Page 182 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 182
Leclair Funeral Home Records 1917 - 1944
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Surname Maiden Name Data
RENAUD Laurent Died November 30, 1921 in Sudbury at 23 years, born Ste Cécile de Masham. occupation college boy.
residence Cache Bay, buried in Cache Bay, funeral date December 2, 1921. clergy T. Thériault, physician J. R.
Hurtibise - ordered by Renaud, Dosithie - charged to Renaud, D. -of Cache Bay
REPRENEK Male Died August 22. 1917 in Sudbury at 27 years, born Austria. occupation C.P.R. foreman, residence Sudbury,
buried in Sudbury, funeral date August 24. 1917, physician J. N. Dixon - ordered by Reprenek, Tony - charged
to Reprenek, Tony - of Parry Sound
REYNOLDS Gerald Died April27, 1940 in Sudbury at 6 months 6 days . born Blind River, residence Cutler. buried in Walford,
funeral date April27, 1940, physician Dr. Myatt - ordered by Reynolds. George - charged to Reynolds, G. -of
Cutler, Ont.
RHEAUME Timothie Died November 27. 1917 in Sudbury at 68 years, born Sainte Marthe, P.Q., occupation farmer. residence
Chelmsford. buried in Chelmsford. funeral date November 30, 1917, clergy F. Coté, physician J. E.
Charbonneau - ordered by Rhéaume, Eugène -of Chelmsford
RIBERDI Edwidge ROBERGE Died July 6, 1926 in Sudbury at 45 years, barn St Jean de Matha. occupation housewife, residence Lavigne,
Ont., buried in Lavigne, Ont., funeral date Shipped July 7, 1926, clergy F. Dubuc. physician Dr. Torrington -
ordered by Riberdi, Zenon - charged to Riberdi, 2. - of Verner, Ont.
RICARD Maurice Died August 15. 1920 in Sudbury at 11 months 21 days, born Sudbury, residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury.
funeral date August 16, 1920, clergy F. Carriére, physician J. E. Charbonneau - ordered by Ricard, Emile -
charged to Ricard. E. -of Sudbury
RICHER Florida Died October 31.1936 in Sudbury at 41 years 5 months 27 days, born Clarence Creek, occupation housewife.
residence Sudbury, buried in Blezard Valley. funeral date November 2. 1936. clergy F. Dufresne. physician Dr.
Boyce - ordered by Richer, E. - charged to Richer, E. - of 214 St. George
RICHER Hermas Died November 16, 1939 in Blezard Valley at 73 years 8 months . born St. Hermas, occupation farmer.
residence Blezard Valley. buried in Blezard Valley, funeral date November 18, 1939. clergy F. Dufresne,
physician Dr. Laflamme - ordered by Richer, H. (Mrs.) - charged to Richer, H. (Mrs.) -of Blezard Valley
RICHER Wilfrid Died July 29. 1919 in Sudbury at 8 months. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date
July 30, 1919, clergy F. Carrière. physician Morrison - ordered by Zéphir Richer
RlOUX Célina Died August 1. 1936 in Sudbury at 73 years. born St. Mathieu. occupation housewife. residence Wahnapitae,
buried in Wahnapitae, funeral date August 3, 1936. clergy F. Hamel, physician Dr. Laflamme - ordered by
Rioux, Félix - charged to Rioux. F. - of Wahnapitae
RIVARD Alfred Died December 2, 1937 in Sudbury at 54 yean 11 months 22 days (or 53 years), born Embrun, occupation
carpenter, residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral date December 4, 1937, clergy F. Coallier, physician
Dr. Dales - ordered by Rivard, Narcisse 8 James - charged to Rivard, N. 8 J. -of 338 Bond
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