Page 3 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 3


                             This three-volume set of books contains more than 250,000 nameentries.
                         The majority of naIne entries were "heads of familles" in Ontario's pasto
                         Today, their descendants would number in the millions and be found
                         throughout the world.

                             To prociuoe this directory, we compiled and indexed infonnation from
                         more than 400 townships, from a wide variety of sources. and then alphabet-
                         ized the names into one single list. The resulting ''master index" will prove
                         to be valuable for historians, genealogists. biographers, researchers and the
                         public at large.
                             Each name entry is identified by a source code number, whieh refers to a
                         specifie book, map or mm where information regarding that pernon ès located.
                         Many entries include detalls about occupahons. Most entries provide a year
                         when the inclividual Wa.9 born. married. died orat lea.9tayearwhen they were
                         known ta be living. a.9 well a.9 where they lived.
                             People of Onwrio. 1f>()()-19lili. Wa.9 compiled and indexed over a ten-year
                         period by our founder and a team of compiJers and indexers. Special thanks
                         is also due ta our programmer, who us tbat our computer program
                         would faithfully alpbabetize and print out the final Iist of names, along with
                         the information Jearned about each person.

                             Genealogy ha.9 always been acknowledged a.9 an auxilliary branch of
                         hlStory. However, titis partieular publication demonstrates that genealogy
                         is a science -  a science that seeks to ldentify a particular individual.

                             By organizing our information according to the scientifie standards of
                         genealogieal researoh, we are confident that an invaluable research tocl has
                         been ereated, both for now and for generations yet to come.

                         Noel Montgomery Elliot,
                         Director of Researoh
                         The Genealogical Research Library
                         October. 1984
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