Page 77 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 77

AGES                                61

       25-Population urbaine et rurale de la province de Québec, plU' groupes d'Age, en 1941.
         25-RuraJ and Urban Population of the Province of Quebec, by Age Groups, in 1941.

                             Paputat.ian mmlll - RUtal Pop\llll.tion  PopulaHon urbaine - Urbo,n Population
           GROUPES D'AGE
                                               FemmeIJ          Hommoa   Femml'J!l
            AGE GROVPB        Talal                     Ta/al
                                               Femll.le       1  :\ble    Female

        0- 4 lI,D.lj-years ....•.•..•••..  159,599  80,893  78,70ti  193,830  98,114  0,;.722
        S· 9 .•.... .... ......... ,...
        10-14 .. .....................  154,807  78,370  76,437  193,133  103,670  10,1.311
        15-19 . .... , ..... ,...........  139,819  73.585  66,234  21l,371  102,35&  109.018
        20-24 ....• , .•••...••..•.••. ,  10.'5,519  .57,187  408,332  198,718  91,168  107,550
        2.'5-29 ........•..•...•• , .•••.  88.839  4,l\.f146  40,11)3  193,220  90.887  102,333
       30-34 .....•...• , •.•••...••..  74,962  40,403  34,5l59  171,n9  82,259  89,470
       35-39 .•.••........••.. '••..•.  65,232  34,867  30,365  152,167  75,1\10  76,977
       40-44 ................. , ..••.  54.906  28,988  25,918  128,295  62.801  65,404
        45-49 .. ....... , ............  49,748  27,112  22,636  112.472  56,fjfjl  M,8U
        50-54 .. .................... ,  42.899  23.278  19,621  97,201  48,657  48,544
        M-59 .. .....................  37,291  20,572  16,719  76,997  38,679  38,318
        60~64 .. .... .... , .........•..  30,597  17,071  13,5213  6],129  3U,083  <l1,0-16
       65-69 .. ' ......... ...........  2.'5,429  14,191  11,238  -15,730  21.971  23.759
       70-74 .• .......... ...........  17,843  9.858  7,985  31,661  14.592  17,069
        75-79 .. .......... ...........  11,367  6,086  5,281  19,209  8,574  10,63S
       80-84 .. ......... .. ..........  6,410  a,312  8,104  9,925  4.193  5.T32
       85-89. ............ ..........  2,719  l,g03  1.326  :1,Rfl4  1,573  2,291
       90-94 .. .......... .. ........  620  283  337      887      aI3     ô74
        9&  +. , ....... ...........  ".  59       70      156              107
          '"                       ._---
                TOTAL ••••••••••  1,222.198  644,383  577,815  2,109,684  1,028,599  1,081,085
                          PROPORTION PAR 100 -  PROPORTION PER 100
        .-  9 .. , ••..• , .....• , ...•...  1:1.06  12.55  13.23  9.19  9.41  8.91
        D- ol lltollll-YCllo!"B •••••
       10-14 ..••...•...•.•..•••..•.  12,66  12.14  13.02  9.86   10,08     9.65
       15-19 . ......................  11.H  11.42  11.46  10.02   9.95    10.08
       20-24 ...•.•.. , •...•.....••.•  8,63  8.88  8.36  9.42     8.86     9.95
       25-21) ..••........••.. , '" .••  7,27  7.55  6.96  9.16    8.84     9.47
       30-34 . .... ,...... ., ...... , ..  6.13  6.27  5.98  8.14  8.00    8.28
       35-39 . .......... , ..... , ...  &.34  5.41  5.25  7.21    7.31     7,12
       40-44., .....................  4.49  4.50  4.49    6.08     6.10     6,06
       46-49, ..... , ........... .,...  '.07  4.21  3.92  5.33    5.51     5.16
       50·54 .. ., ................ , ..  3,51  3.61  3.40  4.61   4,73     4.49
       55--59 . .. , ...................  3.05  3.19  2.89  3.65   3.76     a,55
       60-64 . ........... ........ " .  .2.50  2.05  2.34  2,90   2.02     2.87
       65-69.   ...... , .........  2.08  :;l.20  1.1>4   2.17     2,14     2.20
       70-74 . ......... .... ........  1.46  1.53  1.38  l.M      1. 42    1.58
       75-79. ............ .. ........  0.93  0.95  0.91  0,91     0.83     0.98
       80-84 .....•••..• , .. , .•...•..  0.53  0.51  0.54  0.47   0.41     0.53
       8.5-89 ••.•••••••••••.••••••••  0.22  0.22  0.23   0.18     0.15     0,21
       90-94 .. , •...•.•. ............  0.05  O.M  0.08  0.04     0.03     0.06
       95 +..... ........... ., .  0.01  0.01    0.01     0.01     0.01     0.01
                TOTAL ••••••••. ,  100.00  100.00  100.00  1110.00  100.00  100.00
         Lf" 'tableau ci-dessus ét.ablit la répartition  The above table shows the numerical and
       lllUlJérique et proportionnelle! par grol1pe8  propol'tional distribution, per quinquenniaJ age
       d'âge quinquennaux et par sexe, de la popu-
                                             groups s,nd sex, of the rural and urban popu-
       lation rurale et urbaine de la province de Qué-
                                             lation of the Province of Quebec in 1941.  It
       bec, en 1941.  Il montre clairement la dis-
                                             shows c1early the dispa.rity between the age-.s of
       parité entre les .!1ge.s de la population des C8.m-
       pagnes et de celle des vi1:es.        the country and town populations.
         Les perl50nnes de moin.s de 20 a118 constituent  Persons under 20 of age constitute
       49.73% de la population des centres ruraux et  49.73% of the population in rural centrea and
       seulement 3R.72 % de celle des centres urbs.ins;  onl,}' 38.72% in urban centres; on the other
       par contre, les groupes de 20 à 69 anE! rep.r(.'-  lmnd, persons of from 20 ta 69 of age
       sentent 47.07% de la. population rurale et  represent 47.07% of the rural and 58.57% ol
       58.57% de celle des villes. A remarquer aussi  the town population.  It iE! also to be noted
       que, dans les ca.mpagn'A8, le groupe quinquennal  tlJat the lurgeat quinquennial group iB from
       le plus nombreux est celui de 0-4 ans et dans oto 4 in the rural districts whereas in the citjes
       les viLles, celui de 15-19 ans.       lt je from 15 ta 19 years.
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82