Page 70 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 70

54                            POPULATION

            Dans les cenüeb ruraux, l'excédent de la po-  In the rural districts the male population
          pulation masculin~ est de 66,568 alors que, dans  was greater than the iemale by 66,568, wberea~,
          les ('.ité3, villes et villages, il y a 52,486 femmes  in the cities, towns and villages there were
          de plU8 que d'hommes.  En d'autres termes,  52,486moreWOllll;\D thanmen.  In other "\VordE
                                               there were 111 men for p..ach 100 women in the
          on compte, par 100 femmes, 111 honune.~ dana
                                               rural districts and only 95 men ta 100 womell
          les campagnes et 95 dans les centres urbaiIlB.
                                               in the rnban centres. As will he sean in the
          Dans les cités l cette proportion varie, d'après  foUowing table, this disproportion vari{,d Irom
          le tableau suivant, entre 72 et 134.  72 ta 134 in the cities.
                    19-Population des cités de la Province, classifiée selon le sexe.
                   19-5ex Distribution of the Population of Cities of the Province.

                    C[T~S (1)                   IMI         1         1931
                                             1 HOmmll9) Femmes I---~'H-o-o-'m-'-"I-F-,-m-m-~-
                    CITIES (1)        1 Total                 Tote.!
                                             1  -       -
                                                MlI.te  Female      ~~;_:crnale
          Cafl-de-la~Ml1deJeine.. ,...  ~-1l,961 -- 0,985 11--o,!il96 "~;-:8-:,7"'C:8-1  4.317  4.431
          Ci:uo::outimi. ...................•...  16.040  7,990  8,050  Il.S17  G.013  5,8/}4
          Drllrnrnond.,iJle.  . .. , .  . . .  10.555  5,123  5.432  6.609  3,271  3.338
          Granby .. "                    14,197  6,829  7,368  lO,587  5,309   ,~.278
          Grand'Mère                     8,1308  4 206  4403   6461    3206    3255
          Hull                  ,.       32,947  16:388  16:559  2'Ù33  14:7::14  14:699
          Joli~ttc..                     12,749  6.057  G.692  10,765  5,123   5,642
          Lochine .. , ,  , . . . .  . . . . . . . . .  20,051  9,903  10,143  18,630  9.261  9,369
          Lévi~ ... ,......  . .. ,.....  1I,99l  5,838  6,153  1  Il,724  5,172  5,952
          Longueuil.  .  ,........       7,087   3,627  3,460  .5,407  2,650 1  2,757
          Montréal. . . ..  . ..  . . . . . . . .  903,007  440,701  462,306  818,577  405,892  412.585
          Outremont. . .  . . .• . .. .  .  ,  30,751  13,588  17.163  28,641  12,557  16,084
          Québec                     ,  150,757  70.552  80,205  130,594  61,339  6B,205
          Rivière--du-Loup  , ,   , .    8,713   4,042  4,671  8,499   4,000   4,4lJ9
          St-Hyll-cinthl.'  1.....       17,798  7,894  9,904  l3.·W8  6,090   7,358
          St-Jean-St. John.       .   1  13,646  6,662  6,984  11.200  5,799   5,457
          St-Lanlbert  .  ."  .. ,...............  6,417  3,063  3,354. ,  6,u75  2,905  3,170
          ShawiDlgan Falla ......•.......•...... ,...  20.325  10,131  10,11)4,  1  l.'i,345  7,679  7,dM
          Sherbrooke..                   35,905  17,116  18,849  28,933  13,739  15,194
          Sorel     ,.........................  12,251 1  6,2.'19  6,992  10,320  5,331  4,989
          Thetford MinCli.               12,716  6,314  6,402  10,701  5,321   5,380
          Trois-Rivières............................  42,007  20,472  21'535  35,450  17.353  18,u97
          Valleyfield, &ùaberry de...................  17,052  8,B50  8,202  11,411  5,678  5,733
          Verdun......  .  ,..............  67,349 1  33.243  34,106  60.745  30,114  30,631
          "'Bfltmount..................•........... _~~  10,910 __15,137  24.235  10,009  14,226
                 TOTAL                 1,515,568  7U,350  781,218 i 1,336,211 1-654,435681.826
                                                194.1                 1931
                                      1                                    :
                      CITÉS                           Hommes                Hommes
                                       Hommell  Femmee  Pll.T 100  Hommes  Fernmes
                       -                              femmes                fe~~~~~
                                         -   1  -       -      -       -      -
                     CITIES                            l\blell               Males
                                        Male   Fem.ale  to 100  Male  FCDut.le  to 100
                                                      females  1            femal6ll
                                                                    ---_. -----
                                          %      %              %       %
          Cap-de-la~Madeleine......................  49.9  5O.1  0'  49.3  50.7  07
          Chicoutimi .....••.... ' ..•...............  49.8  50.2  00  50.6  49.4  [03
          Drunl1uondvilLe ..............•..•.... ...  48.5  5L.5  0'  49.5  50.5  98
          Gr.anby .. '" ...•... ' ......•...••.... ., ,.  48.1  .51.9  00.1  49.9  101
          Grand'Mêre .......•.....................  48.8  51.2  "  49.6  50.4  OB
          Hull .........••.......•......•...... , ...  49.7  50.3  00  50.1  50.3 ..
          Joliette., ........•........•..... , .... '" .  47.5  52.5  01  47.6  52.4  91
          Lachine ....... ..........................  49.4  50.6  9•  49.7
          Uvis ........ , ........................ ,.  48.7  61.3  95  49.2  50.8  97
          Longueuil ......•. , ....••. , ..............  51.2  tB.8  105  49.0  01.0  O.
          Montréal. .... , .....•.......•............  48.8  51. 2  '5  49.6  50.4  9.
          Outfemon~....••......•......•........•.  44.2  55.8  79  43.8  56.2  7.
          Québec ...................•........•.....  46.8  53.2  8.  47.0  5.'1.0  se
          Riviêre-<lu-Loup.......••.... , .. , ...•.....  46.4  53.6  .0  ~7.1  52.9  .,
          St~Hyal:iothe.....•..... , .•...•... .......  44.3  55.7  45.3  54.7
                                                5t. 2
          St-Jean -  St. John.. , .. " .......... ......  48.8  50.2 ..  51.5  48.5  10.
          8t~La.rnbert........... '" ................  47.7  52.3  91  47.8  52.2  92
          Sha....inigan Falla. , ... ' ..•.... " , ..... " ..  49.8  60.0  50.0  100
          Snerbrooke ..............................  47.6  50.3 ..  47.5  52.5  90
          l'l:orel .. , .....................•........ , ..  51.1  48.9  10'  li 1.7  48.3  [07
          Thetford l\linea ....................... , ..  49.7  49.7    50.2 ..
          Troi&-Riviérell ...........................  48.7  51.3  95  49.0  51.0  1  9.
          Valleyfield,. Salaberry do......•.......•....  51.9  48.1  10.  49.8
          Verdun...........•. , .....•............•.  49.4.  50.6  97  49.6  50.4  9.
          Wœtrnount .. ......................... ...  41.9  58.1  72  41.3  58.7  70
                TOl:J'I'ElI cIn8-ALL cmER        51.5    ••    49.'    51.0  1  'B
            (1) De 5,000 ll..mes et plus.        (1) Of 5,000 population and over.
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75