Page 254 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 254


 The Ontario  Hegister
                                                        Myrtle Cemetery
 Znd  Oct 1790,  died 8th May 1858.
 ·   Rachel  born   tt h   r·  t  h
 Da\'lS,   .  b  th wf 1\Iatthev., Burne   er  1rs   usband  anct   d  Robert Gerdon,  thi rd son of R  G  & 1\   249
 'Il  beek  Eltza  e   d   b   '                                            ·  ·  ·  1ary  d  ~
 Dt  en   . ·   b  k her second husband.  .  Fe  15,  1848 ae   y   r.1  wlan  ·
 John  Dlllen  ec   s,   pO ae 3 ys   10 ms 21  ds.            .                           •  ·   2 v Sept 11S48
 6 ms  3 ds.   2   58   &  4   1  d  Sarah Jane dau Archtbald  & Sarah d  D
                         yr 6 ms
 l   d  July 20  184  ae   ys   ms.   gow an  .   10 ds.                           .  ec  10,  1851 ae
 Doxsee  Arche aus  ·   ·   '   d  A   17  1851   2
 ·   ·e  Roby ,, f Sidney Dulmage  .  pr   ,   ae  0 ys & 2 rns   1 nd  Sophia Elizabeth dau R. G.  & Mary d  ?  J
 Dulmag.   S  t')7  1841ae37ys&9ms.   gow a  '   24 ds                              .  ..  7  une  1848 ae
 Farmer.  Peter d.  ep  ....  .   .   12 yrs  lm   ·     .
 h  1\1
 Fraltck,  Jo  n  · ·   settled in Whttby 182-[stone broken],  d. May   ,   bb  Il  chn of Seth  & Almtra: Alcestia p  d  Oct
 1858 ae 63  JS.   18   nu  e  .          .    d                              .  .       6  • 1876 ae 15  Yrs
                      &  lO  ms·  Euntee  .  Oct 16,  1876 ae 12 ys &
 Frmk.  Hanna 1   B  wf Luke  Frink d. Sept 1,  1855 ae 34 ys 1 rn  23 ds  •   nec 11,   '  1876 ae 20 yrs.   6  ms:  Arnaziah d  ·
 Frink.  Experience.  second wife of Luke  Frmk d.  Nov 28,  1859 ae   Hubbell,  Darek son of Seth & Almira d. July 6,  18  aelylOnt ?Ods
 23 ys 9 ms 5 ds.   H  b bell  David d.  June 19,  1849 ae 52 ys 10 ms 4 ds· h'                    f  - . . ·
                                                                                           ,  lB  w  Abtgll
 Ford. 1\Iiron G.  son of Stephen & Susan d. Sep 26, 1865 ae 28y llm 22 d   u  Russ d.  Feb 21,  1894 ae 94 ys 8 ms 16 ds; Electa wr of Wilson
 Ford.  Stephen d.  Aug 27,  1 ~73 ae 80  ys 4  ms 12 ds.   Russ d.  July 10,  1857 ae 93  ys.
 Ford.  Susan wf Stephen Ford d.  1\lay 10,  1862 ae 61  ys  9 ms 20 ds;   Hubbell.  Dexter son of David&Abigail d.  Nov20,  1842ae y m 6ds
 1\Iartha A.  d.  Nov 7.  1850 ae 22 ys  13  ds; Alonzo D.  d.  Nov 7,   Hubbell,  John d.  June 28,  1865 ae 76 ys 7 ms 14  ds.   1  5 1  ·
 1S50 ae 20 ys  & 21  ds; Calista L.  d.  Dec 28, 1850 ae 17 ys & 6 rns.   Hubbell.  Julia Ann wf of Seth Hubbell d.  Feb 28, 1951 ae 24 ys.

 Gilbert.  Jane wf Henry Gilbert d.  Jan 21,  1867 ae 22 ys; Salomon   Hubbell,  Sylvia d.  Feb 19,  1851 ae 55 ys.
 son of the above d.  1\Jar 22,  1867 ae 2  ms.
                 Huckins,  Isaac son of Noah & mary d.  March 9,  1843 ae 3ys &6ms.
 Gillett.  Charlott clau of Albert & P. M.  d.  Nov 16,  1864 ae 3y 3m 22 d   Huckins,  Isaac C.  d.  Nov 3,  1868ae 65 ys & 3 ms.
 Gille tt.  Ezra Omar son of Albert & P. M.  d. Aug 7, 1863 ae 4y 7m 24 d   Huckins.  Phebe wf Isaac Huckins d.  Sept 28,  1861 ae 59 ys 7ms4ds:
 Gilroy.  Janet 1849 -1882.
                    Josiah son of Isaac & P.  Huckins d.  Oct 1, 1849 ae 20ys 9ms 9ds.
 Gordon.  Elizabeth wf Geo.  Gordon d, Jan 10, 1836 ae 84 ys; Christian   Huckins.  Mary wf of Noah Huckins d.  June 27,  1864ae62yssms25ds
 wf Alex.  Gordon d. Apr 20,  1839 ae 43 ys; Geo. Gordon d.  Aug 2,   Huckins,  Frances Caroline dau Noah&Mary d.  Feb 17,  1842ae4ys&
 1843  ae  8 rns.   8 ms.
 Gruer.  John d.  Dec  17.  1915 ae 57 ys.
                Huckins,  Thomas son of Noah & Mary d . .March 11, 1S43 ae lyr& 9ds
 Gruer.  Rachal wf Daniel  Gruer d.  Sept 11,  1863 ae 25 ys; Catharme   Huckins,  Wm  Henry son of Noah & Mary d. Dec 23, 1837 ae 7 rs.
 wf of the same d.  Oct 16.  1879 ae 35 ys.
                Hunter.  "This tomb once contained the body of the unfortunate John
 Hall,  Artemas son of Jesse & Sabra d.  Aug 23,  1867 ae 21 ys & 3 ms.
                   Hunter who departed this  life Dec 28,  1852  in the 36' year of his
 Hall ,  chnofJesse&Sabra:  Lewis E.  d. Sept4, 1854  ae 5ms&21ds;   age,  but was  robbed of its contents by an unrelenting hand.''
 Lester d.  Sept 3,  1852 ae 1 yr 2 ms 6 ds.
               Huntly,  Hattie dau Wm &Rhoda d.  Oct 14.  1874 ae13ys3msllds.
 Hall.  Olive wf Jesse Hall  d.  7 Apr 1843  ae 20 ys  6 ms 17 ds.   Huribut,  Ephraim F.  d.  June 16,  1856 ae 71 ys.
 Harper.  Abraham son of William & Margaret d. May 7,  1853 ae 9m gd
               Hurlbut,  Hannah wf of James Hurlbut d. 1\Iar 4.  1857 ae 3 )                         •  ds
                                                                                             4 5 4015
 Harper.  1\Jargaret wfWilliam Harper d. Apr17,  1856 ae 40 ys.
               Hurlbut,  Rev.  Wm  d  Aug 15  1862 ae 65 ys & 3ms; his dau Oln·e
 Henney.  1\Iary wf Elijah Henney d.  June 2  1859 ae 88 ys  & 7 ms.   ·   ·   '             ?6  1'4?ae
 Hoar.  Annie wf James Hoar d.  Mar 2  18,75  ae 35 ys   d.  Oct 18,  1840 ae 3ys lm 4 ds; 1\Iary  Combes d.  Aug- ·  ~ -
 Hodges  Ed  ·  d   '   •   Ys  & 10 ms; Lydia Hurlbut d. Aug 15,  1 ~57 ae 54 yrs.
 F  b ·   wm  ·  Feb 10,  1888 ae 76  ys  & 2 ms· Jane Hodges d.   Hutcbis   .
              J        on,  Andrew d.  Aug 9,  1855 ae 52 ys.                                    ,~o ae
 Y: & 2:i  18~6 ae. 63  YS;  Edwin J.  Hodges  d.  M~y 10,  1895 ae 41
               acobs,  Elizabeth  Ann wf of Charles B.  Jacobs d.  Aug                    30  1·   .,0)
 1886   ms, Celma Vernon wf of Edwin J.  Hodges d.  Mar 12,   23  Ys  6  ms 21 d
 ae 32  ys  & 2 ms.
 Howland  F'reeman S   1851   Jones     s ·                                '>    ..::•1>  ue20 ys & 25 ds.
                                                                                             ys 7ms 9
              Jon  ·  Tryphena wf of James Jones d.  Feb Ml. 1..  ,-.
 ae 2 ;s &  7 rn  s.   ·  son of Samuel S.  & Charlotte d.  June 27 •   es,  chn of Wrn  &  Celina: Amey S.  d. Apr HL  1~~   5.
                                                                                      0 ne
 Howland  Jos  h'  d   d
             La~sb; Rarnilton G.  d.  May 1. 1880 ae 9 ms.                            d  June 27,
 '   ep  me  auArchibald&Sarah d, Jan31, 1859ae2y10m 3   ..,   Cha  1   · L~1·z·1lx'th A.  ·
                            r  es Edgar son of John J.  &  ,.  1  '
                       ae 1 Yr 9 ms 27 ds.
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