Page 258 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 258

The Ontario Register
 252                                                            Notices

 Wells,  Cindarilla A.  dau Jesse & Susan d. Apr 5,  1859 ae 14y 8ll1 day   ard  Kent County,  Ontario  He .   2;;3
 1                   aow       '                                  ·          ll'lenu    d
 Wells.  Elspet wf of Benjamin Wells d.  Feb 8,  1864 ae 21y 8ll1 Gds.   ex:tensive account (continued from  th   one  in  Connecr
                                                                             e precect·
                                                                                                        Ion With
                                  .  b  G
 ·wells,  Jesse d.  Jan 7,  1874  in his 58th yr;  Susan wf of Jesse Wells   a  rn famllY  Y  eorge   m Zabriskie  D  .   lng issue) of th
                     llo                                                  ·  amel's  'f                   e Van
 d.  Jan 8,  1872 in her 57th yr.   f Kent County.  In  the October 196g iss     .     WJ  ewa Ma.,..,Se
                     o             .  l  d  "H'        a·                    ue Is an art·  1        •J  rens
 Wells,  Loana wf of Martin Wells d.  June 11,  1874 ae 65 yrs; Cor-  TlDweY  entlt e   1rarn  llbert Cutting  "   1c e by Cari
                                              t  d
                                                                                                         Y e S.
 lista A.  Wells wf of James Kelley d. June 25,  1898 ae 58 yrs.   t'cie  is  a  case  s  u  Y  o  the  steps  M  •  lOrnter1y p  rench."  Th  1
                                                                           r.  Dewey  to  k
                                                                                                          e ar-
 Wells,  Lula Lorena dau Jesse & Charlotte d. Sept 7, 1871 ae 9 ll'ls,   subject,  and t  e  article  demonstrates  s   .   o  to  identify h'
 Wells,  Luther son of Martin & Loana d. July 15, 1837 ae 6y & 3ll1,   records  o  f  Q  ue  ec.  orne years ago  a   ome  lnterest'   IS
                                                                                               Ing uses of th
                                                                            n artiCle on  "Th
                                     d  Ch
 wells,  Martin d.  Feb 1,  1863 ae 54 ys  & 5 ms.   Wyoming  an   erry  Valley"  was  presented  b   .  e Butier's of
 wells,  Miles d.  Dec 23,  1863 ae 28 ys 6 ms  23 ds.
                    [v.  36  (19.60)  pp. 20~ -203]  which,  among  other ~teil B.  Reynolds
 Wells.  Olive wf of Simeon Wells d.  May 1,  1874 ae  88 ys.   second wtfe,  Catharme Bratt  for Col  J  h   mgs,  proVides  a
                                                                             0   n Butler  c  ha  .
 wells,  Oren A.  son of Martin & Loena d. May 31,  1860 ae 15 ys,   ter,  JannetJe  Bratt,  rnarried  Christophe  Y   ·  at  rme's s 15  _
                                                                               r  ates  a lead·
 Wells,  Simeon born May 14,  1787,  died Jan 18,  1863.   a  relatwnsh1p  whwh  bolsters  the tradit'   th  '   mg  patriot,
                                                                              lon  at Col  Wal
 Wickett.  chn of John & Eliza:  Tomey d.  Dec  20,  1869 ae 10ms 15ds;   was  buried in Schenectady after he was killed   •  ·   ter Butler
 Charley d.  Feb 20,  1869 ae 1 yr & 7 ds;  Ida  d. Sept 13, 1875 ae   in 1781.      at \\est Canada Creek
 13 ms 4 ds.
                      Mr William E.  Westbrooke,  2101  40thAv                                   .
 Wilkinson.  chn of Geo &Ann Wilkinson of Reach:  Kendall d. Sept 19,   .  f   d   e,  an Francisco  Cal'f
                   bas m  orme  me that the census of Welland Count                            _  .  '.      ·•
 1847ae12ys&8ms;  Georged.  Oct18, 1847ae7ys&5ms;                                           18 1 1
                   cess of being publ ished by RAM Publishers  p                         YBo,  " •  s m pro-
 Enock d.  Oct 28,  1847 ae 5 ys & 2 ms.   c l.f  91350                          '   ·  ·    x 101  Sauzus
 Winson.  A plot marker:  "Winson's lot."   a  1 .   .   .  To date,  Volume I  Township of p  lb   '     :::::  '
                                                                                       e  am,  and  Volume
                   II,  Township  and  V1llage of  Thorold  have been publ'  h  d
 Woodcock,  Christopher  d. June 10,  1875 ae 83 yrs.   ·1  bl          '                    IS  e  ,  and are
                   ava1  a  e  from  the  publisher at  5  00 each  vol                      rh
                                                                    ·                ume.       ave not seen
                   ~hese volumes but pass  the  information along  for those who may be
                   mterested.  Later volumes  will include Stamford  Willou!!hby  Chlp-
                  pawa and  Bertie.  (The schedules of Crowland,  'Vainfleet and' Hum-
 FROM  THE  EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK   berstone are rnissing for 1851).  An  index to ali  volumes, which will
                  serve as an excellent finding tool,  is scheduled to be published in 1970.
 C.  Gordon Grouse  who  has contributed  material  to this and past
                                                      BOOK REVIEWS
 issues 0f TOR has been certified as a  record searcher by the Amer-
 ican Society of Genealogists. He is the first Canadian to be certified
                  C l!or~ American Genealogical Sources. Middle Atlantic Srates and
 by  that b_ody.  and Mr Grouse is to  be congratulated for this achieve-
                 ~· by Norman Edgar Wright.  Provo,  Brigham Young  l'ni\'l'r-
 m~t. Hts address is  Box 528,  Shawville,  Que.
                    y  Press [c. 1968]  145p.  8t x  11,  paper cover.  3. 00
 rs Lloyd Hughes,  R. R.  2,  Merrickville  Ont.  whose  ancestor
 table  a   ·   ·  .   '   '
 ppears  m  th1s  tssue of TOR  is chairman of a  committee of
                 s This Work is  one of a  series of volumes co,·ering ali of the  United
 ~he Gre.nville County Historical Soc~ety which is  presently engaged   tates.  Canad  .   .  .   .   .  th'  . 1 . ...,e  .... :taes  lOS-
 m  copymg  the  ·   ·  .   14   .   a  1s  covered m  1ts entlrety m  1s  \O  .. ,  '  ·  • ·"'
 .   .   mscnpttons  of all  cemeteries  in  that  County.  The   5
 pro]ect  ts  a  mam   th   .   d   ·   '  lncluding  subsections  on  the  individual  provinces.  ':"he states
 by   11   mo   one and one  that will  be  greatly apprec1ate
 a  genealogists interested in that   ~ncl.uded in the work at  hand  are  New York.  Xew  Jerse: ·  Pennsyl-
 The  Am  .   area.   anla  M    l
 encan  Gene  l
 M~ck   a  ogtst  edlted  and  published  by  Dr.  George   Th'   ary and and Delaware.       .  ~ meal
 en,   12  32  39th Str  t  De   nne   r   e  book  is  intended  as  a  handbook or guide ro the gene.  ?-r  · _
 con tains  art·   1   ee •   s  Moines, Iowa  from time to  1   ecords  f        . .    - ellent  l  n1or
 tc  es  of  int   t   '   ·   969   tun  t   each state  and  as  such  the concept  18   exc   ·  i~ and
 issue (p. 36) con tains   er~s  to  Canadian famil ies.  The Apnl 1   a ely  it .   d   'de  to the  recon ~
                sour       '    1s  poorly executed.  A detaile  glu                 .      . .  ccesible
 mentlOn of Daniel  Van Horn of New Jersey and                                               1
                                                                         .  •'tt 'e~  Ill easl )  a
                     ces  in  th  .        .  .                  ',ltld   piC'\ 1  L  ~
                                   e  tndivldual  states
   253   254   255   256   257   258   259   260   261   262   263