S  1,03oi  3,12  '9'8,  0"  ,','0,'" ".;',·6"  86
          Québec... ..  .. .. . . . ..  202,882  lS7,2 71  13,21"0  3         1,060
          Richelieu     ' .  23,691  23,247  aoo  26    15    OZ   13     2    80
          Richmond..............  27,493  22,309  4.94.6  18  43  13  35.....  129
          Rimouski   , .  .  44,233  43,228  841  7    14     2    70     8    tï3
          RRjyjè~l~ldu-Loup.........  3,45,4849~  3'4 3 ,g6"7  l ~93  8 ..... '7"  ... ",..  ',7,  HI4  26
           GUVl e'O ... "  "  ,  ~  ,i     ,v::!  8                 .     .    26
          Saguenay........  .. .  29.419  21,!Yl3  2,584  1  16  1,')  34" 4',523'  103
          Shefford.. . .  . . . . .. . . .  33,387  29,290  3,883  34  27  3  28  ... , . . .  122
          Sherbrooke  ,. . . . . .  46,.':i74  35,388  10.299  218  201  26  55  1  386
          Soulanges....... . ..  9,328  8,861  421  1   10    2    12. .. ....  21
          Sta.nste"td   ,.  27,972  19,;:;43  8,01:10  29  44  2   41........  223
          St-Hyacinthe............  31,645  31,277  2tï7  21  23......  0  3   4B
          St-.Tean---8t.John's......  20,584  18,704  1,615  ~8  63  17  28. .•. ...  99
          St~i\laurice..............  80,352  75,61B  i),865  110  107  20  103  . 3  526
          Tt;misc!l.mingue,.........  40,471  31,889  5,056  139  254  406  176  570  1,981
          TêmiscOu!l.tlt........ ...  23,182  22,B92  267  5  2  ......  12  ....  4
          l'errebonne.............  46,864  43,233  2,530  339  7~  69  80  7  .531
          VaudreuiL....     13,170  Il,3~3  1,718  14   /)    1     8    13    58
          Verch~res...............  B,Z!!  13.·189  623  12  10  11  20......  41:1
          Wolfe       , .. >..  17,W2  16,765 [  601    5           5  ,.......  26
          Yame.ska     , ."'1  16,<~161  16,078 ~_~17-:0'-1~~_-:'_1'·'-''-·,-..-:.-:.:' _._._._._._'.  fiO  ..•..... __'_'7_
              TOTAL.•.......... 3,331,882 2,&95,012  452,887  ",277  28,051  10.016  8,880  13,641  57,078
           Il) Comj::.lend lt'~ pen;()cnea d'origine n(]n-dl!claT~t'.  (1) Includes perOloIli; with racial orllin n.ot stated,
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85