Page 61 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 61

CLIMATOLOGY                               35

                                23-Monthly Precipitation (in inches) (1); Abitibi and Cap Rouge.

                                                       AB1TTBI               CAP Il.oUGE
                                                                     --       -------
                                               J922  19Z:! 1 1924  102~iH12~  1922  19231192-1  1925  19Z>l1
                        J[)nuary     ~ .       1.!10   13.10  1.45,  1 !>Il  2.20  3.70  5.20  3.90  1.99
                        Febt"lIn..y ....•.•..  1 .J.' .  J ..~5  3 26 , 0 10:1  2.0"  1.90  1.90  a.72  2.49
                        Mo,."h        .        0.70  2.10  0.95  1.49  01]6  1.65  3,07  1.1"  3.511  1.08
                        /\.pril ........•.....•.....•.....  .;.61  I.~~  0.·18  O.Ul'  2 LO  3 .47  4 .85  5. [,7  1. 92  3. 11
                        May.....   .         .  3 09  1.2.'!  3 .03  2. 3 1  1. 6R  1.78  5.16  4.1,.  2.111  248
                        June.      .      .    2.19  2.3,1  1.31  3.07  378  8.97  J.60  J 94  2.5~  274
                        July....       .     .  6.53  2. ,,~  3. 36  7 30  4 . 14  171  1.16  3.82  4.1111  5.7R
                        August              .  2 .55  4 .H  3 30  2 29  1. 1J  2.:19  a.16  3.02  I.lH  2.17
                        Scptembcr            .  0.16  2.·N  3.97  2. Il , 3 08  1 .14  2.06  7.1 S  6. 5tI  ,5 97
                        October.. . .  .   .   3 .96  l 5:1  1. 91  2. 26 1 2 tO  n~ U~ n~ U~ ~ ~~
                        No,crober  ...........•.....  258 o.""  3.J7  2AI  ,,75
                        December...... . .  .  .  2.41  2.;;"  2.35  2.30 Il.40  3.20  &.,39  2.63  2.43  1.50
                              24-Monthb Precipitation (in inches) (1): Disraëli and Lake Megnntic.
                                                      DIt~n.\ELl           1.. ...<1: MEGANTlÇ"
                                           ..-  ID22  ---  --  l~):!tl "--  ._-_.  ----- ~- --
                        Jnnunry ....  .............. 3.150  4.32  6.1 1  G.20  4.75  3.20  4.12  2.28  4.40  :> 90
                        Februo.ry ...          4.15  2.85  2 DO  4.23  ::L.'i0  3.60  .3 .70  2.05  1.90  J 55
                        :Ylarcb.. .......... ...........  2 02  4.25  3.LO  3.10  3 00  3.75  3. J8  2.09  2.34  5 14
                        April. ....  .................  1.71  4.02  4.48  2.08  3 KO  2.88  3. ]1}  3.87  1. 50  4.GB
                        :Yla>' .....  ······.·············1  1.85  1.75  2.8fi  3.22  L :'il  L.35  2.37  2.13  2.06  :! 57
                        June ...      ........... 8.37  4.02  1.3<1  8.n~  2.:J3  8.02  4.27  2.00  6.53  ::; 28
                        July..... .. , .......  1.47  ~ .49  4.02  3.5  :L:JL  1.85  4.55  ~.68  2.29  2.12
                        AugWJ.t.     .............  4.00  3.08  2.&2  <\.I1-L  1.ll,  2.20  2.32  1. 1.5  1.92  7.08
                                               0.98  1.,')7  .) .  2.:~~  2 8~  1.07  2.43  (j.25  2 ~O
                        September .... o •••••••••••••••  M                        6.77
                        Oct.oher................•......•  3.75  1.4-1  0.!1II  4.·U  2J.7  3.08  3.64  0.~3  6.62  3 75
                        Novcmber ...................  r_  2.39  3.87 • .41  4.14  2 !l3  1.4G  3.08  2. lO  7.15  3 44
                        December............   :;; .45  3.60  4.~~  1.80  2.311  2.65  3.27  1. 75  .J.75  3 40
                                              1   J
                                 25-Monthh Precipitation (in inches) (1); Monlreal and Quebec.
                                           __ ~~::2... 1924_J--:::~1 1926 ..i.~~~~~--:~~_ ~~.
                        Jarruary..     .       236  32'>  4..116  4 121251  2.44.  ~.21  .1.'73  3.27  2.28
                        Februn.ry              2.75  2.3  2.64  J H  2.2)  2.97  2.61  2.:39  5.04  2.61
                        Mnrrh...       .       1 84  2.  ~  1.75  2.!11  4.03  1..71  2.97  0.95  2.15  3.09
                        April...               4.76  4.2~  6.10  2.'  2.49  'l33  (j.80  4.58  1.92  3.'>9
                        Mny..                  1 77  3.2~  47:;  4.o::l  1.35  2.79  :>.10  4.57  3.19  2.52
                        J'lne.......           8.62  3.22  2.00  3.22  1.53  7.79  2.30  417  3.(jB  3 ID
                        July.....              269  381  604  '1.30  2.74  2.30  0.72  ~.79  4.53  3.70
                        All~U8~........        3.86  3.34  3.0G  1.02  7.68  2.10  5.86  3 &2  3.10  221
                        f'cplember             1.24  1.&8  7.72  ".()~  3 5:>  0.84  3.62  7.89  6.04  r .6D
                        October   ".........   3.'1l  443  042  3.flO  '1.77  3.0C,  5.50  1.55  2.72  5 10
                        No\"cmber              1.74  n.28  .~.87  3.45  4 2.  1.83  528  3.44  3.43  3.57
                        December..............  1.79  <l.54  3.30  4.03  363  3.19  3.08  294  2.;2  .337
                               2G-Monthly Precipitation (in inches) (1): Sherbrooke and Ville Marie.
                        ____________._..,_.2.:::. ID2~ 1924  1 ~5 ~91(J ~I 19:~ .2::~ ..2=~ ...::.:~
                        January..  .. ... ... .. .. . .. ....  1. 92  2.99  3.98  4.03  3.39  0.00  0.45  3 .95  l..?-~  1. 23
                        Februury..............  2.89  2.38  1.38  3.03  1.Oô  3.00  0.65  2.70  1.30  09J
                        March..     . • .. .. .. .  2.lii  2.79  1. 23  1. 99  2.56  2. (;,'1  2.12  I.W  1. 63  2 50
                        April.....             3.40  3,50  3.18  1.31  2.78  4.07  2.05  2.10  1.09  1.23
                        Muy                    1.73  2.93  2.49  2.59  1.182.:>81.350.71  3.31  2.93
                        June......................  9.14  3.76  1.87  5.05  2.86  1.04  3.80  0.52  3.21  1. aD
                        July.......            2.23  2.52  4.79  3.74  1.94  3.57  3.15  2.13  3.18  3.93
                        AUgU6t                 5.71  .1.7·5  3.92  3.32  361  1.84  5.28  1.10  1.40  1.49
                        Sept.embor             1.27  2.94  7.31  n.57  2.15  0.84  2.30  3.87  2.4;;  1.17
                        Odober                 2.42  3.47  0.8~  3.73  4.16  4.77  1.17  1.05  1.4.2  2.05
                        N o,·omber.. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. ..  1.39  3.01  3.64  3,4 1  2 89  2. 15  0 .78  2.27  2 . ~8  3. 90
                        December.. . .. . ....  .. .. .. .  1.38  2 Al  2.19  2.58  2.72  0.50  2.80  1.15  0.60  0.50
                             (1) Snow i. reduced ta rain in tbe total, tlwt;. 1·10 of ils heighl.  ..
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66