Page 5 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 5

s. Soutce Code
                              Th\,.' S\lllrl'l' (\xk III ()urc!\~llllrl\.'!:-. \1\ 1  14K  1)~)Url'l' l'IX!...·... arc li,tl'd ln Appt'ndh "('"
                            ;lI l!le n;lcl.. nfc;lI.:h \,olut1lc The ronlon thal tt)nn.... thL' ....Odl· Il'lillg j... lIl1..' prefi'X nflhe l"lltlc
                            ohl' 1':111 of Ihe L'CM...!"" lhar l·(l1lH..~S hefore IhL' hyrht:rll. For L'xalllrk' -' Ihl;' l'ode prefix in our
                            L''\a111r1c i... MX 1. From Appendix "C" wc dls....ovcr thilt MX 1 n..'lCr-.. [0 :1 hntlk C'n!ltkd
                            Illustrated Hislorical Atlas of Middlesl'x Cnunty .. ruh1i,hcd in Iln~
                              The llllllk'ral" lh.ll l'Oille after the hyrhl'n an: !nlcnla! ...oun.:m!! l'(ll1C'" \\ Llhlll (llir
                            lihrary h~' 1"("L'arch "'!afr.
                              For:t li" nt" ...carchc:-. il\o'aii:Jhlt:. and 111L'lhods nI' "'L':'Jn.:hm~ in Clllad'L. lhe Il S A  Ille
                            Brili...h I...le... :lI1d oll1l'r EUfOrean l'ounlriL'''. rlca...l' n:l/ucsf our frCL' litl'ralUrL'
                                    ThL' CiCtH.';lil)gil';11 RL'~t.·arl'h Linrar}'. Civil' SLJuare
                                    ~~ll \\'~lIil1~[on Slreet. I.pndoll. ()nlann, Canada NhA .IP9



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