Page 133 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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                         of  Mr.  Collins  to know  whether  they  have  any  and what  claims  on  the
                         Lands in  question.

                                                                  Surveyor'  General's  Office
                                                                  29th  March  1796.
                              In answer to your  lerter of  this covering  an Extract from the Minutes
                         of  the  Committee  of  the  whole  Council.  dated  28th  March  1796,
                          respecting  a  letter  from  Lieutenant-Governor  LeMaistre.  in  behalf  of
                         sundry  inhabitants of  the  Bay  of  Chaleurs settled on certain lands which.
                         since  the  year  1756 1 always  considered  as  my property,  1 beg  the  favor
                         of  you  to  acquaint  the  Honorable  Committee  that  although  1  might
                         set  up a good  Claim  to  the  lands  in  question  yet  in  order  to  make  those
                         settlers  minds easy.  1 am  willing  to  and  hereby  do relinquish  al1 preten-
                         sions  to those  lands
                                                                     Samuel Holland
                         Jenkin  C. E. C.  Williams  Esq.
                          (Clerk  Executive  Council)

                                                                  Quebec,  1st April  1796
                              In  answer  to  your  letter  of  the  29th  of  March,  enclosing  extracts
                         from  Lieut.  Gov'r  LeMaistre's  letter  to  His  Excellency  Lord  Dorchester,
                         dated the 9th of  October  1795.  You will please  to inform  the Committee
                         oft  he  whole  Council  that  the  two  hundred  acres  of  land  which  1 claim
                         at  Bonaventure.  Chaleurs  Bay.  is  mine  by  Patent  under  the  great  Seal
                         of  the  Province  dated  the  16th August  1766, long  before  : Joseph  Ar-
                         cenaux.  Jean  Arcenaux,  Joseph  Bourg.  Joseph  Gauthier.  Jean  Bernard,
                         Isaac  Bernard.  J. B.  Lavache and  Gregoire  Arcenaux  had  made  improve-
                         ments  thereon.  but  it  seemed  to  be  desired  by  Government  on  a  former
                         representation  from  these men  that they should  be  made easy.  1 informed
                         His  Excellency  in  Council  that  1 was  willing  to  cede  my  property  in
                         Chaleurs  Bay  to  them  who.  1 shall  suppose  had  unwithingly  set  them-
                         selves down on land  belonging  to  me,  conceiving  to  be  part  of  the  waste
                         lands appertaining to the  Crown.
                              1 have  paid  the Patent  fees. quit  rent  and sundry expenses  of  which
                         1 shall  not  claim  reimbursement,  if  the  Committee of  the  whole  Council
                         consider  it  to  be  expedient  that  they  should  not  repay  me.  upon  what
                         Lieut.  Gov'r  LeMaistre has set forth  in  his letter concerning this situation
                         of  those  poor  Acadians  and  1  beg  leave  to  request  that  the  Committee
                         may  have  the  goodness  to point  out  the  mode  in  which  those  men  may
                         best  be  put  in  quiet  possession  of  the  parcels  of  my  farm  which  they
                         occupy  individually.
                              1 am ready  to do whatever  the Committee  may see  fit  to  recommend
                         for that purpose.
                              1 am, with much  tath. Sir.  your  most  obedient  Humble servant,
                                                                       Hugh  Finlay
                         Jenkin  Williams  Esq.
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