Page 20 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 20


         2-Superficle des terres agricoles, boisées ou im.productivea du Canada, par province•.
           2-Area of Agricultural. Foreated, or Unproductive Land in Canada, by Province•.
                                  (en milles canés -  in 8QURl'e mil",!».
          NOTE:--Comme il s'Blrit d'estimations, il sera. préféra-  NOTIil:-V{hen thede eBtimBte~ arE' 'luot.ed, they shnuld
         bLe, lru:squ'on utilisera. lea chiffrea ci-dessous. d'a.rrolldir  bE' furtber rounded oa ta the hundred EqUAre
         les deux derniers.                   milfti.

                     DSBcription          1fariti-  Ql1~bec  Ontario  Prairies  -  Canada
                                           mes                        B.O.   (I)

           (2),             LAND (2),
          OetUpl!ell . •••••••••.•  Occupird . ..........  13,983  28,222  34,981  187,703  6,302  271,195
           DéIdcMee et en pa.-  Irnproved and PMt-
             tUf8jj;e .•••••••••  ure ... _.........  6,10:;?  18,Çl05  28,942  177,042  4,718  230,403
           BoÏBéea... "" .. " ,  Forested ..• ".......  7,191  1),317  6,039  10,661  1,584  34,792
          InoccupI,8II, ••...• , •••  Un«cUpiM . . "•.•.•.•  17 ,377  38,393  67,889  124,607  14,398  276,729
           Herbes, broUBss, eto.  GrllB8, bruab, eto ...  4,797  1,500  5,899  40,607  2,948  65,816
           Boisêel:l ..... , ......  Forested ...........  12,580  36,893  61,990  84,000  11.450  210.913
                                                             ---- ---- ----
              TOTAL .......•....•.......•..... : .•...  31,360  66,615  102,870 m,no  20,700  547,924
          Non boisées..........  Non-foreated.........  11,589  20,405  34,841  217,649  7,666  302,2l9
          Boisées .... , •..... ,.  Foreated... , .•• , , .•. ,  19,771  46,210  68,029  94,661  13.034  24.j.70,j
          Bois tendre:     Softwood:
           Vendable..........  Merebantable.....  9,690  202,080  3.0,900  11 ,030  35,400  291l.300
           Jeune boie.........  Young growtb. , ..  6,395  46,270  29,300  39,600  50,490  19-1,855
          Boie mixte:      Mixed wood:
           Vendable ..... .....
           Jeune bois ....... ..  Mercbo.ntable.....  7,970  24.880  24,100  12,460  (3)  IH.71)0
          BoU, dur:        H~J~~~3~owth .... ,
           Vendable ..... ... ..  :MerebantBble., ...  2,635  2,880  5.900  8,160  (3)  22.375
           Jeune bois .... .. ...  Young growth.. ,'..  1,860  5,750  10,200  52,370  (3)  81.380
          Product,ive.o..... .....  Productive .... , ....  34,160  302,700  173,800  169,500  85,H90  813,llO
          Improductive;>. , .....  Unproductive .... , ..  240  69,590  63,400  140,060  128,560  477,850
          Tenure:          Tenure:
           ~~~~~éJ:kr3~~l'r~D:  Privo.tely owned...  19,828  26,620  14,240  32,091  7,386  100,175
             ne... .... .. ....  Crownllind .•. ", ,  14,572  345,660  222,960  277,529  207,064 1,190,785
                                           34,400  .J7.2,.29D  237,20'  309,620  214,450  1,290,960
              TOTAL." ••••.• ' .... ........ ".,...... ,                  -
        Terres produclive.~ (4) ...  Productive land (4)" ..  45,989  392,695  272,041  .j27,269  222.116 1,593,170
         [nr.ulles et autretl (5)....  Wll.8te an.d other (5) ..•  4,411  131,105  91,241  179,~2p  137,163 1,868.924
              GRAN}) TOTAL................. , , . , .....  50,400  521,860  863,232  706,498  J59,279  J,462,103
          (1) Y compris le Yukon et lea Territoirea du ::'-lord-  (1) Yukon and North We.ot Territorie.o included.
          (2) Aetuepes et potentielles.        (2) Prt".sent and potentie.L
          (3) Très petite ou négligeable,      (3) VI!"I'Y small or negligîble.
          (4) Total des terres agricoles et boisées moina les terre!  (4) Total IlgriclllturBI and fore.oted land less forest.ed
        agricoles boisées.                    a.gricult.1ual 1and.
          (5) Comprend mUBkegs, pierrea. tracés de routœ,  (5) Ineludes open IDuskeg, rock. road .ll.llow.ll.noel!l,
         ter~ urbaines, ete.                  urba.n lan.d, elO.
          Extrait de Annuai,.~ du Canada, 1/)47,  E:ürllct from Canada Yeu,. BMk, Ib47.
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