Page 243 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 243

The Ontario  Register
                                                             238                                                                                                                                                    Ensign  Buck

                                                              t  Birmmgham.         Alabama.  He md.  7 Jan 1908  at Birmingha:rn                        ,                      3  3   Charles Gladstone  Ivey  born                     S                           239
                                                            a                  h  .·  e  Comer  daughter o  Braxton Bragg Co:rner                                                  ·of Joseph and Martha An,ne  (Buck)  ept                     1884  • Jarvis, Ont
                                                            Al  barna  Cat  er m
                                                                a  •
                                                                               ,  .  or  of  Alabama  1907 -1911  and  United  States
                                                            who  was  Go\ern                                                            .      .                              sont  9 Sept 1967.  He md.  24  Feb 19?3 vetyp,  d.  at  Port Dave~·
                                                            Senator from        Al  hama in  1920.  and  Eva Jane Harrts  hts Wife                       ·                    on ·                                                    -·  a      ort Do                 '
                                                                                                                                                                              HenrY  b.  15  Nov 1900 at Butler,  Ont.  Children·  ver,  Itnogen
                                                                                                                            .  .
                                                            Cathenne  ome          r  was  born in  Alabama,  20 Dec 1882  and dicd                                                   45.  Charles  Franklin Ivey,  b.  10  Feb                      ·
                                                            13   Feb  1968  at  Delra)  Beach,  Flortda.  Wtlllam Morley Buck                                                                     d.  12  Dec 1959; md.  at Ottawa  ~:· Port Dover,
                                                                d  h'  home  at  Port  nover,  Ont.,  where  he  operated  the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Johnson,  b.  Ottawa (who rnar '.  d  ·•  Edythe Ruth
                                                            ~:c:ar~sBeach Hotel  which  had been left to him by his father.                                                                               ll                                   ne  second  Arth
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Powe  of Port Dover)  and  th  .  h'                                ur
                                                                  + 36.  \:Vil liam 1\Iorley,  b.  25  Nov 1908,  Port Dover,  Ont.                                                                       db                        '           eir c  Ildren  ali  b
                                                                  + 37.  John Harris,  b.  25 Mar 1912,  Port Dover.                                                                              a19t4S7u  d~ryd, .Ont.'  were: William Henry b. ,25 Oc~
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,  te      tn  April  1967  at  Port  Do                    .
                                                                  +38.  Edward Corner,  b.  1 June 1920,  Port Dover.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Charles Joseph  b.  14  Dec  195?·  Lan                 ver;  Daniel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .                   ... ,    ce "ayne  b.
                                                             24.  James Orton Buck,  born 10 Sept 1880, at Brantford,  Ont.                                                                      4 Aug 19 57; and RiChard Drinkwater b.  14 Dec 1958.
                                                            son of James  Henry  and  Margaret  (Howell)  Buck moved with                                                            46.  Barbara Ann Ivey  b.  9 June  1926,  Port Dover  Ont
                                                            his  parents  to  Port  Dover,  Ont.  At  the  age  of  19 he went to                                                                m.  9  July  1949  at  Port nover,  Peter Alex~de;
                                                            Boston.  1\Iass.  to  Accept  a  position  with  the  R. G.  Dun  &  Co.                                                             Rehmitzer,  b.  27  Dec  1925.  London,  Ont.  They

                                                           credit agency.  He  remained with this firm (which later became                                                                       have  two adopted children:  l\Iark Alexander  born
                                                           the  Dun  &  Bradstreet Co.)  until  his  retirement, being manager                                                                   9  July 1956,  and Erica Jean b.  29 Jan 1959.

                                                           of the  Bridgeport, Conn.  office and then of the Portland, Maine                                                         47.  Beatrice Elizabeth Ivey,  b.  5 Dec  1936,  Port nover.
                                                           office.  He was a  member  of  various  Masonic bodies and was                                                                       md.  15th June 1957  at  Port Dover,  John Howard

                                                           active  in the  work  of  the  Episcopal  Church.  He  died at Lake                                                                  White  born 15 Aug 1925,  London.  Ont.,  and they
                                                           Wales.  Florida 6 Mar 1965.  He  md. 5  June 1912 at Bridgeport,                                                                     have an ~ dopted dau Martha Nancy b. 13 Aug 1961.

                                                           Conn ..  l\Iyra  Estelle  Wooster,  daughter  of  Albert  Mills  and
                                                           Fannie Brounley  (Bowen)  Wooster.  She was b.  in Washington,                                                    34.  Edna Chrysler,  born 3 Mar 1884,  Bron te. Ont., daughter

                                                           D. C.,  23  June 1879,  was  a graduate of the  Yale Art School  in                                             of  James  and  Alice Jane (Buck)  Chrysler.  d.  15 June  1949  at
                                                           1901,  studied  art  in  Europe  and  was  a  miniature  painter of                                             Ham il ton,  Ont.  She md.  3  March 1906 at Brante. Ont., Charles
                                                           renown.  She died  15 August 1969 at DeBary,  Florida.                                                          Matthewman,  b.  21 Jan 1873.  Children:

                                                                 + 39.  James Orton,  b.  1 July 1913,  Bridgeport,  Conn.                                                         48.  Joseph Morgan 1\Iatthewman.  born  6th  July  190i, at

                                                                   40.  Beverley,  b.  10 Jan 1915, d.  15 July 1916,  Bridgeport.                                                             Hamilton,  Ont., m. at Sudbury. Ont.  Ilene Bro\\n.
                                                                 + 41.  Julian Randolph,  b.  9  Feb 1916,  Bridgeport,  Conn.                                                     49.  John Bruce Matthewman.  b.  1 ï  July 1916,  Hamilton.
                                                                   42.  Beatrice,  b.  21  Aug 1918,  Portland,  Maine.                                                                       md.  in Hamilton,  Toini  Poutanen,  and  the1r chn,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          b  "'Dec
                                                            29                                                                                                                                all  born at  Sudbury.  Ont..  are:               D1anne  ·     1
                                                               ·  Mabel  Maud Buck,  born  10 Aug 1883  at Brantford,  Ont. •                                                                 1942; Charles Morgan b.  21 Jan 1945: and John A.
                                                           daughter of George Silas and Elizabeth (Bacon)  Buck  married                                                                      b.  4  Sept 1946.                                      ,        'lton
                                                           5MS~ptb1904 in Beverly Tp.' Wentworth Co  Ont  Alian Brown                                                             50  ·  Alice Marie Matthewman,  b.  G .Dt~c  191~·  Hanu  '·
                                                             ULr      8 0  t  1                                        ''       •  1
                                                           G       . .     ~  880,  Brantford,  Ont.,  d.  13  May 1968 Decatur,                                                             m.  in Hamilton.  William Somerdlk.
                                                             eorgta.  Chtldren:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             r: ;\'O\'
                                                                 +!!· ;i~een Eunice N uir,  b.  11  Nov 1906  Brantford, ont.                                             36  w·1                                                      t IX ,,r  Ont  .     2;).
                                                                          0                                                                                              190 ·       liam Morley Buck,  born  at  Por                       )  c  '  k  ~va~ edu-
                                                                      •      n Allan Muir,  b.  17 Dec  1908,  :s'rantford,  Ont.                                            8 son of W.  1\Iorley and  Catherine (CoinPr) Bu~.'  . , ~cnd-
                                                                                                                                                                         cated  t                         ·                         ,r·  ·oinia .M1htai)
                                                                                                                                                                                 a  the Au gus ta 1\I il i tary Acadt'lllY.            11  to·
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