Page 260 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 260

The Ontario Register                                       Book Reviews

 'll  d a  gap in genealogical literature.
 Id have  f 1  e               d  the  district or township  where  h                                       255
 book for~ wo~  nAssistant Professor and Supervisor of Genealog-  war an         e settlect at  h
                       f that eonflict.  There are no comparable official  .  t  e conclusion
 Mr Wnght ts a   at  Brigham Young University.  The  book   0
 ch Techno ogy              ·nees al though Esther C. Wright's TheL                       . hsts for the other
 ical  Resear  .   t   notes which seem to have been rushed  into   Provt   .   .   _   ovahsts  f
 d  n  hts  lee ure
                        .  k  (1955)  and  Manon Gllroy's  Loyalists~ ~New Bruns-
 is  base   th  ught or planning - apparently w1thout any edit-  WlC   .   h.        and  land  -       --....;.::.
 print without care,  o   ;.--- Seotia (PubhcArc  1ves of NovaScotia -pb:-- ~ment in
                     Nova                                  .                       •  u  hcatio-N ----..;.. -
                     =---e in  great part remed1ed the situation for 'h                          n  o. 4, 1937)
 ing at all.   is  referred toby a cryptic ward or phrase aftcr   haV                  "  ose part·
 So often a slource ber at  the  BYU  library is cited.  This  is fine  if   list bastions.        tcular Loy-
 hich  the  cal  num   .   .   a  Mr.  Rubincam  in his  interesting  introduction              .
 w   h   the  source  in questwn can easlly  be checked                                         10 5
 one is at BYU w  ere   .   "   .   '   nQ!d  U .E .L. List" with additions down  to   ·s thinenft . ~ that  this
 .  baffl  d  for example  by  the  followmg:  Umted Empire
                                                                                1798  1
                                                      · 1
 but  one  ts   e  •   '   .   .   f persans who are entlt ed to the appellation of U  'ted           .   ts er
                                                                                           e o fic 1al  reg·  t
 I  d
 Loyahsts ( n  ex   to  persons  who  mtgrated  mto  or  were  connected   o   .   f   .   nl    Emptre Lo   Y-
                      list  and  that  lts cutof  date 1s  such that names  dd  d
 d  r ~:0 und things here)."  One wonders what kmd of things.
 wtth Cana  a.   1 '   •   .   be  accepted as   bel  ongmg to the  Loyalists.  This is tru  h'          .
                                                                                         a  e
                                                                                                 1  ater can not
 h  y are peo
 And w   Ple Who were only "connected" wlth Canada mcluded?   .  .                              e  lStorteally
                     speaking,  but  lt 1s  noteworthy  that  names were added to  th  .  .
 One wonders.   .   .                  Th   .   .  .         ta                                       e hst m
 An  outline  of  sources  relating  to  New  York  State  1s  prmted on   later  years.   1s  1s  rmpor  nt  genealogically  as  once   a  person's
                    name  was  entered  on  the  U. E.  List,  whether  rightfully
 pp.  10-11 and  is  repeated almost verbatim on pp. 14-15. Such repe-  .   t·tl  d   .  .          50 or not,
 titions are numerous,  far too numerous  for a  volume as  slender as   his  ch!ldren  were  en 1  e  to  add1honal  land grants of 1\\o hundred
 this one.  There is an excellent guide  to sources of research in New   acres each as they came of age or married.  One can expect, there-
 York City,  but  this  was  abstracted  from  a  work  by  Miss  Rosalie   fore,  to find information re garding such families  in the land petitions
 Fellows  Bailey.  There is also an  excellent  introductory  section on   at the  Public Archives of Canada  and  in the  Crown Lands  records
 Canada,  but this  is an acknowledged verbatim reprinting of Tracing   at the  Ontario Archives.  The so called  "2nd U. E.  List'' containing-
 your ancestors in Canada published by the Public Archives of Canada   some  of  these  added  names  is  in  the  Crown Lands Department at
 in 1966.  And  so it goes.   Toronto;  a  copy is also in the Public Archives of Canada.
 One  who  is  first  beginning  work  in an  area  covered in the book   This  most  welcome reprint is  important for historical  studies of
 will  probably gain more than three dollars worth of tips  as to where   the Loyalists and is an indispensable  reference work for North A.m-
                   erican genealogy.
 to begin,  but  it  is  not  the  sort  of book  that  the more experienced
 genealogist will  read and re-read for continually fresh insights into
 the area of his study.   ~ ~ the  Huguenots  in  Europe,  the  United States,  South
                   ~rica~ Canada,  by G.  Elmore Reaman.  Addenda et corrige11da
 The following books  have been published by the Genealogical Pub-  by Milton  Rubincam.  (1963)  1966.  318 p.  cloth  6. 50
 lishing Company,  521-23 St. Paul Place,  Baltimore, Md.  21202,  and
 are available from that Company:   The dispersion of the Huguenots is a  vast topic spanning decades,
                  centuries even,  in many different spheres of the globe.  Dr _Re~an

                                                                                     t  the mater1al  m an
 United Empire Loyalist Centennial  Committee.  Toronto.  The 2!È.   has  k  ept  control  of  his  great tapie  ·nd pres en s
 ~fnited Empire  Loyalists  ~· (Originally published as  Ce~nial   int  eresting manner  The  author  took  up  the  subJeCt   after he came
 - ~ settlement of ~ Canada ~ the  United Empire Loyalis~.   to  r  1·   .          · en•  in  Canada,  an  ·
                                                                                                   ,  It was
 18 4
                       ea 1ze  that  there  was  not  a  Huguenot  socl  'J
 ~- 8 ).  With a new  introduction by Milton Rubincam  F.A. S. G.,   lndeed   h   .  ·  th~t C'l1Unh.).
                   h      •  t  at  the  word  was  sc are ely  kno\\ n                •       t societv of
 Honorary Vice-President,  Ontario Genealogical Society. '334p.  (1 885 )   s  oru   f   k th  t  the  HU•!UellO  u   •
 1969.  10.00  elath.   0   Y a  ter the publication of his boo ·  a                     ::-   . rk~ inter-
                   nta  ·                                                        ,  1ftlwse\\O  ~
                     .  rto Was  formed  thus making the book one  l                       .  •t. time.
                 esttng ·  .                                                 t" ·e force 10  1 :;
 The heart of th·s   k  ·   h   ln  ltself but also valuable as a crea 1\                •  f hi~ courern
 settled in   0   t  .   wor   18   the very important list of Loyalists w  0   Dr .R   b ·  t œcau:;e o  ~
 n ar10 at the clos   f  th   .   .   war.   abo   eaman also in part took up  the su  wc   h  t the Huguenots
 The  list  indic  t   th   e   0   e  Amertean Revolutwnary   P l  ut  the  lack  of  knowledge  regarding  the  rolel  t  ·ahich has large!)
 a es   e  nature  of  the  Loyalist's  service  during the   ayed  ·  th   , ~  ·t  ro e ''
                 b        ln     e  development of  New Franc t:  •  •
                  een wr·t
                             ten out of history.
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