Page 245 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 245

The Ontario Register
                                                            240                                                                                                                                                     Ensign Buck

                                                                           h  C   olumbia  University  School  of  Journalisrn.  u                                              f the parsons School  of Design in  N                                                241
                                                            emv  and  t  e                                          h  Ch         h                  'le                       o                   f      .           .                ew  York c·
                                                                             ~·  k c1 ·ty  5 Nov  1936  at t  e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tty.  He  is ad
                                                                                                                                                                                ·gner by pro esswn. He  lS  a memb
                                                            md  in  New  ~or                                                ure  of the Trans          -                       s1                                                     er of the So                     e-
                                                                           L ttl  Church Around the Corner)  Ruth McGuire  b
                                                            fi gurat wn (  1  e                                          .                              ·                     Iution,  Sons  of  the  Ame rie an  Revolution                         ~s of the Revo-
                                                            23  Oct 1912 at Princeton, w. Va.  They res1de at Del ray Beach,                                                  wars,  Order of Magna Charta,  Order of ;heSoctety of Colonial
                                                            Fl  'da  and have one  daughter:                                                                                  rnagne,  St.  Nicholas Society of the City of N  Crown of Charte-
                                                               on  ~.  Sally Lytton.  b.  19 Nov  1952,  Delray Beach,  Fla.                                                  Descendants  of  Colonial Governors  H                             ew York,  Order of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          e llld.  19 A  '1
                                                                                                                                                                              the  Church o  St.  Francts of Assisi in N                                 Prt  1947  at
                                                             37.  John Harris Buck, born 25 Mar 1912 at Port Dover, Ont.,                                                     Fos  ter.  They have one child:                            ~ ew York  N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      •  ancy Gui ley
                                                           son of w.  Morley  and  Catherine (Corner)  Buck,  was educated                                                            60.  Clare Bowen Buck,  b.  7 Sept                            r
                                                           at Augusta Military Academy and V. M. I.  During World War II                                                                                                                  1950   '  New  York City.
                                                           he served  in  the  Royal  Canadian Air Force.  He md.  26th Sept                                                  41.  Julian Randolph  Buck,  b.  9  Feb  191                      B  .
                                                           1936  at  l\Ioose  Jaw,  Sas k. .  Annie  Henrietta Claire Tate  born                                                                                                            6  .  ndgeport  c
                                                                                                                                                                             son  of J.  Orton and Myra (Wooster)  Buck                                        '  onn.
                                                           19  Nov  1912 at l\Ioose Jaw.  Children:                                                                                                                                         ,  was  educatect at th
                                                                                                                                                                             worcester Polytechnic Institute.  He has pra  t'  d                              .        e
                                                                   52.  Catherine Corner Buck,  b.  9  Feb  1942,  Moose Jaw,                                                                                                                   c lee  en(J'meerina
                                                                                                                                                                             in New Jersey,  Dallas,  Tex.,  Omaha  Neb                              d      o         ::.
                                                                             m.  1 Dec  1960,  at Dillon,  S. C.,  Donald Charles                                                   .        .             .                          '       · ·  an  at present in
                                                                                                                                                                            Detroit,  M1Ch.  He  1s  a  member  of  the  Sons of the A                            .
                                                                             Rogers Brooks b.  29  Jan 1941 at Brantford, Ont. ,                                                   1  t.             .            .                                          meneau
                                                                                                                                                                            Revo  u  wn,  vanous  engmeering  societies  and is active in the
                                                                             and their chn are:  Dean Andrew Brooks b.  23 Nov
                                                                                                                                                                            Episcopal Church.  He md.  4 Apr 1943  Dorothy Evelyn  Renf
                                                                             1961,  at London,  Ont. ; and James Donald Corner
                                                                                                                                                                            b.  14 Mar 1922 in Alabama.  They have children:                                       roe
                                                                             Brooks b.  17 Mar 1964,  Brantford,  Ont.

                                                                   53.  John Harris Buck,  b.  17 July 1947,  Port Dover.
                                                                  54.  Conrad Buck,  b.  6 Nov 1949.                                                                                61.  Julian Randolph,  b.  1 Dec  1946,  Montclair,  N. J.
                                                                                                                                                                                    62.  Karen,  b.  31 Aug 1948,  Dallas,  Texas.

                                                            38.  Edward Corner Buck,  born 1 June 1920,  Port Dover, Ont.,                                                          63.  Robert Treat,  b.  25  Feb 1957,  Dallas.  Texas.

                                                          son of W.  M:orley and Catherine (Corner) Buck,  md.  (1)  22 Sept
                                                          1945,  Luana Murray Dixon,  daughter of former  Gov.  Dixon of                                                    44.  John Allan Muir,  born 17 Dec  1908,  Brantford, Ont .. .:::on

                                                          Alabama.  and they had  three adopted  children.  The marriage                                                   of Allan  Brown and Mabel  Maud (Buck)  l\Iuir.  md.  17 Aug 1929
                                                          ended in divorce,  and  he married  (2)  11 July 1959  at  Havana,                                               at Detroit,  Mich. ,  Catherine Cormack Ross b.  15 Sept 1911 at
                                                                                                                                                                          Detroit.  They have children:
                                                          Cuba,  Ada Marcilina Gil,  b.  16 Jan  1938,  Santa  Clara,  Cuba,
                                                          and they have two children.                                                                                              64.  John Allan Muir,  b.  22  Dec 1933, Detroit,  .Mieh., md

                                                              Children of the first rnarriage (adopted):                                                                                       1 Oct 1955,  Norma Jean Kttsinger b.  26 No\·1933,
                                                                     ·  Edward Camer, b.  19Aug 1953,  Ft. Lauderdale,  Fla.                                                                  and their children. all  bornat Detroit, 1\hch. are:
                                                                     ·  Dixon,  b.  8 June 1955,  Ft.  Lauderdale.                                                                            Martin John  b.  3 July 1956;  Thomas Allan  b.  15
                                                                  57.  Juliette,  b.  20 June 1957  Fl  ·ct                                                                                   Sept 1958; Michael  Lawrence b.  11  Dec                   1962  ; and
                                                              Children of the second rnarr·                 '.    on  a.
                                                                  58  W                               lage.                                                                                   Marjorie Ann b.  11  Dec  1964.                            .     .
                                                                  59 .  c:n.dy,  b.  11 Sept 1960,  Ft.  Lauderdale,  Fla.                                                            ·  Ann Catherine Muir  b.  19  Feb 1935.  De:roit, 1\fieh ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                :l  ·  ·r children
                                                                     ·      rtstopher Robin,  b.  18 July 1963,  Ft.  Lauderdale.                                                            m.  27 June 1955,  Jack Smart.  :lill  rnei                         .,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ·  '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           •  ,  Jolm
                                                            39.  James Orton Buck  b                                                                                                         are:  Kevin Arthur (adopte              d)   b  ,, June  1961:  L•~a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • 1  'llld G l'E'<T(H '
                                                          son of J  o t                    '  orn 1 July 1913  Bridgeport  Conn. •                                                           Eileen (adopted)  b.  9 .:\Iar 1. ll~: ·                  t-   •
                                                                     .  r  on and Myra E  t  l                        '                   '        t
                                                                                                   e le (Wooster)  Buck is a  gradua e                                                       b.  15 Sept 1965.
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