Page 4 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 4
How To Use This Directory
Thc~e volume~ cont.lin nvcr 250,()(X) name cnlrics with 3lt'H:hcd infnnn...tion. l'hL'
names Ihemsclves <Ire 3ITJnged ulphabctic311y by sumame. and givcn nal11ds) or initiab.
To expIain the system. here is <J fictirious cxamplc:
l'hi" ('tm'Y 1.. l:ol1lf'll"cd of fin- major parts:
JONES. Harve)' .1 (FAR) L1878(EL) MXI-148
1 2 3 4 5
1. Surname
l'hL' ...urnall1t:' fL'fer... (0 thL' .. famil y nallle" or' la:-.I name" (lI th.: inJ ivlJual :\ 1rhnll~h rhL'
"'1lfl1~II11L' u:-.ually rClllain:-. (hL' sam~ for L"'Kh ~L'llerall(l1l nt;1 falllity. [hL' ...pclllfl;! may aller
ChL'I.'!-.. lHhl..'r ros....ihk ...pellin;!s fL'...pel:lally olhL'r "'rl'llill~'" \1, hil:h sound the ...allle WhL'1l
prnnouncil1,;!' thL' sumal11cl
ln L'L'n'IÎn cases, such as ni.1tive Can~IJian rndi'll1' anJ tlllL'J "('r...on.... (hL" L'THire 11al11(' nr
IIIlL' l11ay hL' li'led in chL' '~critln Th~ rollnwm~ people, l"nrl:"xamrk. are li,ted ln
Ihe 'umal11~ '~L1\(m or Ihis dir~L'lnry:
2. Giwn Names
Gi\'en namL~'" ;m,' pcr...tHlalllaflll:"'" ~l\en III lllL' inJI\ Idual. SIC~I\;lll1e'" 'Ire ...h;l\\ Il Wllhlll
hrackl:"ts frarenthe:-'L's) {lr \\ilhiIlLjwllalion Jll;lr~'" :\I\\·ay... relllClllhl:"r (0 che("~ inilials ftlr
the ~i\'en n;lIn~:-. YllU an..' ...eeking
J, Ill'st'riplion Cmlt'
\Vllnl... thal Je...crihc IhL' lllJi\ iJual in ...llrl1C wa~, ...uch a:-. (he IIL'L'upalion. ;Irc eneln... ~J
\\ ilhin hrael-..~h and immt'diately fnlJ(m the ~h-'en n<lme set,tinn Shon t:llt.k... ,lr~ u"'L'd .
... uch;l'" (F:\R) ln the aho\ e c\alllrfc n....:-.crqil1on Londe... arL' fnund in "prwndi, .., \" al rflL'
hacl-.. (lt"e:!ch \ (I!LlIllL'" Inlhr", L'\;Ullr1co IFA.R~ 11lC:Uh farml'r
~. Year
ln thc :lh(l\"(' c\aJllple.1.1H7H ...imr1y tll('an~. Lidn~ in lhe ~L'"ar )>0:7:-< Th~ ~ear ...hll\\n ln
c..H."h nanl~ entry fllllt)w ... a ICi(cr (or klh?r'-) (If lhc "llph;lhcI. HL're are rhe rt':-.:-.ihlc k'llcr'" anJ
whi.1[ Ihl:"Y lllL'an:
R = Born
n.-' = Bartilt:,d
C =
\1 = .\lamed
J) = Died
ln[ = RUrlt?J
L = a :ear the ret'.on wa.... knn\\n hl he livln.!!
Sotllc[ime:-. [he ~car 1:-' lllllowetJ h;..r the lerler "(.;.. ni" "ca" which l1ll'an... dn'ao or appn)xim~ltc
1n our l'\~ullrlc, Ih~rc arc ktler... of Ihe a1rh;lhet wllhln hradl'I'" fnlhl\\' in:; the 1i.... in~ ycar:
This refers lO a Place Code. AU Place Codes are lisled in Appendix ·'8" neur the end
of each volume or in Appendb: "C"
ln Appendb: HC", <EL) means Elgin County, This portion of (he entry me3ns th3t
Harvey Jo Jones was living in Elgin CounlY in 187H.