Page 185 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 185
Leclair Funeral Home 8 ecords 1917 - 1944
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Giiiname Maiden Name Data
RIVARD Florimond Died October 29,1917 in Sudbury at 9 months, born Sudbury. residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury. funeral
date October 30. 1917, clergy F. Descoteaux, physician J. N. Dixon - ordered by Rivard. Alfred - charged to
Rivard, Alfred -of Sudbury
RIVARD J. Died November 26. 1937 in Sudbury at Stillborn. born Sudbury, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral
date November 27, 1937, clergy F. Lemay, physician Dr. Mitchell - ordered by Rivard. Narcisse - charged to
Rivard, N. -of 328 Bond
RIVARD Joseph Died July 31. 1919 in Sudbury at 10 years. born St. Charles. Ontario, occupation student, residencesudbury,
buried in Sudbury. funeral date August 1, 1919. clergy F. CarriBre, physician J. E. Charbonneau - ordered by
Alfred Rivard
RIVARD Willie Died Apri127, 1939 in Sudbury at 30 years 10 months 8 days. born St. Charles, occupation mine labourer,
residence Sudbury, buried in Blezard Valley, funeral date April 29, 1939, clergy F. Coallier. physician Dr.
Mitchell - ordered by Laporte, E. - charged to Rivard. W. (Mrs.) - of 160 King
RIVET Cordelia Died May 29, 1939 in Sudbury at 82 years 11 months 26 days. born St. Jean Chrysostome, occupation
housewife, residence Sudbury, buried in Sudbury, funeral date May 31, 1939, clergy F. Bisson, physician Dr.
Hooey - ordered by Hebert, O. - charged to Hebert, O. I Dupuis. A. - of 320 Queen 1 Whitefish, Ont.
RIVET Euclide Died November 8. 1935 in Sudbury at 73 years 9 months 27 days. born Ste Julienne, P.Q.. occupation retired
farmer. residence Sudbury. buried in Sudbury, funeral date November 11. 1935, clergy F. Coallier, physician
Dr. McCullough - ordered by Rivet. J. - charged to Rivet. J. - of 673 Wilma
RIVET Tanis Died September 16, 1923 in Sudbury at 75 years, born St. Lin, P.Q., occupation farmer. residence Sudbury,
buried in St. Charles, funeral date Shipped September 17, 1923, physician Dr. Henry - ordered by Rivet,
Francis - charged to Rivet, F. -of St. Charles
ROBB Andrew Died March 31, 1920 in Gogama at 46 years, born Glasgow, Scotland. occupation lumberman, residence
Gogama, buried in Toronto. Ontario, funeral date April 7. 1920, clergy Presbyterian, physician H. M. Torrington
ordered by Laforest 8 Cochrane - charged to McKessock. R. - of Sudbury
ROBERGE François Died April6, 1924 in Sudbury at 63 years. born St Anselme. occupation labourer, residence Sudbury. buried in
Sudbury, funeral date April 11. 1924, clergy F. ParB. physician Dr. Morrison - ordered by St. Joseph's Hospital -
charged to Sweezey, W. G. (Mrs.) - of L'Orignal
ROBERT J. B. Died October 10, 1924 in Sudbury at 60 years 6 months 2 days, born St Jacques, P.Q.. occupation clerk in
1 store, residence Foleyet, buried in ~ontreal. funeral date shipped October 10, 1924. physician Dr. Cook -
ordered by Robert, Joscelyn - charged to Robert, Jos. - of Foleyet
Died April 13, 1943 in Sudbury at 57 years 9 months 10 days, born St Damien. P.Q.. occupation engineer.
residence Copper Cliff, buried in ~udbury, funeral date A~~II 1943. clergy Rev. ~anerton, physic&n Dr.
Hooey - ordered by Gallagher, P. J. (Mrs.) - charged to Gallagher. P J. (Mrs.) -of 313 Peter St., Copper Cliff
Illegal Io copy without permission -copyright 2004 Sudbury District Branch. Onlario Geoealogical Society
do Sudbury Public Library, 74 Mackenzie Sl.. Sudbury, ON, P3C 4x8 Att. Publications Co-ordinator