Page 53 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 53


                                The following tables contain information on the normal temperature,
                           (maximum and minimum) precipitation and sunshine in the Province
                           of Quebec. The highest temperature, in 1926, was registered at Rober-
                           val, during the month of August (98°) and the Jowest at Ville Marie,
                           in January (55°). The Drummondville station registered over 33 inches
                           of precipitation while over 177 inches of snow fell at Lake Megantic
                           during the same period.     The longest monthly dUl11tion of sunshine
                           lasted 279 hours and was registered at Sherbrooke during the month
                           of July, 1926.
                                The Bureau of Statistics pubjjshes monthly a meteorological bulletin
                           showiog the precipitation and temperature from observations made at
                           81 stations in the Province. The information is given by the Federal
                           Meteorological Service with the assistance of the Running Streams Com-
                           mission of Quebec.    This bulletin is sent gratuitously on request to
                           interested parties.
                                Information on the variation of temperature between different
                           points in the Dominion, from ocean to ocean, will be found in the two
                           follo\ving tables. The figures are compiled from a series of observations
                           ranging over !'), period of 16 to 30 years.

                              I-The highest Temperature recorded in the diJferent Localities of the Dominion (1)
                                           1: V:ltleOU- E 1tI011-  Qu'Ap-  Win"i-  Toronto  :/1.'100-  Frede-  YM-  Charlot·
                                 MO:lTHS     Ir.~.  J{lt~.  il:~~.  Mon.  Ont.  treal  dcton  rnnulh  P.E 1.
                                                                                       N. S.
                                                                                N. B.
                                 -'---~I---'-'---- -          .-----------------
                             .]fLJIIŒ.ry. .   n.=)  57    50    12    ,o"   [0:3  ,,]\  • 4   52
                             Ycbruary.        5S    02    !lO   ~     M     U     ~     ~     d
                             :Vln.rch. . . . . . . . . . . . • .  (j 1  72  70  73  75  02  65  55  54
                             April. .         ',9';4      S9    90    80    83    83    72    74
                             :vIay..  . . . . .. • . . .  :->0  ~10  \/2  94  9i:  S9  92  H  80
                             JUlie . ....... ...  ss  \/·i  JOI  IOl  97    92    fl2   79    87
                             July.            UO    94   100    96   103    94    90    ~6    9l
                             Augll.'.t ..... ......  92  (JO  100  103  ~q  9l    !15   RD    92
                             Sept ember. . . . . . . . .  82  87  93  ~9  97  flO  92   78    87
                             Oct uber  .      fi9 _  82   86    8;;   86    SO    SI    74.   77
                              November.       1;3   H     73    71    70    68    68          Il:t
                             December     , ,  .38  50    49    ~     ~           M';         M
                                                              ----,~   '-'-~---------
                                  y"All   .   92    94   101   10l   10l    94    !Mi   8G    &2
                               2-The lowesl Temperature recorded in the diJferent Localities of the Dominion (1)
                                            VanCOll- EnmOD- 1 QulApw  Wimli-  Toronto  Mon~  Frede-  l""lor-  ~b rtot.-
                                 MO:lTHS     ver   t.on  It0lle  EH'R      1Tell)  rid.on  fnlllh  r.f!ilown
                                             n.c.  Alla.  ~n.k.  M~tJ.  Ont.  Chm  N.13.  N. S.  ,KI.
                             ------ .-_..-. --- --- --- -----                .- - .-._-. --- --
                             JH.JlImry..  ...•..•..  Z  -57  ·-47  -'1H  -3~  -'l:l  -34  - éi  -19
                             FebrullIY. . . . . . . . . .  10  -57  -5:-,  -·4H  -23  -21  ~3;)  -12  ~2 L
                             JVlnroh..............  If.  -.jQ  -4;  -37  -8  -1;;  ·-20  .. 2  -11
                             April...............  27  ..13  -24  -13  14    7   - 5    17     8
                             Mny.  ....       :13   10     8    II    27    23    24    25    26
                             June. . .. . .   ;16   2:;   2r)   21    37    .38   27    31    32
                             July.. .. .. .  • . .. .  -l:j  33  34  35  42  46   40    41    37
                             AUI(UBt          39    26    27    30    42    43    3.;   3!i   43
                             8cpl,(·)mber     :10   12    12    17    28    :32   2[,   21    34
                             Ocwber...        ~3   ...·10  -[2  .. 3  1<1   22    13    25    ~5
                             No,"eJllber. . . . . . .  F,  -37  --30  -33  ô  0  - 2    11    10
                             DCC<lmher.. ........ .  17  -4:1  ,,·10  -44  ",,10  --~1  -26  - 3  il
                                           --- -     ."    .- --- --- --_. -.--- ----
                                 YrA'fl .•     2  Il  -57  -55  -46  -23   ..27  -l5   -12  1  -21
                                  (1) Fahreoheit..
                               Informn.ion supplled by Sir Frederick 8.u"ort, Direclor of tbe Fcderol Meleorological S.n';oe: Toronto.
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58