Page 240 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 240

The Ontario Register
 234                                                    Ensign Buck

 to J·oin  their ancestors.                                                                               235
 ha \'e now  gone on   n..-nes  H. , and Albert; daughtera Carol·
                   J~~                                                         ma Mis en
                   Laughlin,  Martha  Ann  !vey,  Alice .Jane  Ch                          er, Maria Mc-
 1  Ltdera   B  ck was  born in  New  York State,  and he died  t   ham,  and Minni~ Buck.   rysler,  Mary Bon-
 1  u
 ·   .  the same state in 1816. He md.  Vashta Waterhous
 waterloo  tn   .   e   Ensign Buck dted  14 December 18                   88
 who  presuma  bly was  born in New York State and dted at Brant  -  died 16 August 1903,  both at Brantford:  and his  wife Margaret
 ""  .
 n ana
 ford   0  t   .   1 -11  1893  She md.  (2)  Capt.  Marshall  Lewis  anct
 ·  k
 it is  un  nown   whether or not she had children by him.
                     Children of  Ensign and Margaret (Swartz)  Buck
                  Brantford:                                                                 •  al 1 born at
 Children of Lideral  &  vashta (Waterhouse)  Buck:

                            6.  William E.,  b.  25  Mar 18                     d  fte
 +  2.  Lideral Ensign  Buck,  b.  6 Sept 1813 Waterloo,  N. Y.           35
                                      Dover,  Ontario,  where  h'e  r··  ad  r _1922  at  Port
 3.  carolina Buck,  m.  George  Baker of Aurora.   ·   ·                         tve  Wlth  his  sister
                                      Mmme H.  Buck.  He  never married
 4.  Angelina  Buck,  m.  Edward Smith of Brantford.
                        +  7.  Carol ina M. ,  b.  11  Feb 1837 · m  w  1\. '""
 5.  Annie Buck,  m.  Hugh Craig,  lived at Collingwood.                      •  ·     m  !lsener
                       +  8.  James Henry,  b.  20  Jan 1839.                                         ·

                       +  9.  Maria M.'  b.  20 Aug 1840; m.  George McLaughlin
 2.  Lideral  Ensign Buck,  known as  Ensign Buck, was born at
                         10.  Mary E.,  b.  9 Oct 1842;  m.  Peter Bonham.                                 ·
 Waterloo,  Seneca Co.,  N. Y. ,  6 Sept 1813.  When  seven years
                       + 11.  George S.,  b.  6 Aug 1845.
 of age he was  brought to Canada by his mother and step-father
 and became one of the pioneer settlers of the  County of Brant.   12.  Charles N.,  b.  6 July 1847; d. 3 Jan 1913,  Brantford;

 A short  time  after  this  his  mother  died,  and  he  was  thrown   m.  Dora Grandine.  They left no  issu.e.
                         13.  Edward A.,  b.  27  May 1849.  No issue.
 largely on his own resources.  He was  self-relient and indust-
                      + 14.  Thomas A. ,  b.  23  Feb 1851.
 rious, and he  took his farm from a  dense wilderness and made
 of  it a  beautiful  home.  In 1834,  he  married  Margaret Swartz   + 15.  Martha Anne,  b.  8 Apr 1853; m.  Joseph Ivey.
 of Princeton,  Blenheim Township,  Oxford County,  who was born   + 16.  Alice Jane,  b.  28 Sept 1855; m.  James Chrysler.

 at that place  2 November 1817.  He  and  his wife were devoted   17.  Albert W.,  b.  16  Nov  1858,  d.  15  May  1940,  South

 members of the Methodist Church.  He was associated with the   Gate,  California;  m .  .Minnie  Jane Howell  b.  29th
 building of the  first  bridge  across  the  Grand River.  His weil   May 1863 at  St.  George,  Ont. ,  died at Redlands,
 worn Bible is  in  the possession of  the author.  Unfortunately it   California.  They left no issue.

 contains no  genealogical data.  A biographical  sketch of Ensign   18.  Minnie H.,  b.  24  May  1862.  d.  at  Port  Dover.  She
 Buck  is to  be found  on  p.  555 of  The History of Brant Coun~.   never married.
 Ontario (Toronto,  Warner,  Beers~83).   -
 In the census of 1861 for Brantford,  Ensign Buck is described   . ·  Carolina M.  Buck,  b.  11  Feb  1837,  married  William C.
 a_s _age?  6,  born in  the U. S., farmer,  Wesleyan Methodist and   Mtsener b.  10 Dec 1827. Mr Harley Misener. 2î TrimdenAve.,
 ltvmg   a brick house.  His household  all born in Upper can-  Brantford,  informs me that William and Carolina had issue:
 ada  c   ·  t  d   '   9   19
 Mad  onsts e  of:  Margaret 42;  William 25; Jas 22;  Maria 1  ;   ·  (James)  Merritt Misener,  b.  8 July 1861.  d.  11)  Feb
 .  ge   ;  George 15;  Chas 13 · Edward 11·  Thos  9·  Martha B;   1944 at Brantford. He m. 1\Iartha  fl•ances \\îlson
 Abee 6·   d w   '   •   '
 1886   '  an   esley 4.  The will of Ensign Buck  dated 25  Aug   b.  1870 in the Jersey Settlement dau Ch~lrles and
 and proved 4 M   h   '   ns                                                             ~  The\'  had
 Edward H   arc   1 889,  names his wife Margaret; 90   El iza  Steeves  Wilson.  d.  1  Dec  1  95 1  •   •
 . ,  Thomas A.'  William E.'  Charles N.,  George s.'   one son Bruce of Ham il ton.  Ont.
                         ·  Norman Misener.
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