Page 58 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 58

32                        CLIMATOLOGY

                                     12-Monlhly average Temperature: Abitibi and Cap Rouge.

                                                            A1HTlDT               CAP ROCGE
                                                   --------·---1------ ~------
                                                                  ~1125  1926  1922  192.3  1924  1925  1926
                             .1anlt.'\ry .•...•...•......•......       4.7  9.4  6.5          9.7
                             Februur.y. '.  .     .                    '1.6  12 3  ~.g       10.0
                             Mllrch               .                   Il.9  26.2  1 .2       IG ô
                             April      .                             ~1   ,W.O  31.7        i~8 .6
                             M'ly            .                        43 7  5';.3  ,19. {    ·1.:' fi
                             JI'OlP.. " ....••.•..•.••..••••.         M 8  fj:~ f)  61 3     \-:-1:3,0
                             .Ju\y......  .      .                    ~12 6  6G 5  f;i \     ~2A
                             Au Uft't  .                              Ij2 ô  M.l  6!LO       ~Il 6
                              . pternhcr     .                        .~\.(I  Ji7.8  M7      [,1 S
                             ( l"tlllle.r•................              .1  .!~ .9  4G. fi   HO
                             Na.    ..            .                   1!!.8  J1.3  :n.o      :·L!.l
                             D.  IDI",r..                              9.2  13.6  26.4       1'1.7
                              _______ .__--L.__...         .!..-_...;.......--'----'--_-'--_-'--_-'--_-'--_
                                    l:l-Monthly a"crage Temperature: DrummondvHle anù l,ake M Il ntic.
                                                                                J,1"Ki!. ':\le/',\.NT1C
                                                                             _.- --_._----
                                    MONTHS                        1925 .~:~~.~ ~:~~~I_~~~_ 192~.
                                                                  1._  11.8  8.l>  7.1  ]2.0  3.3  10.8
                                                                  20.5  7 fi  12.4  4.>l  5.2  2 .1.  8.,g
                                                                  iB.O  lO.O  2(;.0  14.7  2'1.0  ?:3  1~18
                                                                  :,1.Ç1.9  32.  ;J8.2  3.l.9  34.8  il.6  ~'il.8
                                                                  ~.5  "'.5  !il.S  47 ft  ,f~.g  ....~.5  46.0
                                                                  '·.0  110.1  :'11 6  "7  :,6.»  ~.O  5/1 3
                                                                   .2  6G.9  6·1.0  61.1  fi!. 1  J  3
                                                                 611 S
                                                              . 9
                                                             "':71 00:7  (;4 1  lU!.9  ';;.1  fi2.2  lU. 4.
                                                                      ~li 0
                                                             .~7:~  ~1L6 gJ  ~U  ~U :{U gU   ~:n
                                                             m.3  17.1  154  J5.8  :M.6  11 .!)  14.2  11.7
                                        14-Monthly average Temperature: Montreal and Quebec.
                                                                           1922  1923  1024  1925  1926
                             .'llrtÇ.rv. . . .  .  .
                              Pchl [t·ry .........•....
                              M"J~b               .
                             April.....  .    .
                              ~I'lIlY··········  .
                             JI.UIH...  . ••.••..•.
                             July.  .             .
                              A~u.·t.. ........•..•........
                             s..,,!tmL r •....................
                              ü"lQber             .
                              ::\ov .:nht:r.  . ..•..•....••.....
                                 lüber        .
                                     I5-Monthly ave,!ute Tcmperature: She,brooke a.nd Ville Mari .
                                                                                 VJl,.l,.O i\IAur.
                                                    1922              1\:)26  1922  2.>  1924  !t):.!5  1926
                              -----~                                     -3.0  2. n
                                 ry ... .... . ...........
                              .'~I""  .. .... _ .. ..... ..  16.11         3.1  -Q.9  -1.6  1l.2  _! .9
                              rr=bH.ry~ ..  .. .........            22.1  9.7  21.6  ~l .2  ~.7
                                    ...   ...........  ~1.8                3 .4  :.l0.0  ;la .0  ;~ti. 7
                              ~~I.. : ...           1):) 4                 ..~,(j 1;  47.1  ·n.3
                              .Jcno ..  .. .. ........ ..  ....  f;;\' 3   62.0  fil.3  57.9  sn.G  ;;7.8
                              Jul,l·..  .. , ." .... , ... ..  67.4        OG ..')  ô3.0  r,~. 7  ti1. ;;  IH .2
                              '\"IPJl't. .... .. . ... ..  6·1. ~          61.9  r,9.5  (;().S  M.ô  4i:! .2
                              S.~tt'fll:)r.1. ..... ...  ;i7.ti            m.B  IH.I  52 5   GI.U
                               l'Lb\'e·r...  .. ........ ...  1 44.7       3,<;0  42.0  41 6  41.7
                                                .... "1 33.3
                              :'\invemll(·(".   .....                      al).7  , .2  29 1  19.3
                              Dcrl~·1l):)f.r..      10 S                   12.Z  :i-1.5  1.3  0.3  U.5
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63