Page 70 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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 The Ontario Register
 64                                    The ()ntario R.egister

 1\Iarriages by Re v.  Charles Ste.wart,

 Regular Baptist Church,  Gosfleld:
                 Volume 2                                                                        Number 2

 u derwood  and  Susan  Santekan,  of  Gosfield,  md.
 Dexter  .  n   Ch  1   Go  d
 16 December 1834.  w:  Samuel  Gessians,   ar es   w  y.
 Leonard Wigle and Ann Bruner,  of Gosfield, 3  February 1835

 w:  Adam Bruner,  George Bruner.   .
 Lazarus Bruner and  Ann Skinner,  of Gosf1eld,  1  March 1835
 w:  George Ainslie,  Robert M.  Toffelmire.
 Peter 1\Iitty and Susan Bankes,  of Gosfield,  15 April 1835.  w:

 Thomas Chapman and  Rachel Santibenugh,  of Gosfield,  were
 married 27 April 1835. w: Richard Herrington,  John W. Scratch
 Daniel Stewart  and  1\Iatilda Herrington,  of  Gosfield,  26 May
                                                        Register B
 1835.  w:  Charles Huston,  Augustus Dustin.

 John  Setrington  and  Lucretia  Kenyon,  of Mersea,  were md.
                     Zadock Augustin & Ann  Tofflemire,  of Mersea, were married
 26 l\1ay  1835.  w:  John A.  Wilkinson,  Moris  Peterson.
                 13 October 1822 by William  McCormick,  J. P.  w:  Joseph Quick
 Joseph Crete and Eleanor Shaw,  of Gosfield,  4  June 1835. w:   Jane Heward.                                 '

 John Lillford,  Henry L.  Cook.

                                  Marriages by Re v.  Richard Herrington,
                                       Regular Baptist Church,  Gosfield:
 End of Register A

                     Erving Stuart Banks and Esther Malawice, both of Colchester,
                  16 July 1835.  w:  John W.  Williams,  Joseph Carter.

                     John Brooks and Fanny Holmes,  both of Colchester,  25th  Feb
                  1836.  w:  David Il er,  James Haully.
                     Jeremiah Harris and  Hannah O'Brien,  both of Colchester.  on

                 25  Feb 1836.  w:  David Uer,  James Haulley.
                     Mark Lourie and Eveline Jacobs,  both of Gosfield.  lst l\Iarch

                  1836.  w:  Nathan Davis,  Abraham Wilson.

                                             By Rev.  Charles Stewart.
                                       Regular Baptist Church,  Gosfield:

                     William Seterington and Caroline Fox, of 1\Iersea.  17 No\' 1S35

                 w:  Thomas  Fox Jr.,  Francis Wilkinson.
                     Adam Bruner,  of Gosfield, and Modlin LeYy,  of l\Iersea.  17th
                  Nov  1835.  w:  Wm  Tate,  John Whittle.
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