Page 11 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 11

        23. Proportion of the principu! religions at various censuse~. . ...  . ..  86
        24. Population of t.he province of Quebec classified accordin~ ~o principal religions, in 1941.  87
        25. Principal religions of the populat.ion of the cities in the Yrovince, in 1941  .  88
        28. Conjugal condition of the population of Canada, by provinccs, in 1941  .  89
        27. ConjugA.! condition of the population of Canada, by provinccs nnd sex, 1921, 1931, 1941.  90
        28. Conjugal condition of the population of the Province, by counties, in 1941  .  91
        29. Birthplacc of the population of the province of Quebec, in 1941  , .  92
        30. Birthplace of the population of Cnnada, by provinces, 1891-1941.  .  93
        31. Birthplllce of the population of the Province, by counties, in 1941. . . . .  '. . .  .  .  94
        32. Offi(;i~v~r~t~~~:~~c~ti~e~9t~fgue. ~f. thc .p~pulat~on.of. Ca~a.dn,.10 years of ageand  9:>
        33. OfficiA.! llUlguage nnd mother tongue of the population of the Provincc, by counties, in
               1941..  '              ,             '     ,    "            .  96
        34. Lilcracy of the population of Crmada, five of age and over, in 1931  :.  97
        35. Literacy of the population, 10 years of ngc and over, in Canada, in 1931.  .  98
        36. Wage-earners at work or idle on June lst, 1931, nnd causes of unemployment  .  99
        37. Earnings, from June 1st 1930 to June lst 1931, of wage-eamers, 10 years of age and over,
               in Canada) by provinces                                       100
        38. Number of dwelling howes, in Cannda, by provinces                101
        39. S~rueturally separate units in Canada, by provinces, in 1931.    102
        40. Dwelling houses, structurnl1y sepnrate units and households, by provinces, in 1931  102
        41. Classilication, according to the Dumber of children, of families in Canada, by provinces,
               in 1931. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 103
        42. Population 10 years of age and over, gainfully occupied in Canada, by provinces, 1891-
               1931                                                          104
        43. Percentage of the population of 10 years of age and over, gainfully occupied in CaW1da,
               byprovinces, 1891-1931.                                       105
        44. Occupations of the population, 10 ycnrs of age nnd over, by provinces lUld industries,
               in 1931.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 106
                              B-MOVEMENT OF THE POPULATION
        45. Marriages, births and deaths registered in the Province of Quebee  :  . 107
        46. Marriage. birth and death rates per 1,000 population            . IDS
        47. Vital statistics of Cannda, by provinces, in 1941               . 110
        48. Marriages, births and dcaths in cities a.nd towns of the Province, in 1941  . 110
        49. Marriages, births and deaths recorded in the Province, by eounties, in 1941  . 111
        50. Birth rates, per 1,000 populatio~, of the Canadian provinc~s    . 112
        51. Crude blrtn rate of varlous forclgn coun trtcs                  . 112
        52. Total number of de.o.ths in the Province, by age periods, in 1940 and 194.l  . 113
        53. Crude death rate of various foreign coun~ries                   . 113
        54. Number of deaths recorded in. the P.r0vince of guebec .. :      . 114
        55. Death rate, per 1,000 populatIon, 01 the Canadw.n provmces      . 114
        56. Number and rate per 1,000 hving births, of deaths under 1 year of age  . 115
        57. Deaths under 1 year of age and rate per 1,000 living births in cities and towns, in 1941 .. 115
        58. Number and rate per 1,000 hving births of deaths under 1 year of age, by counties, in 1941 11l)

                                   C-HEALTH CONDITIONS
        59. Certain causes of death in the Province of Quebec                118
        60. Deaths caused by certain diseases, in Canada, by provinces, in 19!!  120
        61. Death rate from certain diseases in cities and towns             120
        62. Death ro.tes from certain diseases by counties, in 1940 and 1941.  121
        63. Summary of examiMtions made by the Provincial Bureau of Henlth, in 1941-42  123
        64. Destination, by provinces, of immigrants registered in Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 124
        65. Occupation of immigrants into ClUlada, in 1941 /lnd 1942         125
        68. Classification of immigrants into Canada, according to port of arrivaI, from 1935 to 1941 125

                         A-EDUCATIONAL ORGANrzATro:s AND STATISTICS
         1. Development of education in the Provinec of Quebec               127
         2. Summary of educll.tiona! statistics                              128
         3. Htatistics of elementary primary Bchools                         129
         4. Statistics of complementary and intermediatc schools             130
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