Page 13 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 13
5. Statistics of superior primary schools and of high schools . 131
6. Statistics of aH primary schools : . 132
7. Number of primary schools by electoral districts . 134
8. Pupils enroHed in primary schools by electoral districts . 135
9. Teachers in primary scbools by electoral districts . 136
10. Infant-schools.-Pupils enroUed and aver(~ge attendance . 137
Il. Average saÙl.ry of lay teachers . 137
12. Average number of pupils per primary school under one teacher . 137
13. Male and female teachers and pupils of normal schools.-Diplomas awarded . 138
14. Number of pupils enrolled in normal schools . 139
15. Provineial Government grants 1.0 normal schools _ . 139
16. Catholic elementary diplomas , , . 140
17. Catholic superior diplomas , , , 140
18. Diplomas awarded by Ma.cdonald Protesta.nt Normal School . 140
19. Diplomas nwarded by the Central Board of Catholic Examiners.. _ . 141
20. Number of professors and pupils in cln.ssical colleges _. 142
21. Value of immovable property, expenses, etc., of classical colleges , . 143
22. Independent non-Bubsidized institutioOB . 144
23. Number of professors and students al. universi.ties _ _ . 145
24. Clussification, by faculties, of the students enrolled al. the universities . 146
25. Statistics of the School for Hil(her Commercial Studies , , .. 148
26. Students enrolled in the Scbool for Higher Commercial Studies , . 148
27. Students enrolled in the schools of fine arts, in 194041. _ : _ . 149
28. Statistics of the schools of fine urts, (rom 1928·29 1.0 1940-41 _. 149
29. Pupila enrolled in the Polytechnic School, in 1940-41 . 150
30. St.atilltics of the Polytechnic Schoo!. . 150
31. Students enrolled in the technicul schools , . 151
32. Schools of arts and manufacture und schools for deuf-mutes and the blind . 151
33. Statistics of schools of agriculture . 152
34. Statistics of the dniry school . 153
35. Stntistics of domestic science schools _ . 153
36. Statistics of night schools . 154
37. Statistics of dress-making schools . 154
38. Amount of contributions for schools , 155
39. Avera~e C?st of education, per pupil '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 156
40. ContflbutlOns by the Queuec Government for educatlonal purposcs 157
41. Number of schools constructed or repaired and cost of construction 158
42. Number of schoolhouses built or repaired 159
43. Cost of schoolhoUlles built or repaired.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 160
List of Lieutenant-governors and date of appointment , , , ,. 161
2. Members of Executive Conncil in Deeember 1943 162
3. List of members of Executive CouDcil of the F.rovince of Quebec, since 1867 162
4. Du.ration oflegislatures and of sessions, since 1867 168
5. General elections for.the Legislative Assembly of the Province, Bince Confederation 170
6, Members of the Legislative CounciI, in 1943 " 170
7. Members of the Le~islative Assemhly, in 1943 17!.
8. List of the Speakers of the Lc~slativeCounciI, Bince 1867, and dnte of their swearing in.. 172
9. Liat of the Speak~crsof the Le~islativeAssemhl'y, sinee 1867, and date of tbeir swearing in. 172
H\. Membera of the Houee of CommoOB for the Province of Quebec, in 1943 " 173
11. Representatives of the Province of Quebec in the Senate of Canada, in 1943. . . . . . . 173
12. CTOwn lands sold or I(runted and lands not allot,tcd , 174
13. Numberoflettars patent issued and of sales effected, from 1922 to 1942 _ 175