Page 49 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 49

CHRONOLOGY                              19
                         12th Governcr: Lord Gos/ord (1835/01838)

      1835.-A report unfavourable to the Canadians sent to England by the Governor. PopuJa.r feeling
               excited. Tbe assooiation of tbe Sons of Libertyc founded al. Montreal.
      1836.-Tbe fust rai!way in Canada inaugurated from St. Johns to Laprairie. Montreal erected
               into a bisbopric. Mgr. Lartigue fust bishop.
      1837.-Arrival of tbe Brothers of tbe Christian &bools. Outbreak of civil war owing to England's
               refusa.! to recognize the just claims of the Canadians. Figbting takes place al. Chambly
               and St. Denis, where tbe Englisb troops are defea~d, but tbey are victorious al. St.
               Charles and St. Eustaohe. In Upper Canada, Lyon Mackenzie is at the head of the
               revoit. GosIord returns to England.

                           Administra/or: Sir John Colborne (1888)

      1838.-Colborne suspends the constitution of 1791 and a. Counci! of 22 members, of whom Il
               are Frenoh Canadians, ie formed.

                             13tll Gcm{f;rwr: Lord Durham (1838)

      1838.-Most of the political priaoners liberated, except 24, who are exiled to the Bermudas. l'hie
               act disapproved by London and the Governor resigns his office. Cardinal and Duquet
               executed al. Montreal.

                        14th GavenUJr: Si'r Jahn Colborne (1838 ta 1839)

      1838.-Fresh rioting in Lower Canada. Colborne suppresses tbe troubles with great severity. No
               Jess than 89 politiClLI prisoners sentenced to deatb, 47 exiled and 12 executed between
               Maroh and December, 1838. In Upper Canada, the insurgents are defcated al. Presoott,
               Detroit and Niagara. From 20 to 30 prisoners ahot or hung in Upper Canada, between
               December 1838 and February 1839. Theae severe measures blamed by England.

                         15th GaverMr: Lord Sydenham (1839 to 184t)

      1839.-Lord Durha.m auhmits a report to London, suggesting the union of the two Canadas and
               the aholition of the French language in civil acta.

                            UNION PERIOD (1842 1'0 1867)

     1840.-Act of Union between Lower and Upper Canada sanctioned by Queen Victoria. Arrivai
              of the steamship "Britannia" of the Cunard Line.
     1841.-Arriva.! of the Oblate Fathers al. Montreal. Population of Call1l.da: 1,150,000, of which
              700,000 French Call1l.dians. Union Act inaugurnted and IGngston ohosen as the seat
              of government. Death of Lord Sydenham. Rockalide a.t Quebec; 32 persona killed.
              Adoption by Lower Canada of an Education Act.

                           Adminisl.rat/Yr: Sir Richard D. Jaà81Jn
                        16th G07JenUJr: Sir Charles Bagat (1842 ta 1843)

     1842.-Rœponsible ÛQvernment established. Lafontaine and Baldwin become Ministera. Return
              of the Jesuita to Canada. ABhburton treaty. Organization of the Council of Public
              Instruction of Lower Canada: J. B. Meilleur, lat Superintendent.
     1843.-Launching Ilot Montreal of the tirst iron steam vessel built in Canada.
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